Does anyone do school on Saturday if you dont finish during the week

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by my3legacies, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. my3legacies

    my3legacies Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Sometimes we do school on Saturday if we take a week day off or don't finish the assignments for the week.
  3. eyeofthestorm

    eyeofthestorm Active Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Yes. Aside from keeping us on track, it is very motivational for my children, more so than anything else. They don't mind doing schoolwork in the evenings. or very early, or any time really...except on Saturday morning. We've only had to do it a couple times. If notice that when it looks as if things are going that direction, usually on a Thursday, I just point out where we've fallen off track over the course of the week, and that we may not like to, but we have to keep up. The last time, completely independently, they made SURE to catch up before Friday afternoon.
  4. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    When I was just homeschooling my own DS, I worked weekdays. So most of the schooling I did with him was on Saturdays, Sunday afternoons, evenings, holidays, summers... He was home with DH while I worked, so although I left lesson plans for them to do... well, not that much actually got done. Still, he came out alright, considering.

    But now I'm (we're) schooling Other People's Kids, I can't do that, except DGS. He knows what doesn't get done during the day must come home as homework, but somehow he doesn't mind... :(
  5. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Anything that isn't finished during the week has to be done on the weekend. That's a HUGE downer in my house, so I'm like you... I can say on Thursday, "this part is falling behind", and it will usually get finished by Friday. (This is for the older one, btw... the younger one is mostly unschooled for now. I don't "force" school until the state requires it.)
  6. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    We're sorta opposite, I suppose. We school a little bit everyday, so it really lessens the pressure to be done or have a day off. An Hour and a half of school each day is tolerable for everyone right now. I don't worry too much about catching up since we don't have a real set boxed curriculum.
  7. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Yes. We, do. Well, I don't necessarily MAKE them....but, they are supposed to complete all work by Friday at 5:00 if they don't, it's on them to make sure it's completed by Monday. My oldest also has a few outside classes that have significant amounts of homework, she's often seen working on these on weekends.

    I do not force them, however. LOL :D
  8. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    We do any school that wasn't done on Saturday and Sunday if needs be. My kids HATE that so they usually get it done during the week.
  9. OpenMinded

    OpenMinded Member

    Jul 19, 2009
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    I didn't stress it when the kids were younger grades, but now that I have 2 middle schoolers, an almost middle schooler, and a 1st grader....we school weekends to catch up. It is an incentive to work diligently. There is no way we would stay on track otherwise.
    My 1st grader does not school weekends b/c it is really easy to catch up a 1st grader. 5th, 7th, and 8th grade...not so much. If we get behind, it is hard work to catch them up.
  10. dustinsdreamer

    dustinsdreamer New Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    No but my sons are elementary aged and if we get behind it isn't because they slacked off but because life was busy or someone was ill. When they are older, I'm sure the threat of weekend school will be very useful to keep them motivated during the week.
  11. Wilson

    Wilson Guest

    We wanted to learn about this topic. We don't stress it, even if work is not completed. At what age do you think it is good to ensure completion of the work plan. We have a 7 year old.
  12. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Would I make my kid do any kind of worksheet or formal loathed drudgery on a Saturday? Not a chance. Would I read to her in the car on the way to a day trip to the museum? Of course...that's a blast:) Would I get some books on insects and make a picnic, and bring some bathing suits and nets... for a day at the State Park? You bet:) Would I arrange a canoe trip, or a horse ride, or fly kites at the beach? Oh yeah.

    But worksheets and lesson plans? No way. Saturday is family time with Dad home...and we value every minute we get to be together:)
  13. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    At what age do you think it is good to ensure completion of the work plan. We have a 7 year old.

    I never worried about it. That's just honest. Do what works for you.

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