How important is it....

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TeacherMom, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    for you to --- be on track timewise?

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?

    to finish school by 3 each day?

    do home school AT HOME?

    not involve the government in your school?
    :?::confused::wink: Just curious

    but I love being on track timewise, but my teens loose the focus on it.

    I feel as if I failed if I did not teach what I planned most days.

    If the day goes long I am worn and stressed often.

    I would really rather HOME schooling is done at home but am actually enjoying some outside influences.

    my school is non ruled by government control for a reason... its not something I really want.
  3. Pam L in Mid TN

    Pam L in Mid TN New Member

    May 31, 2012
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    Keep in mind: I have a 12th grade boy and a 9th grade boy. My answers will be very different from someone with children in6th/7th and lower grades!

    for you to --- be on track timewise?
    not very important. I have to leave for a job about 1pm each day and we try to be as productive as possible between 8am and 1pm

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?
    Somewhat important. I like to begin the day with subjects that were not done the previous day. I like the boys to work down the subject list most of the time. Some days I'll look at the list and say, "These 3 things will take 15 minutes each. Do those first and then work "down" the list." If we do not finish in the week, it is just shifted to Monday of the next week. We rarely do lessons on the weekend.

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    Not important. Most days I have to leave for work at 1pm. I try to finish my teaching time by noon. I will leave a list of assignments for afternoon lessons. It is up to my boys what time they finish. :)

    do home school AT HOME?
    Very important! They sometimes do lessons at the library and they are just too distracted by all the great books to do lessons!

    not involve the government in your school?
    I do not know how to answer that. I am in an umbrella program that requires the state graduation requirements. ( I think this is a good thing. )I follow TN homeschool requirements and my umbrella school's requirements. I follow the laws but do not seek to "involve the government" in my school.
  4. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    for you to --- be on track timewise?
    Important. Because if I get off track even one day, I spiral and it turns into weeks.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?
    Well, see the answer to the first question. lol

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    Very important. DH gets off at 3 and I go in at 3. Anything not done before 2, actually, is not going to get done that day.

    do home school AT HOME?
    Well, for the most part. I'd rather school at home, but we do a lot of field trips, too.

    not involve the government in your school?
    I can't even stomach the fact that I have to turn in a LOI each year! That's how strongly opposed to governmental nosiness I am. My children are MY children and not some bureaucrat's business.
  5. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    be on track timewise?
    We do not keep a set time schedule. It wouldn't work for us. Still, we do make an effort to complete each days lesson the same day. Some lessons are so long that while I do not expect them to be completed the same day, I do expect them to be completed in a couple days.

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    It isn't important to finish school by 3:00. We finish early because we start early. But aiming to finish by a set time isn't a goal.

    do home school AT HOME?
    Most of our work is completed at home, but this isn't a must. We like to take our work to the lake and park when the weather is nice. Also, there is a lot to learn outside the walls of the house that textbooks alone can't teach.

    not involve the government in your school?
    Aside from filing the yearly affidavit, I do not want the government in my home period. Homeschooling is a lifestyle for us and not a government planned schedule or curriculum. I am the parent and I know what is best.
  6. Samantha

    Samantha New Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    for you to --- be on track timewise? We don't have a timewise track. We fit our subjects in as time allows in our day. So not important. :lol:

    To get the right subjects down each day/week? It is a priority that my oldest do his math, writing, and either grammar or spelling all 4 days a week that we do school. Science/history/art etc those are fun things and I'm fine with making it into those subjects once a week. I might intend to make applesauce with the kids on Tuesday and then realize while dinner is cooking that we never got to it and push it off for Wednesday. Life happens I try to roll with it. The only time it's important to me is if it's a particularly time sensitive thing.

    to finish school by 3 each day? I prefer to finish school by 3 but if we get a super late start or something I don't sweat it. We finish when we finish. We've been known to finish school after dinner.

    do home school AT HOME?
    We primarily do school AT HOME. I prefer it that way mostly. I mean I enjoy field trips and so do the kids and we certainly capitalize on them and count them as schooling but we don't take our regular subjects with us to the library or park. My kids are all still little enough that they would just be too distracted to do that.

    not involve the government in your school?
    I prefer to leave the gov't out of my schooling. I am fortunate to live in a state where I don't have to declare our school or keep any kind of formal records. I lived in a state that required reporting and formal record keeping when my first three children were born and the mere idea of trying to adhere to all of that makes me nauseous. I don't think it's any of the governments business how I school my children, when where what, that's up to me and my husband. Fortunately for my children we believe in a strong education and so they will get one but not because the gov't said so.
  7. martablack

    martablack New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    for you to ---

    be on track timewise?
    Pretty important. Last year we never really got into our groove and did not finish everything I need to finish. Not a huge deal BUT by summer the kids worn out and getting them to work was almost impossible.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?

    We do almost ALL subjects everyday. I'd rather do 15-20 minutes a day on most subjects then try to schedule huge chunks of time and have it be hit or miss. (This works for some but not for me.) We do Health and Art every other day with our huge Art Project on Friday.

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    WE actually finish before 2 b/c of sports. (It is a bit of a crunch but)

    do home school AT HOME?
    Important! except if we plan to be away. Like last year we went to Texas for 3 weeks and took some subjects with us. Otherwise I have found my kids get distracted easy.

    not involve the government in your school?
    We use a virtual academy and my kids earn a "WA State diploma" we are dictated by the state and our school district. We don't home school b/c I don't want the government involved. I home school b/c our district does not offer a good education IMHO.
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I am so enjoying the posts here! Keep them coming!
  9. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    be on track timewise?
    Sort of important but I try and be flexible.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?
    I am not sure what you mean by "right subjects" I have a plan of what I want to do/accomplish for the year. I try to keep to my schedule but sometimes things happen and I need to change things around. I try not to change too much because then I would not get to the 80% completion of the curriculum mandated by the state.

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    Dd should be finished by 1:30 each day if she starts on time. Days that go later are usually because she is dragging things out...that I do not like. If it because something came up or there was a problem I do not care what time we finish or if we have to move something to the next day.

    do home school AT HOME?
    We mainly do work at home but sometimes we will take it to dr's appts or other places. As long as it gets done who cares where it happens.

    not involve the government in your school?
    I only talk to the distrct when absolutely needed, such as turning in our quarterly reports. The government/district does not need to be involved in what we are doing here.
  10. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    for you to --- be on track timewise?
    As long as I get my 180 days in all else I could care less about.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?
    If we miss a subject today or this week I'm not worried, it will get covered in time :) If we skip say artist study this week, I make it a priority next week. If we miss math today it's first thing tomorrow morning.

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    Not at all-we space our schooling out-we do school at 10pm some days. Little boys have short attention spans so we do school in short spurts.

    do home school AT HOME?
    It doesn't matter where we do school. In fact the rest of this month we will do school in a doctor's office at LEAST 1 day each week, if not 2!

    not involve the government in your school?
    VERY! The bare legal minimum for us!

  11. Amethyst

    Amethyst New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    But that's just me.
  12. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    for you to --- be on track timewise?

    Pretty important for me because I have 3 kids who I can't combine for most subjects.

    To get the right subjects down each week?
    Somewhat important. I skip some subjects when we have doctor's appointments or if, like today, the landlord comes by to fix things.

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    Not important at all. We rarely finish by 3.

    do home school AT HOME?
    Pretty important. Things are much easier to complete when we are at home.

    not involve the government in your school?
    I've only lived in places where the government had no regulations for homeschooling. It wouldn't bother me if there were some regulations as long as it wasn't a big time hog. I wouldn't mind government money for school stuff either.
  13. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    for you to --- be on track timewise?
    Its not that important to me to keep up with my time.. if it take longer for one subject than the other I am ok with it.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?

    Yes! I want all the stuff scheduled for the day done!

    to finish school by 3 each day?

    this is very important to me... my husband comes home around this time and when He gets home he is always having stuff for me to do so I have to be available... or I get pestered all. the. time.

    do home school AT HOME?

    I like being at home to school.. we seem to get more done in our own environment.
  14. shellyb

    shellyb New Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    For me it's very important to stay on track and stay on schedule. My DS12 is already behind due to him having dyslexia and being in public school for the first 6 years. I feel like we are playing catchup.
  15. Florence

    Florence New Member

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Important to be on track. If I don't stay on track we get behind. There are so many fun things to day besides math;)

    The exact subject each day is rather flexible.

    We start after 3 pm. I do like to be done before 7pm, though.

    School is at home. Too much excitement out there.

    I am a blighted sinner and don't mind doing my reporting. I am willing to do that to have some oversight to cut down on abused or neglected children being hidden by calling them homeschooled. If too many people "homeschool" but don't homeschool, I fear a backlash.
  16. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    for you to --- be on track timewise?
    I try really really hard to get a year's worth done in a 180 day school year. That's all their parents will give me! But, if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. It's more important to me that they learn WELL what they learn than it is how MUCH they cover in the school year.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?
    I try really really hard to get Bible, Literature/reading, English/LA, math, science, and history (of some description) done every day, but I'll mostly settle for 4 days a week of each. IOW, if Monday they miss doing Bible, and Tuesday they miss doing English, and Wednesday they miss doing Math (etc.), but they get everything else done that I scheduled, I'm reasonably happy. I try to fit in field trips as often as we can, at least every month or two, and time for remediating them up to speed in whatever subjects they're behind in, and fit in a little art and a little music now and then....

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    In our case, pretty important! Their parents come to pick them up and they're gone! Except DGS, who goes home with us...

    do home school AT HOME?
    Not important to us at all. We have a whole one-room school! NOT at my house!

    not involve the government in your school?
    As little as possible. I have to register my school every year, or the kids will be considered truant if/when they go back to public school.
  17. mom2lydia

    mom2lydia New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    be on track timewise?
    Since we use a virtual school it's important since we still have to keep up but at the same time if we do need to spend extra on an area we can and we can explore deeper into areas as well but then we have to make up the rest later

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?
    Not important. Some days we spend lots of time on one subject and other times we spend a little on all subjects. In the end it all works out and everyhing is learned

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    This is important to me just because I like the evenings to be family time for all of us but it's not the end of the world either if we had other things to do. However Dd is most receptive in the morning and right after lunch much mor than 20min or so after lunch and she's ready to do something else like play or watch tv etc.

    do home school AT HOME?
    Computer work has to be done at home but workbook things can be done anywhere. Next week we may be doing lots of workbook stuff on Monday and make up the computer things on Tuesday since we will likely be taking my grandfather to the dr. That's ok because we can work on these things at the dr office in the waiting area or in the car. That's the nice part is that we can take them places with us. If we have appointments we can also work on lots of reading activities as well which is HUGE for a second grader :)
    not involve the government in your school?
    Since we use a virtual school they are still basically in charge, however I want less involvement next year if SO and I can agree on it. However this was a great compromise for the 2 of us this year
  18. Emjay

    Emjay New Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    Keeping in mind I live in New Zealand...

    To be on track timewise: Not very, the sooner she gets her work done the sooner she can play.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week: Not very, so long as she does a bit of each subject each day. There are no subjects/topics that I legally have to teach.

    To finish school by 3pm each day: To keep us both sane we finish by 3pm each day.

    To do school at home: We normally do the bookwork side of things at home but sometimes I'll send her to my mums with assigned bookwork.

    To not involve the government: The only involvement the government has is that once a year I sign a declaration that we're still homeschooling, and I only have to sign if I want to received the homeschooling allowance.
  19. somo_chickenlady

    somo_chickenlady New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    be on track timewise?
    Throughout each individual day? not important, we keep working until we are done
    In regards to what needs to get done each day or each week? Very important. We can't finish the day until everything that needs to get done is done, but I don't care how long it takes.

    To get the right subjects down each day/week?
    Very important to our "schedule." If he has work in a certain subject that day, he needs to finish that work.

    to finish school by 3 each day?
    Not important. As long as everything that needs to get done does, I don't care when we start or finish. Most days we aren't done by 3 b/c I'm bad at math, so if DS needs help with math he will wait until after DH gets home from work to do it with him.

    do home school AT HOME?
    Important, b/c DS gets side tracked easily, so the majority of his work must be done in a quiet home environment.

    not involve the government in your school?
    Very important.

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