My Big News (warning: Mom

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by CrazyMom, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    My daughter just got accepted to University of Michigan. She'll be studying biology and genetics. Not an easy school to get into, and we're kinda bursting with pride over here.

    I kinda didn't think she had a chance because she didn't have two years of foreign language like they suggest in the application packet...but she did have AP Bio, AP Calculus, AP Economics and both AP English. She is in the top 5% of her class and has a nearly 4. GPA with all that AP stuff.

    Just kinda wanted to encourage people who unschool, that unschooled kids can go on to do very competitive things.

    My kid never had a formal curriculum until she started public school in the eighth grade. Never had deadlines. Never had tests. Never had worksheets or more than 5-10 problems of any topic to work on at a time. We always gave her the option to walk away from topics freely without reprimand, and simply brought them up again at a later date if they were necessary. School was always fun and engaging for her, never forced anything....and her free time was freely filled with trips to the library, science videos, museums, trips, biological surveys, experiments, photography, art, music...and tons of play time with cousins and friends.

    Unschoolers are always asked how their kids ever learn structure and discipline when they call the shots in their loose care-free educations.

    Here's my thought.... I think when you teach someone to LOVE learning so much at it becomes second nature, and is as necessary as breathing to them...because they enjoy it so very much....they'll adapt as they mature to all the necessary structure as a price to pursue what they want and need...more input, more knowledge, more learning! Also, when someone is passionately motivated, not much gets in their way.

    Also...and this is just a personal idea....I think when you teach someone to LOVE reading, really deeply love it...there's nothing they can't teach themselves to do. Of all the skills we teach our kids, I think that one is the most important. We need to read to them, listen to them read, bend over backwards to find them reading they love, and really hook them in to that route of self-discovery. Both mom and dad should read and listen to the child read. Friends, older kids, grandparents...anyone you can get to read to your kids or listen to them read...makes a community point of it. Reading is necessary, fun and wonderful.

    Don't stop reading to your kids just because they're older. My husband and I still read to each other. I was fixing dinner the other night and my daughter came in and read me part of a book she's a sales pitch that I might also want to read it. I LOVED it. What a great way to stay connected to older teens...sharing interests, sharing books, having something to talk about. Make a culture of books and reading at your house, you won't regret it.
  3. hermione310

    hermione310 New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Congratulations! You must be very proud. U of M is an excellent school and Ann Arbor is such a wonderful city with a lot of funky character.

    Sounds like your daughter worked hard and with such a supportive family, she's on her way to great things! Congratulations on such an exciting milestone! :D
  4. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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  5. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    First time we took her to U of M, she was 10, and discovered they had one of the best dinosaur collections in the state. We spent half the day at the museum and the other half the day at their gorgeous botanical gardens and children's garden. She told me that day...I'm going to college here. LOL.

    Later, when my mom had cancer, we made several trips to the U of M Hospital and she was so impressed (we all were, really). Definitely got her thinking about cutting edge medicine and how it effects people's lives, and the huge research role of U of M in global medicine.

    While she's not interested in practicing medicine with patients, she's very interested in genetic research and has forewarned us that we should prepare for graduate school. We've counter-forewarned her to prepare for student loans and summer employment. LOL. (Though, in truth, there's still a lot of funding available for those pursuing medical research and we're pretty confident she'll find a way.)

    Anyway, thank you. We couldn't be more proud. Ann Arbor seems too far away...but I admit I'll enjoy visiting. Seems like a nice little town. Keep telling myself...just an hour and a half on the train. Not that big a deal. But adjusting to the empty nest is going to be question.
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know you're very proud of her!!!

    I think the two paragraphs I quoted sums things up nicely, and I think you're spot-on. I know I could never unschool. To those who don't understand it, it seems very unorganized. NOT!!! I think unschoolers actually need to be MORE organized! And that's why I could never do it. But I truly admire those who do it very well, and it's obvious you do!!!
  7. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Thanks Jackie, what an awesome compliment.

    Not sure I'm that In truth, most of the time I wonder if my daughter has done well because of my efforts...or in spite of them!

    But either way, I'll take it. Just so grateful she's getting the chance to pursue her dreams and seems like a happy whole person. That's the big goal.
  8. Mouseketeer67

    Mouseketeer67 New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Congratulations to you and your daughter on a job well done!!! :)
  9. julz806

    julz806 New Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    What a great accomplishment... as an entire family! You should be bursting with pride. It sounds like you have a wonderful, tightknit, bright family unit. Congrats!
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    (BTW, my husband and I also read books together! :))
  11. AngeC325

    AngeC325 New Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Awesome! Congratulations!
  12. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Congrats! It is a great school. My step-mom used to teach there.

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