keeping records????

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by mommix3, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Here in Texas we aren't required to keep records for homeschool. This year, I would REALLY like to have some sort of transcript or something for my record for my youngest.. I hear about states that require a portfolio to be reviewed.. What exactly do you do to create one? I don't like to keep grades because we work until mastery on most things.. I did keep every single workbook page the kids did last year.. They are all still sitting in a basket beside my desk.. I basically give a check mark once the pages are done satisfactory.. I bought a grade book this year though.. I would really like to issue a report card for Lyndsey to have.. Anyhow, IF someone comes knocking on my door asking for proof of my homeschool I don't really know what I would give them other than the HUGE stack of completed worksheet pages.. I'm working on a yearly schedule to keep me on track and I'm going to divide up the workbooks this year and try and get through them before the end of the year.. Suggestions?? How do you keep records??
  3. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    In NYS we have to submit a quarterly report. You basically write up what you have covered per subject (you can list the topics or the chapters covered) and your total number of hours for that quarter. You are also supposed to tell how they are progressing..basically a grade but what I put down is that dd is at or above grade level in the subjects. When she gets to high school I will start issuing official grades. It is a good way to show exactly what you have covered.
  4. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    Im in Texas I just have a transcript that I use from HSLDA's website. I know I will have to have some sort of proof that My dd is doing high school when she goes for her drivers test, so I started a transcript freshman yr. We really don't need anything but it is good to have.. I also give my younger one grades on a "report" card just for my record.
  5. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    I use this: Across the top is subjects, down the page is dates, I just put a checkmark on each subject we do a day. (actually this year I made my own hand drawn page and photocopied it... but it's the same principal).

    I also have to keep a book log, I use this one:

    If you want more specific like today she did lesson 3 of McRuffy Math covering addition of 2 digit numbers (ok totally making this all up... so don't shoot me if I'm wrong on what they cover lol), read Magic School Bus in the Time of the Dinosaurs and made a clay dinosaur, spent 30 minutes jumping on the trampoline and listened to Bach while building a sugar cube pyramid, then just keep a notebook and put in simple dated entries.... I would love to do this but I'm

    Also keep samples of work... what I do is keep it all, then I pick the 3 best things from the beginning of the year, the middle of the year and the end of the year for each subject.

    I make a binder that has a sheet protector in it for each subject, I put the 9 samples for that subject in the "pouch" and put the subject checklist and book log in the front. When I do my portfolio that I have reviewed I also write up a little one page summary of our year. "This year Rylee learned to play the drum set, she was also very active in Girl Scouts and is about to bridge to Juniors." (this would be something I would write at the end of this year :lol: Its never about academics really, just "life learning").
  6. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Mommi, if they want to know what you did for the year, show them the basket! Tell 'em to have at it, and bring it back when they've put it in order!

    Seriously though, I'd keep all the written work by subject. Quizzes/tests, book reports, research reports, art projects or pictures of projects if they're too big for a manila folder, and a book list. If you give an achievement test, put that result sheet in there too. Then at the end of the year, pick out the best stuff, or the stuff that you think will give a good sense of progress for the year, and put that and the book list in a folder marked with name and grade level and school year. File it and forget it until you need it.
  7. *Angie*

    *Angie* Member

    Jun 22, 2007
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    We're not required to keep any kind of records here, but I've always kept a folder with my kids' tests/quizzes and projects. With my oldest starting middle school this year, though, I'm going to start keeping a basic transcript, to make things easier if we want to go with taking any classes at the high school or community college in the coming years.
  8. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    We live in a state where we have to submit a portfolio. our family, each kid has a 6" binder portfolio. Each one has tabbed dividers (Language Arts, Bible, History, Science, etc). When I clean out their two pocket folders for each subject, I put completed work in the portfolio. My evaluator sees the whole portfolio, and I hand in SAMPLES to the district. So what my evaluator sees and what my district sees are two completely different things. HA HA HA!!!!

    But, I do keep all the work. Each year, I file them away in files boxes (I got them at Office max for like $3/each) that fit just that school year's work in it. Label the outside, and then reuse the 6" Binder for the next year.

    It's worked fairly well the last few years. ALMOST streamlined. Hubby's concerned aboug how much I'll keep - basically have 1 box for each year for each kid. Told them until they "graduate" and I no longer feel like I'll be questioned, I'll get rid of most of it (might keep some of the art projects).

    Anyway....hope this helps!
  9. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Thanks.. We'll do something similar to the portfolio, I think.. I was completely caught off guard with my 15 year old when the school asked to see his work from last year.. I was told that they wouldn't do that and that if they did I wouldn't have to show it. Anyway, I did keep all his papers, I just don't know WHERE they are.. I only found a few in our huge stack of completed papers.. We have one more left home that will be entering the school system in a few years.. Was thinking about sending her next year but we decided to wait until 7th grade.. :) So at least 3 years of homeschooling left.. Thanks again for your help..
  10. dumartin13

    dumartin13 New Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    We use an app called Homeschool Helper. I love it. Keeps track of attendance, grades (if you choose), curriculum used, field trips, reading lists, etc. At the end of the year, I just print the reports that it generates and I have everything I could ever need in a very organized, easy-to-read format.
  11. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    dumartin13 I'll check that out.. Thanks!!
  12. MicheleLea

    MicheleLea New Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    This sounded good, unfortunately I don't have a tablet. My Kindle fire was a defective model and the warranty was over so Amazon wouldn't exchange it. I decided to go with a regular Kindle and I don't think this app will work with it. does anyone know of other cheap and/or free suggestions for keeping records other than paper?
  13. garethjh

    garethjh New Member

    Sep 6, 2013
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    These are all awesome responses! I wish I joined this forum two years ago. My first year, I wasted the first two months trying to simulate the traditional classroom, but I was fortunate enough to join a great coop where the mothers truly coached me otherwise!

    We keep portfolios here in PA and have to turn them into the district at the end of the year. I make mine a scrapbook of memories for my son. To meet state requirements, I have show examples of completed work, per core subject, from the beginning, middle and end of the school year.

    At the suggestion of many of the coop parents, I did this, while also including a boat load of pictures of my son's involvement in the community, church, the coop and from home. These are his yearbooks, so to speak.
  14. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    What a neat idea!!
  15. MicheleLea

    MicheleLea New Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I LOVE this idea. It certainly makes having to keep records via paper so much more fun. My son and I have smash books so I think what I'll do is make a school year smash book and keep everything in there. Thank you so much for sharing this idea. It truly is brilliant!
  16. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I do yearly standardized testing for my records. I have used my blog on several occasions as proof of homeschooling. My children have blogs too where they occasionally post assignments. I don't keep papers and we don't often use workbooks.

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