Let me see your schedule!

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by traceycm1, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    Thanks! It's pretty new so there is not a ton of content yet, but I would like to start posting weekly.
  2. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I could write a schedule, but life is the best teacher. It is for us. :D
    Em is mostly independent in her studies. She is VERY organized.
    Sometimes, I don't think she's my daughter!!! :lol:
    She usually lets me know when it is time for her music lesson, youth, etc... She knows what subjects have to be completed. I do not have to tell her. It gets done. She is 15 1/2 and I think she values what she does more because she is in charge of it. I am there to help direct her, but once she is out of the house, there will be nobody to write a schedule for her, so it is best that she learns to live life and handle her responsiblilities as they come, and not as they are preplanned.

    ...and I am not knocking scheduling. If it is what works for your family, GREAT! :D I am sharing why I do not make a schedule for Em, not to mention, schedules and I do not work well together.
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Rachael was that way, too. It eventually got to the point where I pretty much just handed her the books, and she did it on her own. And that's pretty much how it's done in college, too, so it's good they learn that while still at home! Faythe needs more guidance, but she's good about doing things in her own time. She's actually complained about my having backed off of the math this summer, when I hadn't planned on doing that! She says if I don't get moving on it, she might just do it by herself (!!!). And Phillip? He's 13; need I say more, lol!
  4. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    If I didn't use a schedule we would get only half as much done :p Schooling 3 kids and a part-time job is a challenge for me and I have to divy up my time in a way that will work for everyone. I must admit I'm not one to push toward independence. My oldest is able to work independently for the most part, but I find he is more engaged and interested when he has interaction through discussion or when he is trying to finish a math problem before me.
  5. Shara

    Shara New Member

    Apr 10, 2013
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    I have pulled out the book "Managers of Their Homes" by Steven and Teri Maxwell at the end of every summer. I then set a schedule for our changing family situation. That being said, I don't think any day has ever followed the schedule as it is written, but it helps me think things through and focus on our needs. The book has a lot of schedules that actual homeschool parents have put together...that is my favorite part!
  6. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    I wish I could be more scheduled, but with littles around we just can't put times to things.

    We start school by 9am at the latest, then each child has a list of topics/assignements on a whiteboard on the wall. We aim for 15 to 20 min working hard on one area, then a break. Come back and work some more if necessary, if not, they go on to the next thing on the list. Some items we do all together.

    Play breaks happen as needed - when a baby or toddler is needing mommy or when a child has put in good effort and needs a break.

    Chore time happens after lunch, then back to school for my oldest, and play for the younger ones.

    Everyone is done by 2:30 and outside.

    One more round of chores before Dad comes home from work.
  7. clynnd

    clynnd New Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    I have a schedule. We rarely follow it though. The only things that get done exactly on schedule is that we get up and do Bible study right away then have breakfast. After that it's more fluid. Some days are more chores, some days are more school, and some days are more play. It just depends on the day and what's going on. I agree with others that life comes first and school is fit in where it can/should be. Life here doesn't revolve around school.
  8. my3legacies

    my3legacies Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    We used to have a schedule, and stuck pretty close to it, and that worked great for our family. We all knew what to expect during each day. Now, my kids are in Jr high and high school. I give them a list of their assignments for that week, and they must get them done in any order they choose. I just require them to work til 2pm and for the work to be completed by Fri, or else its school on Saturday, and they hate that. The only thing we schedule now is history/science which we do at toddler's snack time (she sits in her high chair, eats and watches us) and then takes a nap. Those are the only two subjects I actually teach to them, and its easier to teach, when there is not a toddler climbing all over the couch, and us, and getting into our stuff.

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