Starting a blog vs. Blogging for someone else

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by TeamJebus, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. TeamJebus

    TeamJebus New Member

    Dec 19, 2009
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    So i'm looking for a few entertaining ways to make a little bit of extra cash. I know several people in this forum are bloggers and I was wondering if anyone here had a view they would be willing to share. I actually have a domain name i've purchased for the past few years, but i've done nothing with it b/c....well, procrastination, fear of taking that first step, not knowing how to start, etc. I have decent writing skills in that I seem to have a knack for weaving somewhat entertaining stories smattered with information here and there. I assume blogging for an established website means guaranteed hits, but my entrepreneurial spirit keeps whispering "don't work for the man!! Do it yourself".

    I am a stay at home dad of four who home schools using both online curriculums and a classical curriculum that i'll be starting as part of a co-op this year (i'm gonna teach science.....who volunteered me for that again!!??). I also like to cook, have been following politics for over 20 years, and have a decent eye for taking photos as well. I do think that I could eventually create an interesting independent blog but that nagging voice keeps telling me it wouldn't be all that interesting to anyone but me.

    Anywho....suggestions? :?:
  3. Teresa

    Teresa New Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    I'm interested in what anyone has to say about this too. I have not purchased a domain name yet, but I've got a whole blog in my head and on paper. It's just taking that first step! Good Luck to you!
  4. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    What do you mean by "for someone else"? I have a bunch of different things going on with my own domain names and with blogspot and hubpages. I also blog/write articles for a business and get paid by the hour.

    I'd say to go for it if it is something you enjoy. If you want it be a money-maker then I think you will need to put in full-time work and wait awhile before you start to see any decent returns.
  5. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Get your own blog up and running!

    It gives people you want to write for something to look at and when you write for others you can link back to your blog (usually) and get more readers of your own that way. Then, the more readers your blog has, the more likely others are going to want you to write for them. The more readers YOU have, the more money you will make.

    If you need any help let me know, feel free to PM me. I've blogged for money for years. (though currently taking a break until my stalkers get bored of driving by my house and harassing me) I'm familiar with several different hosts, do my own graphic design, I can tinker a little with my own html, ect.

    Like Embassy said-making money blogging is a full time job and it does take time to build it up to make any money. But it is fun and rewarding.
  6. TeamJebus

    TeamJebus New Member

    Dec 19, 2009
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    Getting paid however much for blogging for a site where someone else gets paid first, then pays you. Doing some brief research seems like you would be writing constantly for a fairly low amount of money.

    To be honest, with the advent of FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc. I can't imagine I'd keep my own blog going w/out the likelihood of eventually getting something monetarily out of it. The artist in my is very attracted to the idea of a blog, but the lazy guy who doesn't like to focus on an hour and a half movie really hates the idea.
  7. TeamJebus

    TeamJebus New Member

    Dec 19, 2009
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    Jeez. Sorry about the stalkers. Being a stocky bearded dude in the suburbs with a pit bull and a wife with a mean disposition, I'm betting that wouldn't happen to me. :D

    I've got to figure out some curriculum stuff, but I will PM you later to get the scoop. I definitely am not looking to do this full time as i've got boat loads of other things to do (i'm the stay at home home schooler of four kids in our house), but i'm also not looking to support us financially. A couple of hundred dollars and a cool blog to show for it would be awesome. Like I said, I like the artistic aspect of it, plus it could be a great homeschooling opportunity for kids.

    I'll PM you. And thanks. :)
  8. mandiana

    mandiana New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    You should do both. :) Start your own blog, but guest post on other established blogs to help get traffic your way and build your following!

    Be sure to download and install Wordpress on your own server (a lot of people use BlueHost when first starting out) since you have a domain. Don't bother with Blogger (Blogspot). You'll have much more freedom and customization capabilities which will make earning an income much easier.

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