Convince parents?

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Diya, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. Diya

    Diya New Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Basically public school is terrible for me. I have anxiety problems, and get very depressed. I can't even count the number of times I'v contemplated committing suicide.
    I read up about home education, and I think I'll go very far if I get into it. I'm 14, and (sorry for sounding so self-confident), cleverer than most people my age.
    I got a better result in English than people 4 years older than me, and I got the best result in maths.
    I work best by myself, and when I have to do homework, I do it very nicely, it ends up being beautifully presented and well thought out. But at school, my work is not as good. It's either too boring, too hard, too easy, or the people in my class talk too much and the teacher never gets through the lesson.

    I tried convincing my mum, but she says no one is home schooled, and I should go to a doctor if I have problems. I do have problems. With public school. I can't imagine myself going through more years of this torture. If I was home schooled- education would be so amazing and fun to me. I would definitely benefit.

    My parents seem against this though- any idea how I could convince them? They both work full time but I'm of age to home school myself.
  3. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Hello. It sounds like your parents are open to having discussions about how you feel. I would listen to your mom about seeing a doctor. (and if you were my child, I would take you to the doctor myself. :) ) I suffered terribly from depression in high school and early adulthood. The chemicals in our bodies sometimes get out of whack, especially during that time of your life. You'd be amazed at how much different things seem when your body is working for you instead of against you.

    If you talk with a doctor about it and get some help for the things you can't control (how our hormones and other things act up) and you still feel like the school environment is not working for you, then talk to your parents again. It could be that there are other things that need to change at school or at home, and maybe they'd consider homeschooling at that point.

    Either way, lean on your parents right now. They love you and want to help you. When I was depressed, I didn't think anyone really understood. In reality, they did know what I needed, I just could not seem to get myself out of the fog to realize that. Hope this helps.
  4. Diya

    Diya New Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Thanks for the reply :)
    Iv been through a lot of bad things at public school, and my parents know it very well. The problem is that they think it'll all get better if they ignore it. If I give a suggestion - they look at me like I'm crazy.
  5. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Full-fledge homeschool might be too big of a jump for your parents. Is there any cyber-school options in the UK? Private or publicly funded? If you found a full program online, maybe that would be less of a stretch for them than pick-you-own curriculum homeschooling.
  6. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  7. Diya

    Diya New Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Iv researched a lot about it, and gave my mum facts...but she acts as if home schooled people are socially awkward and stupid. She says no one is homeschooled, and she won't have me lazing around doing nothing.
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Perhaps you could talk her into giving you a trial period. She's very right to say she doesn't want you lazing around all day. I don't know you to know if that's an real concern or not. Assuming you are a diligent person, I would ask her to let you "try" for about three months, and you can use that time to prove to her just how serious you are. As far as "socialization", there's been plenty of studies to disprove the social misfits.

    But the bottom line is that you need to be willing to accept your mother's decision, regardless of what it is.
  9. MegCanada

    MegCanada New Member

    Feb 22, 2010
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    Actually, is a psychiatric doctor a possibility? If you can convince a doctor or psychologist that you'd benefit from a year of homeschooling, he may be able to convince your parents to give it a go.

    The dad of one my students was dead set against letting his 12yo son home school. It was his son's psychologist who sat him down and told him that his son needed to take time off school. His dad wasn't willing to accept what his son and ex-wife were telling him, but he was fine with taking advice from a man with a "Dr." in front of his name.

    Sometimes it really helps to get other adults on your side - especially adults your parents respect.
  10. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    "Like", Meg!
  11. Diya

    Diya New Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Me and my mum sat down yesterday and I had this loooong speech about how I would benefit from home schooling and the problems with public school. She's convinced, but now we need to convince my dad, which is gonna be hard.

    The doctor might help :)
  12. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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  13. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Good for you! Tell your parents to come on here and talk to us. No one will try and twist their arm, but they may find the information they need to ease their fears.
  14. Diya

    Diya New Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    My dad seems ok about it, but he said he still needs to think. He doesn't feel like letting me learn on my own with no support, so he's searching up on special books or something.
    Thanks every one :)

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