Whooooo Arrreeee Youuuuu

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by crazymama, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    So, since there are quite a few new people here (some posting, some reading), and most of us are beginning (or just began) a new school year, I thought it would be fun (and time killing) to post a little about ourselves.

    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    What state do you live in?
    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    How long have you been homeschooling?
    What brought you to homeschooling?
    What is your "method"?
    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?

    Anything else you want to share?
  3. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) I’m Sommer, you can call me that or Crazymama or just plain Crazy.. it all works for me ;)

    What state do you live in? I’m in North East PA, I have lived here most of my life now. We are just outside of very small town with a very big hospital (it’s all the keeps this town alive I’m afraid). We live on the top of a mountain on part of what was once hubby’s grandparents farm.

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. I have 4 kids. My oldest is 14 and a 9th grader at a (somewhat) local technical school. He is studying electronics right now, but will learn 3 more trades before the year is out, next year he will pick his “major”, which will most likely be computer programing and repair, this child is my most difficult child (and that is an understatement). Garrett is a First Class level Boy Scout. Then I have my “littles”. Rylee is 8, she is all about arts and crafts and being a couch potato. She is my only girl and takes full advantage of it. She is a Brownie Girl Scout. Reagan is her Irish Twin. He is 7, full of spunk, but gets frustrated to the point of meltdowns easily. We believe he is somewhere on the Spectrum (either Asperger’s or High-Functioning), but since he we are homeschooling him we have agreed with our dr to not go for a diagnosis. Reagan is a Wolf Cub Scout and wants to be a Monster Truck driver, and this summer got to drive a ½ scale monster truck. Our last little one is Cameron. He is 4 and as sweet as pie. He is almost always happy with whatever life throws at him, and he always has a smile on his face. He is my cuddly kid.

    How long have you been homeschooling? This is my 8th year. I really can’t believe it’s been this long!

    What brought you to homeschooling? We had a lot of problems with the school when Garrett was in K and 1st. He was bored and not challenged and it caused a lot of problems with him getting into trouble there.. or maybe that was just him. We decided that since I was going to be staying home with the little ones that I may as well homeschool him and see what happened. We never even considered sending the others out to school.

    What is your "method"? If I have to tell people, it’s relaxed eclectic.

    What is your favorite subject to teach? Probably history. I love history, but my kids hate books so it’s not the most fun for them since most of it seems to have to come from books and stories.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Grammar and Writing.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would love to be able to relax enough to unschool. Living in a highly regulated state, the thought terrifies me… and giving my kids don’t seem to care for books, I’m not sure they would learn anything anyway.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? For Garrett to actually turn in his homework every single time this year! Last year was a nightmare at school, and I’m still not sure how he passed. For Rylee, I would like to see her find a joy of reading, she is all about fantasy worlds and such… I want her to realize she can find beautiful ones in books! For Reagan, we are working on using his words when he is frustrated instead of just shutting down. For Cameron, well, not sure what to work on with him... maybe cleaning up his toys a little better. And most of all, for myself, finding strength inside myself to stay calm and stop being the screaming meanie mom… esp when Reagan has a meltdown.

    Anything else you want to share? Hmmm… I love books, but never seem to read anything that isn’t for the kids, I am online way too much, I hate housework, I often feel guilty (esp when we are struggling) for not bringing in money to the family, I have been a housewife for 9 years now, we are an Atheist/Agnostic family, we don’t like sports unless they involve tires and mud.. monster trucks, 4-wheelers, dirt bikes, etc. Can’t think of anything else about us that is interesting...lol
  4. OpenMinded

    OpenMinded Member

    Jul 19, 2009
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    I go by Openminded on here on some other boards I am Tidbits of Learning. Val is my irl name.
    What state do you live in?
    Louisiana but from Georgia/Florida
    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    4 kiddos
    13 dd-8th grade taking all high school classes, loves to draw, and plays sports...very well rounded
    12 dd-7th grade does not like any type of school lol, also loves to draw, and plays sports
    10 ds-5th grader who loves science, dysgraphic/dyslexic, does scouts and sports and loves video games
    6 ds-1st grader who loves reading and writing lol, my wild child full of energy and giving me grey hairs.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    5 years
    What brought you to homeschooling?
    Having a child with deathly food allergies but was unhappy with the school system before then.
    What is your "method"?
    We use k12. However, I am a dry erase board kind of teacher who likes to talk and write things out. We have lots of manipulatives and love to do the optional and hands on type of things.
    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    I would tell my past self that we don't need to join every homeschool group and co-op to have socialization....it causes burnout.
    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    LOL! Yes, I would love for my boys to keep their rooms clean and pick up their things. My girls need to learn to do their own laundry as well. I want them to learn some money skills this year as in I am not made of money and give them allowance so they realize how much things really cost since they will be spending "their" money.

    Anything else you want to share?
    I think after a few years you get burned out sometimes. I know I did this year. I went and toured the schools and they told me that they couldn't give my kids what I was giving them and if it were their kids they would keep them home. So even when you feel like everything is messing up and you can't do it anymore...sometimes all you need to hear is someone else say you are doing what is best for your kids. :)
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  5. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Who, who?

    Who, who?

    Sorry, couldn't resist as the song is stuck in my head now! I'll fill in the blanks later- off to get busy right now! Good idea by the way!

  6. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Who are you? Amie. Pronounced uh-ME, not "Amy." I don't have a nickname... unless you're my BFF. She calls me "Amy." ;)

    What state do you live in? We live in a town outside of Little Rock, AR. We were transferred here for work in December of '11. We are trying to get transferred back to SW MO.

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. Eli is 11 (6th grade). He's about to become a Second Class Scout. He takes golf lessons and loves Doctor Who (almost as much as I do). He played the clarinet before we moved; we can't find a teacher here. Quin is 9 and a Webelo 1 (4th grade). He has a mohawk, plays the drums, and skateboards. Xander is 7 (2nd grade). He is a Wolf Scout and takes Tae Kwon Do. Micah is 3 and pretty much runs the show around here.

    How long have you been homeschooling? This is out 7th year.

    What brought you to homeschooling? I took Eli in for his kindergarten testing and he scored, across the board, 1st grade in everything. BUT... they told me he was 4 days too young to start kindergarten that year. I had to hold him back an entire year, when he was already ahead, for 4 days?! He still would have turned 5 several weeks before the school year started, so he'd have been 6 going into kindergarten. That was ridiculous to me. So I planned to homeschool him just a couple of years, then transfer him back into PS at the 'right' grade level. Only, the more boys I birthed and the more I learned about schooling and, specifically, the emasculation of boys in PS, the more resolved I became to homeschool all the way through. DH wasn't entirely sold on them missing the "high school experience" until about 2 years ago. Now we're in it for the long-haul.

    What is your "method"? We're supposed to have a method? Hmmm. OH! I'm eclectic. Yes. We'll go with eclectic.

    What is your favorite subject to teach? History. I hated it in school, but I'm loving it now.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? At this moment, reading. More accurately, teaching Xander to read. The other two were so simple, but I'm hitting a brick wall with him.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I'd have ditched the all-in-one curriculum much sooner and adapted to each child for each subject.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? I want Eli to learn to swim. I'd also just die for them to do their chores without a constant fight.
  7. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) - Embassy suits me quite well, but it is not my irl name :)

    What state do you live in? None, although I have lived in 12 of them. I am currently in Canada.

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. 3 kids. Oldest is in 6th grade and he loves science and currently wants to go into computer game design. My 4th grade is a visual-spatial learner who also wants to go into computer game design. He loves creating games on the computer whenever he gets a chance. My youngest is in Kindergarten and is full of imagination and big ideas.

    How long have you been homeschooling? Started my 7th year

    What brought you to homeschooling? Not sure. I've always wanted to homeschool even before my kids were born. My job before kids involved personalizing education plans for kids so this is right up my alley.

    What is your "method"? Eclectic

    What is your favorite subject to teach? I don't actually teach much. I do like most of our subjects. We learn together or I facilitate their learning mostly.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Handwriting

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would have done psycho-educational testing at an earlier age.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    Yes, mostly related to motor skills and speech.
  8. Laura291

    Laura291 New Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    Who? Laura

    State? NC

    Kids? Andrew is 12 years old and Katelyn is 10 years old. Their grade level has morphed into one, but they should be 7th and 5th. :) They are sweet kids, but going through this sibling rivalry stage....they go from hot to cold so fast!

    How long? This is my 3rd year

    What brought you? Disappointment in our public school system, and the overall issues with "friends" my kids were making. Also, knowing that I could provide a more positive environment and better foster the natural love for learning that kids have, rather than the "I hate school" attitude they develop over time in public school.

    Method? Classical if I had to choose, but I'm not sure. We do Classical Conversations, Saxon Math, Apologia Science (and watch a lot of Nova Science Now), IEW for Writing, Sonlight History, Piano and Guitar Lessons, Marshal Arts and 4H. :)

    Favorite and Least Favorite: I personally love History, and I personally struggle with Grammar (I talk good - LOL - but diagramming sentences still stresses me!).

    Non-educational goal: To help my kids get along better, to leave the earth a better place than we found it by being kind to all creatures, partially through veganism, and to be happy and stress-free!
  9. rutamattatt

    rutamattatt New Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) Rutamattatt is a combo of my children's middle names...and it is way cooler than my plain IRL name.

    What state do you live in? TN, but originally from PA.

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. A. is 15. She was born in eastern Europe and became a part of our family at age 13. She is great with languages, but hates math. She has FAE, PTSD, and general anxiety, and struggles academically, but she is a total rock star of a young lady in every way. J. is 12. He is creative and relational, loves weather (especially severe weather anything!), sports, and will test for black belt in martial arts next summer. C. is 9. He is...fully himself. Interesting, fun, great at all areas of academics, never boring. Likes sports and will test for black belt in 2014.

    How long have you been homeschooling? This is our third year.

    What brought you to homeschooling? I have always been interested in home schooling, but it was a pretty far stretch for my DH so we sent both boys off to school until we adopted DD. Because of international adoption laws, we couldn't enroll her in school right away, so we pulled the boys out and began homeschooling together so we could mesh as a family. It has been one of the best decisions for our family, and my DH is a huge fan of it now.

    What is your "method"? I like to think of myself as "anti-gerbil". You know, "don't eat your own young". ;) We are sort of classical, but we are eclectic and all over the place.

    What is your favorite subject to teach? Bible and history.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Math is a sticky wicket that can lead to tears so I am not a big fan of that.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? We would have started sooner with the boys. I would have panicked less and not listened to everybody's opinion of what would work for us.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? A. - develop more social skills and friendships. J. - prepare for black belt test and diligence while working. C. - healthy eating habits and dealing with frustration.

    Anything else you want to share?
    I am testing for my black belt in martial arts this year with my oldest son. Love it. It keeps me sane.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2013
  10. AngeC325

    AngeC325 New Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    Angelique otherwise known as Ange

    What state do you live in?

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    2 boys: Andy is 12 and starting 6th grade. He struggles with reading, writing and spelling but loves math. It has been suggested by several that he may have aspergers, but we are choosing not to test or label. He likes logic, mazes, games. I would not be at all surprised if he heads into engineering or computer programming. Daddy is an electrical engineer, by the way. Nick is 9 and starting 3rd grade. Reading and spelling come naturally to him, he reads way above grade level but he doesn't love to read. Science is his true love, he does read science books for fun when he is in the right mood. he has been telling us since he was 3 that he wants to be a zookeeper when he grows up.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    A little complicated. I homeschooled Andy for K-3 and Nick for K. Then they have spent two years at a small church school. Now we are back to homeschooling.

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    We have always known that public school was not right for our family and we didn't have an option a few years ago. When our church opened a school my husband insisted that our kids go there. Both he and I attended church schools all the way through college, except for a few years I was homeschooled. The school had to close due to lack of enrollment. I missed homeschooling while the kids were in school so am excited to be going back to it.

    What is your "method"?
    I was eclectic before, but this year I am using Trail Guide to Learning which is Charlotte Mason based.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    To not send them to school, but even that was good for them in some ways.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    I am a horrible housekeeper so my big goal for the year is for the entire family to work harder at keeping things cleaned up and more organized.

    Anything else you want to share?
    Our family loves traveling and camping. Yellowstone is 3 hours from our house and we spend as much time there as we can. We aren't into sports. We are hugely involved in our small church. I spend way too much time on the computer, especially stupid Facebook games.
  11. NYCitymomx3

    NYCitymomx3 Member

    Jul 9, 2008
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc): Angela
    What state do you live in? New York
    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    Dd(19) Homeschooled for 8th grade only and then went to a high school for journalism. She currently interns in Manhattan while working part-time. She hopes to one day open her own event planning company.
    Dd(17) Homeschooled from 3rd to 8th grade and currently goes to the famous LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts. She hopes to be a commercial dancer and choreographer.
    Ds(12) has been homeschooling since Kindergarten. He's very mathy and science-y. He aspires to go to a technical college and major in Computer Science.

    How long have you been homeschooling? Since early 2005
    What brought you to homeschooling? Dd(17) was gifted and bored at 8 years old. The gifted academy wasn't doing much for her, so I gave her the option to homeschool.
    What is your "method"? Relaxed and eclectic with touches of unschooling and Charlotte Mason.
    What is your favorite subject to teach? History
    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Grammar and Composition
    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would have focused more on time management and academic independence
    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? All of the above, lol. I also want each child to have clear goals for their lives and work hard to achieve them.
  12. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) Maureen or mschickie as a co-worker once called me

    What state do you live in? NY - WNY now but I grew up in Brooklyn

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. 2 kids- sd is 21 and off in college and dd is 10

    How long have you been homeschooling? 7 1/2 years

    What brought you to homeschooling? There were situations with sd in ps and we pulled her mid 9th grade. After that we prayed and decided that we should hs dd too.

    What is your "method"? eclectic leaning towards Charlotte Mason

    What is your favorite subject to teach? History and Math (Major and Minor in college...plus those were my certs for teaching)

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Science- yuck

    f you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would have been a little more relaxed.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? Doing her chores on time would be nice (includes cleaning her room)
  13. Gina

    Gina Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    My name is Gina (as if it's not completely obvious).

    What state do you live in?
    East Tennessee.

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    A beautiful four-year-old boy who loves to work with tools and wants to be a lumberjack when he grows up.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    Since he was born, I guess, but it will be another year or so until we have to "officially" start.

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    It's a lot of things. I just don't think that being cooped up indoors for eight hours a day, endlessly drilled, and pressured to pass tests in subjects that don't interest you is an ideal learning environment. If a child is bored, s/he simply won't learn. Besides, learning the material with him will bring us closer as a family.

    What is your "method"?
    Unschooling. I want him to be a self-directed learner.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    History, geography, and physical education!

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    I can't really say I have one. Although we recently had to abandon Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, because it was such a drag. Right now, we're regrouping while I find another phonics program.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    Relax more, worry less. Everything will turn out fine.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year?
    Earning/Saving money.
  14. dustinsdreamer

    dustinsdreamer New Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Who are you?

    What state do you live in?

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    I have two boys, Nathaniel is 9 and Seth is 8. They love bike riding, archery, Tae Kwon Do, and LEGO. Nathaniel is my wordy kid. He learned to talk and speak well very early. He learned to read well with great understanding early. He loves to talk to anybody who will listen. He is one of the first to welcome a new kid and make friends. Seth is more quiet but is the funniest kid I know. He doesn't have to try, he is just hilarious. He is an amazing friend, kind, and very caring.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    This is our sixth year. Of course if you want to get technical, I've been homeschooling since my oldest was born. Heh.

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    God. I never thought I would homeschool but God brought me to it. He is pretty awesome like that.

    What is your "method"?
    Depends on the subject and the day. I guess we lean a bit toward Charlotte Mason. We do a lot of reading good books.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    History and this year science as well as we are studying Anatomy and Physiology

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    Music and art but I don't dislike teaching them. I'm just not very strong in those.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    More field trip opportunities. There are so many places I want to take them but being able to afford it has been a problem.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    Having them help more around the house and take more responsibility in making sure they are practicing their TKD.

    Anything else you want to share?
    Um. I can't think of anything.
  15. *Angie*

    *Angie* Member

    Jun 22, 2007
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) I'm Angie :)
    What state do you live in? I live in New Brunswick, Canada
    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    -Josh is 11. He's a carbon-copy of his dad in looks, but shares my love of reading. He's the most serious of my kids. He's advanced in any reading-based subjects, but struggles with Math. This year we're working hard on trying to instill some self-motivation when it comes to school.
    -Asher is 8. He's my crazy boy. Always getting into some new misadventure. Perpetually grubby, he reminds me of Pig Pen from the Peanuts cartoons. He finds all schoolwork a bore and would rather be running around outside or helping his Papa build something. He's the most stubborn child I've ever encountered.
    -Corban is 5 and officially starting schooling this year. He's my sweet, cuddly boy, the baby of the family. He's polite to a fault and loves learning.

    How long have you been homeschooling? 6 years. We've always homeschooled.

    What brought you to homeschooling? Initially, it was as simple as I just wasn't ready to let Josh go. We worked hard to get to a point where I could be a SAHM, just as Josh was supposed to go off to school. I felt like I was being robbed. So homeschooling was thrown out there as an option, and after lots of research, we decided it was the right decision for us.

    What is your "method"? We're supposed to have a method? To this madness? LOL I have no idea. We use a mix of curriculum.

    What is your favorite subject to teach? English/Language Arts

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Math

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would have figured out earlier how to be more organized.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? I'm also a terrible housekeeper lol, so as a family, we're making a commitment to work together more to keep the house more organized and to eat healthier.

    Anything else you want to share? I've been married for 14 years, and as corny as it sounds, he really is my best friend. Our marriage is a priority for the both of us, as much as our kids are. I love all things crafty (knitting, sewing, scrapbooking, drawing). DH and I love watching our favourite tv shows together, and everyone in the family enjoys playing various video games together. Oh, I'm also a total geek.
  16. TheresainAR

    TheresainAR New Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) Terri

    What state do you live in? Arkansas, originally from San Francisco

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. 3 kids, all girls: DD1 is 16 and a junior, DD2 is 15 and a sophomore, and DD3 is 9 and a fifth grader.

    How long have you been homeschooling? 5 years

    What brought you to homeschooling? The horrible local school district, my dislike of government interference in my children's lives, and the fact that I want my kids to have a Christ-centered education.

    What is your "method"? Largely a combination of Charlotte Mason and general literature based education, with textbooks when absolutely necessary.

    What is your favorite subject to teach? American history

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Math

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would not worry so much about what everyone else thinks about our decision.
    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?

    Yes, I would like them to do a better job cleaning up after themselves and keeping up with their assigned chores. Also, I would like them to argue less with each other.
  17. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Who are you? Pam, sixcloar, no nickname

    What state do you live in? Mississippi for now, have lived in TN and TX (hope to return to TX)

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. 4 kids-Ds17 (SENIOR!!) is the creative one of the bunch. He loves photography, music, reading, and drawing. He's a Life Scout who has completed his Eagle Project-just waiting for Board of Review. He's a man of few words but hilariously funny! Right now his career goal is in film. Dd15 (9th grade) is my struggling student. She's extremely perceptive and sometimes wise beyond her years. She's a competitive swimmer and hopes to one day combine her love of swimming with her desire to help special needs kids through aquatherapy (and maybe coaching a special needs team). Dd12 (7th grade) is my sweet, quiet girl. She's the one to give lots of hugs. She's hard of hearing, but has adapted well. She loves all things ballet and branched out to lyrical dance this year, too. Dd9 (4th grade) is our unexpected surprise. She has boundless energy and silliness. Her imagination far exceeds that of her siblings! She's also a competitive swimmer.

    How long have you been homeschooling? This is our 10th year.

    What brought you to homeschooling? frequent moves and a school system unable (unwilling) to meet dd15's needs

    What is your "method"? CM/classical with an eclectic flair

    What is your favorite subject to teach? history and science

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? upper level maths

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would not have let others influence me so much in my early years, and I would not have been so "school-at-home" in the beginning.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?DS15 has his first job and my goal for him it to learn to make good financial decisions. Dd15 lost a huge amount of faith in herself last year after a year of harsh and uncaring coaches. She's on a new swim team, and I want to see her believe in herself again. Dd12 needs to become a bit more outspoken. We've been working on that some this year. Dd9 will be learning to take more responsibility for herself and her messes--without being asked!
  18. rutsgal

    rutsgal New Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Thanks Sommer for instigating this ! I look forward to reading them all !

    Name / Nickname : "Rutsgal" here on the spot and also to a few friends. We are members of a Christian Dirtbike club named RUTS ( acronym for "Racers under the son " ) . But real name is Jamie.

    State: CA --- if you live in CA it's either Nor-Cal or So-Cal. We are Nor-Cal, which is sooooo different than So-Cal. We are 1 hour north of San Fran.

    # of kiddos: 2 - they are referred to as my dynamic duo. Our son is 7 and our daughter is 5. Our son is a story teller & a conversationalist. Nobody is a stranger - he talks to EVERYONE ! He Loves to sit and just ask questions about how stuff works & the natural world. He plays really well by himself , has a good imagination etc. Our Daughter is our "otter" ..... otters seem to play a lot right ? Well she is all play and no business ! She is the free spirit and goes with the flow so sometimes having structure and routine is challenging for her. Getting her to do anything that involves work is difficult.

    Years homeschooling: beginning my 3rd . I really like the idea of being able to customize things to fit your child. Each child takes in information differently and learns at a different pace. I knew that our son would probably need remedial help in some areas because of the classroom size and be advanced in other areas and bored because of classroom size. You can't beat the 1-on-1 time that a homeschooler gets .

    Method - Charlotte Mason for sure ( it seems to fit us nicely )

    Favorite subjects to teach - probably Science - more of the nature study and learning about the natural world around us , geography & Bible.

    Least favorite subject to teach - Math ( I am math challenged so I feel like I am learning place value and fractions all over again !! )

    Change 1 thing about our homeschooling journey - from the beginning to realize that learning never stops , homeschooling has become a "lifestyle" for us . That we don't have to follow in the footsteps of the public schools - as I stated above ...... You don't have to be sitting at a desk to be learning and that we can customize things for each child.

    Life skills/goals for this year: how to sort the dirty laundry, fill machine and start it , how to properly set the table for dinner & actually putting their clothes in their dressers..... not stacked on the floor.
    Relational/personal - courtesy for others , self control of their tongue.

    Anything else to share? - We love the Lord and strive to live our lives in a way that makes our light shine for others to see " Be the salt and light of the world" . Our dirtbike club is a family oriented club that uses dirtbikes as a way to minister to others. We have a chaplain and some of us pray at the start line before each race and lead a chapel service at the races , some of us don't race but instead organize family ride days/campouts , some of us do enduro's or over night dual sport rides. We love getting out and riding with others !
    I am crazy about gardening & growing fresh food for us to eat. Never thought I would be , but apparently some where in there I have a green thumb ! :)
    Recently went Gluten Free and also Soy Free .... have been feeling way better !
  19. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    Totally love all of this! :) I have another thread up my sleeve, but I'll wait a few days ;)
  20. Gina

    Gina Member

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Wow! A lot of Tennesseans here!
  21. mommy2thegang

    mommy2thegang Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Who are you? Keisha
    What state do you live in? NC
    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    I have kids 14, 13,11 , 9, 5,4, and 3. The older four are public schooled. My ex refuses to let them homeschool. My younger 3 are homeschooled.
    How long have you been homeschooling? 3 years
    What brought you to homeschooling? I hated public school myself and wanted my own kids to have more freedom.
    What is your "method"? I am electric no real method.
    What is your favorite subject to teach? Art
    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Language arts
    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would be able to homeschool all my kids and travel as we did it.
    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? Not really . I just want my kids to be happy and well loved. ;)

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