Weekend Workbooks

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by mom2lydia, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. mom2lydia

    mom2lydia New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Just wanted to say that even though my dd(7yrs 2nd grade) is in PS we have workbooks at home so that we can work on trouble issues and just stay involved as much as possible with her education since DH is against HS right now at this point. Today she got a workbook out and decided to work it on her own. It's a Math 3&4 and she has been working through different parts that interest her for over 30 min now with minimal assistance. It's not really covering new material just expanding on what she knows but she is enjoying it. I don't make her do this(I've had people tell me I push her too hard or make her do too many worksheets etc). She enjoys it and wants to learn it so I encourage it and help with it. She loves to learn, especially math and science. She comes home from school several times a month wanting to try various experiemtns that she comes up with on her own so we do them. Anyway not sure really where I'm going with this other than venting and wanting to be reassured that I'm ok to encourage her curiousity and want to learn and not harming it any by letting her explore and learn all she wants. Today it's decimals and addition with carrying in hundreds and learning numbers up to the millions. My thing is it seems like it would be more harmful to discourage her from wanting to learn anything than to help her to learn it.
  3. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Never squelch the desire to learn!
  4. Mouseketeer67

    Mouseketeer67 New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    I agree 100%. :)
  5. clumsymom

    clumsymom New Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    If she enjoys it, why not. Maybe it will also open to door for your husband to get on board with trying homeschool.
  6. mom2lydia

    mom2lydia New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Thanks. That is what I thought too. The other day I sent her to go get dressed and an hour and a half later she comes out in just her shirt and undies(only us 2 home at the time) and asks me to check a math problem because she came up with a different answer than the previous owner(hadn't erased the answers in the used workbook yet) and the calculator said she was right and she needed me to check to be sure her and the calculator were right. She had gotten distracted from getting dressed and checked the entire workbook for accuracy LOL. DH says we can revisit homeschooling in a few years when she goes into fourth or fifth grade. Although her being chased already by the boys at school has him starting to reconsider already LOL
  7. NewfMom

    NewfMom New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    That's awesome! One of my boys was exactly like that before we started homeschooling.

    You should check out the "Afterschooling" board on the Well-Trained Mind forums if you're looking for more ideas. :)
  8. mom2lydia

    mom2lydia New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Thanks. I'm not really looking to afterschool technically or anything. I just like having some extra on hand to expand or review as needed and because she LOVES workbooks. We have an amazing half price books in the area(about an hr drive) and they almost always have abeka workbooks in the $1-2 clearance section so I pick them up when they have ones we don't. They have tons of other workbooks as well and we have no problem getting those either especially at those prices. It just takes some white out or erasers to have the books cleaned up for us to use. The only thing I really push is reading because even though she comprehends it and can verbally answer everything she needs some work on writing it so I use one story a week to work on that with her. We are doing the 3rd-4th grade books because she hated the lower leveled ones but these aren't too bad and she can do them. I have tons of science experiment/magic books that we use and she helps in the kitchen w/ cooking. I may have to check out that board though as they may have some good ideas. I'm also getting ready to register to be a sub in a few schools because that's one of DH biggest things is I have no experience teaching:roll: I know it's not the same but he wants me to do it to get "experience" before we homeschool

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