Funny Kid Stories

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by azhomeschooler, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Ok, my friend's son (6) was in major meltdown mode yesterday when she posted on facebook that he was trying to run away, but couldn't get the garage door open. Funny if you are not the kid. It then made me laugh remembering over a year ago when my son was mad at me (4 or 5 at the time). He started packing stuff up telling me he was running away from home. It was getting later in the day so I reminded him that it would be getting dark soon. I asked him what he would do in the dark. His response was "I'm not leaving the house.":lol: In his mind he knew he wanted to "run away", but he never had any intentions of actually leaving the house. :roll: Are there any other funny stories to help share the laughs?
  3. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Here's another. Last summer my son (5 at the time) asked if he dug a hole 10 feet deep would I give him $100. I of course knew how deep 10 feet would be, so I said "sure." He started digging going on about how the news would come and he would be forward 30 minutes and he was only down a few inches. Mind you, he was digging with his little plastic sand shovel. He then asks if we could change it to 5 feet. An hour later, he asked about going a foot down when I brought out a ruler for him to see how deep he was. He sort of gave up on winning the money and fame, but not completely. Every time he had a friend over or was at the park with friends, he would try to recruit people to help him dig 10 feet down so they could get $100. Needless to say, my money was safe.
  4. MilkMaid

    MilkMaid New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    When asking my dds (4 & 5 yo at the time) if they wanted grilled cheese sandwiches, the 5yo tomboy replies,"No thanks, I'll take a boy cheese."

    She then responds to my puzzled look with, "Autum(4yo little sister) can have the 'girl' cheese." I guess I was saying the word grilled so fast that she thought I was saying girl cheese. LOL
    So now we don't have 'grilled' cheese @ our house, we have 'girl or boy' cheese sandwiches. :angel:
  5. mom24boys!

    mom24boys! New Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    We have two really old lap top computers that we call the "dinosaurs," and they are under a chair in the livingroom. One day 5yo ds looked under the chair and said, "Hey, mom I didn't know we had two dinosaurs!" 3yo ds, said, "Let me see," and looked under the chair and said, "Those aren't dinosaurs, those are computers!"
  6. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    When ds was 4, he asked me to drive him into town. It was bedtime, so I told him "no", but asked him why. He said that he wanted to help the kids who were out sleeping on the streets who didn't have homes. I told him that our little town of barely 1,000 people didn't have any children sleeping out on the streets. He was furious with me for refusing to take him into town! He said, "I have to help them! If you won't take me into town, I'll ride my bike!!!" Needless to say, nobody went into town that night, but he would not rest until Dh came home and verified there were no homeless children on the streets of our town.
  7. mom_2_3

    mom_2_3 Active Member

    Jan 20, 2010
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    My 6 year old dd still mispronounces words. The one we've been cracking up over lately is "crunchy music". Whenever we get in the car, she asks me to 'Turn up the crunchy music".
  8. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Babyboy has always stayed with us while his parents work. He is five now. He is used to us going to our church several times during the week to do things that need to be taken care of or to talk to my sister in her office (She is our youth minister) about activities we have going on. As he got older we explained to him that church was God's house. One day while we were upstairs where there are a lot of Sunday School rooms, he looked at me and said, "Gran, which one is Jesus' room."

    For five years Babyboy was a vegetarian. His mom still is, but his dad is not. When Babyboy turned five last fall he started wanting to eat meat like other kids at church on Wed. nights and like kids he sees out other places, but mostly like his dad and my kids. Finally his mother said he could eat meat here and when we go out. She never cooks meat so he doesn't eat it at home unless his dad cooks. Anyway, the first time we went into McDonalds after she said he could have meat, we walked up to the counter and I told the young man working there that we needed a cheeseburger Happy Meal with meat. They know us there and know we have always ordered it without meat before. Babyboy looked up and in a very loud voice said, "I want to eat cow!" Everyone in line cracked up!

    One more!
    I got worried that maybe we were taking him to church a little too much when started saying the Pledge of Allegiance like this, "...With liberty and justice for all. Amen!"
  9. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Sloan, your story reminded me of a funny ABC song story. When my ds was younger, I could not get him to sing the ABC song for the life of me. He was one to learn the sounds of his letters before he could name the letters. So, one day he was singing and got to LMNOP, well here is what I heard, "Emma Emma P." Yep, he had 2 friends named Emma in our preschool. The best part was that he was so innocent and had no clue that it was wrong.
  10. MilkMaid

    MilkMaid New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Common in our house, we have group hugs. When my youngest dd (then about 3yo) said "Time for a 'grandpa' hug". Of course meaning group
    Also my oldest dd (then about 3yo) loves to fish & we were on our way back to the pond & she says "Dad, we are gonna wag their tails!"
    So now when we fish we 'wag their tails.'
  11. CokeZero

    CokeZero New Member

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Great stories. Thank you all for sharing. My little one set up shop in a corner of the basement for a day. He tried to make it through the night, but did not last long :)
  12. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    lol, the only one I can think of right now is this:

    When I was pregnant with Noah, my oldest son Christian (then 6 years old) not knowing much about how babies were born had asked me if I was going to take my sewing machine to the hospital with me so they could sew me back up after Noah was born :lol: Talk about needing to have an age appropriate discussion about how babies were born when I wasn't quite expecting it
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    When Phillip was a preschooler, the Sunday School teacher informed me that he was praying for a baby brother (!!!). I was over 40 at the time, and Phillip's pregnancy took a good bit out of me, so we had NO INTENTION of having another baby. We tried to explain this to him, but all he would say was, "But I'm praying about it!", as if that made it a done-deal.

    Turned out, we eventually found out the issue wasn't about a baby brother, but a bunk bed. The girls were sharing a room with a bunk, and he had decided that if he had a little brother, he could have a bunk bed, too! What he DIDN'T know was that his current bed was the bottom bunk, the top in storage in the basement. So we bunked them, he was happy, and I could stop worrying about God answering his prayer!

    I had another one, but I forgot what it was! If I remember, I'll post again!
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I REMEMBER!!! But it wasn't with any of MY children!

    This fall, I was a volunteer at co-op in a class grades k-2. We had one little girl who has trouble sitting still. She's constantly moving, always into everything, always with her hand up (and mouth open at the same time). I had her pegged within the first five minutes of class. I told her that she was going to be my "special friend", and I was going to sit right next to her. And I did, every class. At first, she thought it was really neat that I had singled her out. But about the fourth class, it was getting tiring. I sat next to her, and she asked, "Why are you sitting by me?" "Because I like you. You're my Special Friend." She sighed, then asked me, "Couldn't someone else be special today?"
  15. Countrygal

    Countrygal New Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    I also have a runaway story. My daughter was about 10. Her best friend lived about a mile away (we lived in the country). For weeks they planned how they were going to run away from home.

    I had a horse - a big, black Tennessee Walker who was over 17 hands and wouldn't let many people ride him. Ds's friend had a family horse.

    Well, the two families had planned a picnic together for a day in the summer. We all looked forward to the picnic, but especially the girls, because that was the day they were going to run away, unbeknownst to any of us!

    We were all having fun that day and the kids were off playing in the fields and the woods. We thought nothing of it. It came time to eat and all the kids were there except ds and her friend. We searched everywhere. The kids swore they didn't know where they were. Finally, after an hour or more of searching, the oldest boy of the other family admitted they were running away with the horses. Well, we immediately became concerned because my horse could be a bear, so we rushed over to our house where we found my horse peacefully nibbling hay and the saddle and bridle laying on the ground outside the pen. Obviously, he wouldn't let the girls near him. lol.

    So now we knew they were on one horse. We weren't particularly worried, as the horse was pretty reliable and the girls were both used to riding. My ex was a state trooper, so we decided to give the girls a little lesson. We called in the state patrol and the county cops and sent them out looking for the girls instead of looking for them ourselves. :)

    They found them halfway between home and the other girl's grandma's house. The horse wouldn't cross the bridge over the river. :roll: So we went and got them and brought the horse and girls back to the picnic. They were SOOOOOO embarrassed to have the "cops" find them!!!

    It turns out they had run off without any clothes, money or food - they didn't even bring along a change of underwear! They were headed to Wyoming to start raising horses with the other girl's mare and our GELDING. :lol:

    You had to give them credit for guts. My son never got any farther than the barn..... ;)
  16. azhomeschooler

    azhomeschooler New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Love the stories, Ladies. Kids can be so cute and funny. Keep sharing the laughs.
  17. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    I am loving these stories!
  18. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    When my ds was about 2 and a half, our cat had a litter of kittens and ds had watched her move them to another hiding place. Later I heard him speaking to me, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying, it sounded like his mouth was full. It sounded like he was saying "look, I'm a momma cat". I turned around and he had a kitten IN HIS MOUTH. he was carrying it by the neck just like the momma cat does. I didn't know whether to laugh or be disgusted!
  19. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    BWAHAHAHA!!! :lol: Reminds me of the three horseshoes I had collected when I was 5 or 6. They were all hanging up in the barn just waiting for the 4th shoe to be found somewhere. Then I would be able to convince my dad to let me have a horse! After all, how could he say "no" if I already had the shoes, rust and all?!
  20. MilkMaid

    MilkMaid New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    My dds were 5 & 6yo @ the time that I was throwing my cousin a baby shower. Weeks of planning & talk of this baby shower, the girls were so excited.
    The day has arrived & mom-to-be is opening gifts & opens a baby bathtub. My 5yo yells, "That's from us, we finally got to give you your baby's shower."

    I am confused as to why she is claiming to have gave this gift to my cousin. It wasn't from us, we got her a pack-n-play.:?

    Finally I realize that she thought the whole time that I was planning this baby shower that we were giving a bathtub as a gift.LOL Shower, bath same concept, you get in it to wash the stink off with water.:lol: It made since to her.:angel:
  21. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Our son Bill was little when our oldest got married. He was so excited to be asked to be in his big brother's wedding. We told him he had to go get fitted for his suit that he was going to wear in the wedding. When we got to the wedding shop he stood very still while they measured him and then told the lady he wanted a Batman suit. Thankfully he settled for a tux and loved wearing it.

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