Whooooo Arrreeee Youuuuu

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by crazymama, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. BatmansWife

    BatmansWife New Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    I'm BatmansWife. Something you might not know about me is that I just might possibly be married to Christian Bale (or possibly not). :D I also really love Zumba. My girls and I try to go a couple times a month when we get the chance. It's a fun thing we like to do together.

    What state do you live in?

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    Three kids. Oldest dd is almost 21. She goes to tech school for health sciences. She also is one of the assistant managers of a 50's car hop in town. She wears a poodle skirt every day to work (no rollerskates). She just won an award at work for Employee of the Year. She also loves photography. This summer she's won several photography ribbons/cash at the nature center and county fair. She has taken a lot of senior pictures for kids at the high school, family photos, and anniversary photos. She loves baking, and has a baking blog (although not much is happening with that this busy summer). Ds is 18. He'll actually be a junior this year. He's had a lot of struggles with reading and spelling and this has set him back. He is improving. He is AMAZING at the guitar (mostly electric but acoustic too). He's had a few lessons but is mostly self-taught. He's been in a couple of performances at the high school and really enjoys that. He has some incredible ability to just hear a song and be able to play it. Actually, he didn't speak until he was nearly four, but before that he could hum songs perfectly. My baby girl is 9. She loves to read (Boxcar Children being her favorite right now). She recently learned to dive in her level 3 swimming class and is loving that. Like her brother, she is very talented with her pink electric guitar. Her brother is teaching her and she really learns fast. She can play part of an AC/DC song. She is into anything and everything having to do with secret agents, spies, and detectives. In fact, right now she's working on the case of her sisters missing pillow. It's a cold case by now (a cold case pillow case), but she is determined to solve it. She loves the old Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys tv shows. She and I are very, very close and I'm thankful I can spend every day with her.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    My husband (possibly Christian Bale) and I decided we would homeschool before we even were married...I would say that was nearly 30 years ago. We didn't have our first child until 7 years after we got married. If you don't count homeschooling until our oldest was in K, then it's been about 16 years.

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    We just knew that we wanted to be with our kids. It just never seemed natural or "right", at least for us, to send them off to school all day and be taught by someone else...especially being taught beliefs that we don't agree with. Although not the reason we began homeschooling, another added reason we continue with it is because ds and youngest dd have life-threatening food allergies.

    What is your "method"?
    I'm not sure I ever had a method. It's a mix of whatever I want to try.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    Probably reading.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    Maybe math. I was never very good with math.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    I probably wouldn't have hopped around with so many math programs with my older two (and so many reading programs with my son). I wish I would have found one I liked right away and stuck with it. Maybe then my kids would be better at math.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?

    My youngest daughter wants to learn to sew and crochet. We hope to work on more cooking and baking together.

    Anything else you want to share?
    Some of you already know this, but we are actually part of a homebased education program through our local school district. This is our 3rd year in the program. I still consider us homeschoolers...but if you want to get technical about it, my kids are considered public school students who school at home...with the curriculum of my choice.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2013
  2. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Who are you? Krista or Kbabe (hubby's nickname for me). My kids call me Mean Old Mama (that's what the MOM in mom stands for you know :D )

    What state do you live in?PA

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one: 3 kids total
    13 year old 9th grade girl, loves volleyball, karate, cooking and hanging out with her fellow homeschooling friends.
    11 year old (almost 12, sniff sniff) 7th Grade boy, loves karate, legos, minecraft, reading....pretty much anything....he's his own personal party
    8 year old 3rd grade girl, loves gymnastics, crafting, playing with her American Girl Doll, she's a touch mischievous, but lots of fun.

    How long have you been homeschooling? 10 years. Wow. Felt weird to type that. A decade. I've been doing this for a decade.

    What brought you to homeschooling?When my husband and I were first married we attended a bible study where the hosts homeschooled their 3 boys. They were so bright, articulate, conversive, etc. When conversing with traditionally schooled peers, they were not like that...we decided before we even had children that we would homeschool. I investigated, read and studied all about it before we even conceived our first child.

    What is your "method"?I would call us eclectic classical. I prefer the traditional model of classical Charlotte Mason-y type education with the core revolving around a specific period of history, where all reading, music, art, etc. further enhances knowledge of that period. However, I stray in the methodology as it pertains to writing and such. I also abhor trying to follow someone else's schedule. It took me a very long time to get to this point.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?Tie between history and literature. I love them both.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?Science. I believe this subject is one that should be taught by those who are passionate about it, so I do farm out science. Algebra would be a close 2nd.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?Trusting my instincts more at the beginning and not allowing others' ideas, processes, etc. make me feel inadequate or inferior. Thankfully, meeting a woman who told me to be a student of my child turned a lot around from me and I am more confident in my choices and don't follow whims or compare myself to other homeschoolers and come up lacking. I have days, of course, I think we all do. But in a general, overall way, I feel good about my kids, what we're doing, and where they're headed.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? To love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength....it's my goal every year! :D
  3. martablack

    martablack New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) my user name says it all: Marta Black
    What state do you live in? Washington State! (for now...)
    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    5 boys:
    Mac: 15 yrs /9th grade: He is going off to High School. Super Smart (He's taking Trig this year.) Yet so lost in his head, he often misses stuff.
    Garrett: 13 yrs/ 8th grade. This kid is a total PITA. He's loud, rude, stubborn and smart. He also has a huge heart, but refuses to let it out often.
    Keegan: 11/6th grade Keegan has some major learning disabilities. He still struggles with basic addition/subtraction and multiplication. He has no concept of division. However this is my "go to" kid. If I need something done, he is there to help. He cooks very well and is kind hearted.
    Sully: 6/1st grade. My snuggle bug. He is a bright penny! Just learning to read. Eager learner. Loves projects and helping.
    Finn: 5yrs/ not schooling He is large and in charge. This kid runs the family. He thinks he is Batman. He loves to play (with his Batman toys of course) He likes computer school, like ABC mouse.

    How long have you been homeschooling? This is my 4th year.
    What brought you to homeschooling? Garrett! and then Keegan. We didn't know he had LD's and were trying to catch him up.
    What is your "method"? There's "methods"?
    What is your favorite subject to teach? Lit. and History
    What is your least favorite subject to teach? haven't found one.
    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I picked Sonlight one year and wish I would have gone with MBTP a year sooner instead of Sonlight.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    Not this year. We of course work on all of the above BUT this year we are dealing with health issues and MOVING (once the health issues are figured out. :) )
  4. clynnd

    clynnd New Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    I'm Crystal, known as clynnd on many sites.

    What state do you live in?

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    We have 3 children. Oldest DD (A) is 5. She is in dance and Girl Scouts this year, and I guess she is officially in Kindergarten. She catches on fast to everything and has an insatiable appetite for learning. DS (D) is 3 and he is our "class clown." He's an adorable sweetheart who will be in home-based Head Start in addition to anything we do with him at home. Our youngest DD (E) is 18 months and has the sweetest personality! She's just starting to put words together into phrases and short sentences. She loves to be involved in what her sister and brother are doing.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    Technically we have been homeschooling since our oldest was born, so 5 years now. This is our first year of "official" school, though.

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    I can't say any one thing led me to homeschooling. Before having kids, I never even considered the possibility of homeschooling. Along the way, however, something happened. I just could not see myself sending my kids to school. I started researching the possibility of homeschooling and fell in love with it. I loved the idea of being able to add religious studies and the freedom for my children to more fully study subjects that interest them. One thing I hated in school is that as soon as we started studying something I thought was really interesting, it was time to move on to the next thing.

    What is your "method"?
    We don't really have one yet. We aren't using a boxed curriculum, at least for a few years, and we may never. We are just building on skills. Once A knew her alphabet we moved on to letter sounds. Once she had that mastered, we moved on to putting them together to form simple words. Then we added a few sight words. Now she is adding new words every day to those she can read. The same holds true for math.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    So far, reading and bible are my favorites. Later on, I think history will be a favorite because I love history.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    I don't have one right now that I don't enjoy teaching. I know I won't enjoy teaching science and math in the upper grades, but my kids are worth it, so I'll muddle through.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    I would not change a thing about our journey thus far. Of course, if you ask me the same question a few years from now, I may have a different answer LOL.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    This year we are working on keeping their rooms clean and using "inside voices." We've also started a responsibility chart. A has been doing little things around the house for about two years now, but since D is able to do some things now too, we decided a chart might be helpful.
  5. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) Shelby, that's my first name..

    What state do you live in?The Great State of Texas

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. Janelle is my 16 yr old.. she thinks she knows more than mom now.. but she is a very sweet and caring young lady.. Kalyn is my youngest.. she knows how to get what she wants from all of us.. that includes her sister!

    How long have you been homeschooling?I just realized that this will be our 6th yr ...wow!

    What brought you to homeschooling?My husband and I felt that we needed to school our own children after we moved to Tx to pastor a church. The first yr we were here, we enrolled them in a Christian school that as it turned out had so many issues I was teaching my girls what the teachers should of been doing when they came hone. I have always had the desire to homeschool them even when they were little. I would not trade this journey for anything in the world!

    What is your "method"? I guess you could call us eclectic.

    What is your favorite subject to teach? HISTORY!

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?Science

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? I would focus more on the fun stuff we could be doing .. more field trips!

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? All of thee above! I want the girls to have better time management.. they tend to want to do things at the last minute..

    Anything else you want to share?
  6. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    Minthia or Mindy irl

    What state do you live in?
    Currently Utah, but we are looking for jobs out of state.

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    I have 7 kiddos.

    Z is 13 in 7th grade. He is very sensitive, kind and good with his little brothers and sister. He can be super helpful when he wants to be and he makes friends very easily. He hates ALL school subjects and would rather play video games and play outside all day. He is my second most stubborn child.

    K is almost 11 and in 5th grade. She is very smart and can learn things very quickly. She is working on the same level as her older brother. She can cook anything from scratch and loves to be a mom to her younger siblings.

    T is almost 10 and in 4th grade. He is my introvert. He loves to draw and has amazing talent in that area. He doesn't come out of his shell very often but when he does he is so funny! He loves nature, and all animals and when he grows up he wants to go into a field where he can study them in depth.

    L is 8 and in 3rd grade. She is STILL learning to read after 2 years of working with her. Actually she can read, she just claims she can't and therefore we have a huge stumbling block. :roll: She is my gymnast. All around the house she is doing somersaults to get from point A to point B. She loves to dress up and be a princess and she loves to be read to.

    E is 4 and does some preschool/ kindergarten work. Her work is mostly led by her interests. She is my sneaky girl. We call her the "sneak-thief" because she is always sneaking snack foods and treats and hiding in her brothers closet to eat them. She is quick witted and makes the funniest of the wall remarks.

    N is 2 and plays really well with all his siblings. His favorite things right now are pirates, swords, and jumping on the trampoline. He loves ice cream....almost to much...he requests it for all meals.

    M is almost 1 and he is my quietest and best baby. He is almost walking but after a few steps he prefers to crawl because he can get to what he wants faster. He is always smiling and laughing and he loves to cuddle.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    Well, if you count from kindergarten age then it's been 9 years. Holy Cow!!

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    Not really sure. I just knew it was the right thing to do when my oldest ds was 5.

    What is your "method"?
    Um, well....eclectic...classical...CM?? Can I be all those?

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    History, Grammar, and art.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    Math for sure.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    I would teach my kids to read a bit earlier than I have. I would also teach them to be more independent with their schoolwork then they currently are.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    In addition to keeping their rooms clean, and do their chores without complaining I would like them to stop fighting and picking battles with each other that aren't really there.
  7. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc): Angie

    What state do you live in? Texas

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. Ty 17,Nick 15, Cailey 13, Lyndsey 9. Older three in public school, littlest one homeschooled.. Boys are in a band.. Self Taught to play guitars and Bass.

    How long have you been homeschooling? This is our 7th year

    What brought you to homeschooling? issues with the public school trying to label my kids..

    What is your "method"? Eclectic
  8. Blizzard

    Blizzard Member

    Apr 11, 2008
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    My username is Blizzard, because when I joined I couldn't think of a good user name, and we were in the middle of a Minnesota blizzard.

    What state do you live in?
    North/Central Minnesota

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    DS1 is eleven - He's my meteorologist and geologist! He is a hard worker, but struggles with reading, spelling, and grammar.
    DS2 is eight - He is smart as a whip and stubborn as a mule. If I could get him interested and focused, he could do anything he wanted to do

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    Mmmmm.....this is tough. I'd say I've been homeschooling/unschooling since birth, with a break for my oldest to go to public K.

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    I was homeschooled and we had a bad K experience.

    What is your "method"?
    Right now I'd say we are ecclectic. I let the kids pursue their own interests most of the time, but we do sit down for a short school day that covers some of the basics.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    Science and spelling

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    I wish I would have relaxed more when we "officially" started first grade. I tried to be a tough teacher and really just reinforced the bad K experience for my older son. I didn't see the signs of dyslexia and just thought he was being lazy.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    They have been getting really bad at doing as they are told, so I really need to work on that. I haven't had any big problems with school this year, but other day to day things have been rough. I've had so many things on my mind that I haven't been strict enough in that area.
  9. squarepeg

    squarepeg New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)Square Peg. Wife to a wonderful hubby. He was injuried at work 5 years ago which after numerous surgeries and the rollercoaster of workman's comp has created a totally new normal here.

    What state do you live in? A state of upheaval! Oh wait, you mean geographically? NC

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one. 5 kiddos, ds23, ds21, (both graduated) ds17, ds16 and dd15 (who will never date with four older brothers)

    How long have you been homeschooling? Since 1994? = 18 years

    What brought you to homeschooling? Disliked PS system and wanted MORALS for my kids...was to be a temporary measure while on a waitlist for private.

    What is your "method"? Method?

    What is your favorite subject to teach? Any that have that "AH HA!" moment!

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Any that involved a very frustrated child.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? Looking back at the two that graduated, I wish I had kept it more fun during the high school years.

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? Living Christ-like; looking around to see others and how they can help. Recognize how they do things can make it easier for others, etc.Anything else you want to share? Hmmm....the best lesson I learned? If you can't find what you want then make it. If what you have doesn't work, then find a way to use it to make it work.
  10. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Who are you? Mykidsrock - MKR

    What state do you live in? Canada - British Columbia

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    DS1 - My grade 3 boy. Total introvert, loves homeschool because he doesn't have to leave the house as often.
    DS2 - My Grade 1 boy. Thinks he should be able to do anything his older brother can do. Total sweetheart with the baby.
    DD - Trying out Kindergarten - My January baby desperately wants to do school. She has already announced a few times that she is going to go to 'big school' as she calls it. But I'll homeschool for now. She's too young for official school so we're doing a light K with her to make her happy.
    My 2 Littles are 2yo and 3 mos. They will keep us hopping this year!

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    We've been homeschooling since DS1 was in K - so 4 years

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    He was such an introvert that he hated leaving the house. Plus he was a December baby, so we thought he would benefit from an extra year at home. He did loosen up in that year and may have done okay in PS after that, but we loved homeschooling so much we were hooked!

    What is your "method"?
    Charlotte Mason 'my way'... I follow a lot of her principles, but still follow textbook curriculum's for some subjects.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    Science - I studied a lot of science my self, and we love the natural sciences.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    I'll leave Math to my husband when it gets tough... hmm... that could be this year :confused:

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    More organized in some ways, and more relaxed in others...

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?

    Staying on top of house hold chores, and having the whole family participate consistently in this.
  11. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc) nickname- Elle (one syllable)

    What state do you live in? Idaho

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    P is 18 and just graduated- so I have a freshman in college! He is sports-minded, compassionate, a wonder with young kids, and loves math of any sort.
    J is 16 and an artist. He draws, sketches, paints, you name it. He likes animals and flying- we tease him that he will be one of those self-piloting vets on call in Alaska! He is also into sports, but more as a player than a fan.
    B is 13 and headstrong! He is talented like his brothers in many things, so he is still trying to figure out what he wants to be. He is good with puzzles and mechanics, and is an animal lover as well.

    How long have you been homeschooling? 13 years

    What brought you to homeschooling? No specific reason at the beginning really, DH and I just talked and decided. Now we wouldn't trade it for anything, and feel like we have amazing relationships with our kids thanks to homeschooling.

    What is your "method"? Eclectic. I tend to lean towards school at home sometimes, so try to resist "the box" by getting out and being hands-on with our learning.

    What is your favorite subject to teach? Literature

    What is your least favorite subject to teach? Math

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be? That we haven't covered all of the things that there are to learn yet!

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)? At this age I really think that just requiring their help around the house and setting the areas that are "theirs" to help with are what I am aiming for. They are learning life skills to go out and be on their own in a relatively short time!

    Anything else you want to share? I try to encourage new moms to homeschooling because I feel it is such a wonderful thing for our family, and would like others to take the chance and see if it works for them also. I also make it a point to try and learn something new each year, whether it is a craft, a hobby, or a new subject (pencil sketches, Latin cooking, a computer class) so that my children see that learning doesn't stop when they graduate.
  12. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    Who are you?
    What state do you live in?
    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    3 Navy Brats :wink: DD13 is in 8th grade and enjoys music and reading. DS9 is in 4th grade and loves to spend every waking moment on some electronical gadget. DD8 is in 3rd grade and enjoys doing everything but schoolwork.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    7 years with a few breaks of DoD schools when overseas.
    What brought you to homeschooling?
    My husband's military career.
    What is your "method"?
    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    Not to take school with us when we traveled. Just enjoyed traveling and not worry about schoolwork
    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    My oldest is great at helping around the house. My goal is to get the younger two on the same track. Daily clean ups go so much quicker when everyone joins in to help. Also to get my younger two to stop complaining so much about every day household chores. They have to get done so might as well do it in a good mood.
  13. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Oooooo, fun thread!!!

    Who are you? (name, nickname, etc)
    I'm Sonita-I changed my user name on here when I was being stalked in real life... I'm TheRubyNotebook or Sonita most places online.

    What state do you live in?
    Born and raised GA

    Number and ages of your kids, maybe a bit about each one.
    2 boys.
    Ephram is 9 and attended PS for PreK and K. He struggles with reading and 'typical school' approach but is very, very bright. He loves science and video/computer games. He want's to be a zoo keeper and a chef with his own restaurant when he grows up. He has SPD.
    Malachi is 6 and has never been to PS. He loves words! He loves learning and using big words, writes books, loves to read and be read to. He also like math and geography. He wants to be a cop and a baker with his own bakery when he grows up.

    How long have you been homeschooling?
    4 years

    What brought you to homeschooling?
    PS did NOT fit my oldest son

    What is your "method"?
    If I have to label I call us Christian Unschoolers with a Charlotte Mason Flair. Christian base and worldview, Spirit/interest led, using good, old living books and lots of nature study.

    What is your favorite subject to teach?
    Whatever subject the kids are into and really excited about learning is my favorite to teach. But, if I had to only teach one subject for my pleasure it would be history or science.

    What is your least favorite subject to teach?
    Math, because I am not good at it.

    If you could change one thing about your homeschooling journey thus far, what would it be?
    I wouldn't change anything really. I'm glad we had the PS experience to help me through the rough days, I know it's not a better or easier option for us. I'm glad we tried school-at-home because I know it wasn't just the school, it's the method that doesn't work for us.
    If I could change anything, I'd love to have the money and resources to roadschool in an RV for a few years...

    Do you have any non-educational goals for your kids this year (keeping their rooms clean, teaching them to wash their own laundry, getting them to use their normal voices in the house, etc)?
    Those things are educational too! They just aren't academics, but they are just as important IMHO. But yes, our non academic goals this year are working on the boys be responsible for their selves, their things and their space and their messes. I've been doing too much for them because it's quicker and less stressful for me to simply clean up after them, but it doesn't teach them anything. So we're working on them being more and more responsible for their rooms, their laundry, clearing their plates from the table, picking up their toys and dirty laundry, etc. We have a split bedroom floor plan and my goal is for them to be taking care of their half of the house (each their own bedroom, the classroom and their bathroom) without daily help from me. Ideally I'd like to take 30 minutes once a week to clean those rooms (nooks and crannies) while they handle the daily stuff.
    We're also working on respecting your sibling.

    Anything else you want to share?
    We're constantly working on getting simpler, healthier, more natural, back to basics, etc in all areas of our life...
  14. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    Oh my goodness! I have one of those!

    If you figure out how to convince her she can read, let me know!!! LOL

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