I want to pull my hair out today!!

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by mommix3, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    This has been an exceptionally trying day for me today.. It seems like all the kids had issues with their schoolwork. I felt like I was twirling in circles with all the kids. Ds15 struggling with his math,dd11 forgot how to multiply,dd7 whining because she doesn't want to do her spelling,ds13 jumping up and down to go to the boys and girls club with a friend.. UGH!! Finally talked dd15 into redoing his pre-algebra book as a refresher. He was in Algebra in public school and totally bombed it.. Drilled dd11 on her multiplication tables and skipcounting. Then had to sit with dd7 to make sure she didn't freak out over her work.. Ds13 is now happily at the boys and girls club. I've been struggling with installing a spanish program on our computer all day.. I THINK I finally got it.. Still waiting for the install wizard to finish installing then we can start using this in our school. Good grief!! I'm SOooo glad today is over!! And I still need to figure out our lesson plans. Since ds15 came home I've had to reschedule everything. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.. I'm WORN out. I get to go help with the AWANA Sparkies tonight.. What I'd really like to do is go to sleep..
  3. Amethyst

    Amethyst New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    (((HUGS))) Oh man, I hate days like that. Time to pull out my Scarlet O'Hara motto: After all, tomorrow is another day...
  4. tiffharmon2001

    tiffharmon2001 New Member

    Nov 3, 2009
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    Two words: FULL.MOON. My kids have been off the wall the last couple of days-loud, whiny, picking at each other, running through the house. I was trying to figure it out on the way home from Tae Kwon Do Monday evening when I noticed the full moon. Gets us every time. Some people will say it doesn't affect kids, but I could always tell when it was coming by the kids in my classroom. Thank goodness it doesn't last long!
  5. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    THAT'S why the AWANA kids were crazy last week!! LOL.. That explains it ALL!! My kids have been fighting like crazy the last week as well. Hmmmm..

  6. tiffharmon2001

    tiffharmon2001 New Member

    Nov 3, 2009
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    You can always tell when it's a full moon and when the weather's going to change by the way the kids are behaving. My kids can predict the weather better than any meteorologist around. :)
  7. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    WOW!! The AWANA kids were super crazy tonight. I love them to pieces though. Even the one who tried to spit on me and screamed in my ear.. Good grief!!
  8. mas3398

    mas3398 New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Wow, that sounds terrible! I hope you are recovering! One way you can help get things going smoothly for the school day is to create a task schedule that has an approximate amount of minutes each task will take next to it, and tell your kids that we will be following this schedule today. Include breaks and fun activities in the schedule as well.

    example: Breakfast 30 min
    Math lesson #1 15min
    reading lesson #1 25 min
    Break 10 min
    Science #1 30 min
    Project #1 45min
    Lunch 45min
    Outside activity 45min
    Math #2 20min

    These are just examples, but you get the idea. By using a schedule like this, you can avoid all arguments by deferring to the schedule. If you child asks what they are supposed to do or is off task, then defer them to their schedule. If they get off task on the schedule, change your times and subjects around. Let eh kid choose when they want to each subject and what amount of time they think is appropriate for each subject. This gives your kid more control over their situation. I like to add chores to the schedule as well.

    P.S. This method worked extremely well when I was working as a teaching parent in a short-term home for boys and girls in NC. Give it a try! Let me know if it works.

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