Teens and Acne

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by mommix3, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    My heart is breaking for my son.. He has horrible acne. Neither myself or my husband had acne as teenagers and I was hoping that none of my kids would have it either.. Anyhow, yesterday Some kid walked up to him at school and told him he was unattractive because of his acne. He didn't even know them! It really hurt his feelings. :( I want to help clear this up but I don't know what to do. We tried proactive and it made it worse. He refuses to use any sort of medication for fear the same could happen. I was told that Going gluten free could help clear it up. Has anyone had experience with this?? Anyone have any suggestions on what I could do to help him?
  3. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I am sure you know and do most of these but they are things that helped people I know who had acne troubles. Of course milage may vary from individual to individual.

    Personally, I used to use original Philips Milk of Magnesia on my face. I would wash it and dry it then dab MofM on and let it dry completely then rinse it off. Other than that I just used Ivory soap, the plain old type. Taking a B vitamin complex 50 or 100 seems to help if I ever break out.

    Some people find that limiting peanuts or tree nuts from diet helps.

    Single use of only washcloths that have been bleached in the washing machines for washing and drying face can help keep bacteria from being moved from infected pores to others.

    Being strict about touching the face, especially in public can help reduce the bacteria load. Keeping the hands off of the face while reading, talking on phone, gaming, etc helps.

    Some people have an increase of pimples from eating Strawberries or strawberry products.

    Organic and Hyper-pasturized milk products can really impact acne for some folks. It has to do with the smaller fragments of milk proteins that form during this higher heat processing.

    A little Iodine in water on a washcloth or cotton ball as a rinse could help. A weak solution so as not to stain skin.

    Getting enough sleep is major as is overall healthy diet.

    occasional steaming face with hot/warm compresses before washing can help open up some pores, like taking a washcloth, getting it hot in hot water from the tap, squeezing it out folding it and holding it against face for half a minute or so then repeating the wetting and folding to a new place and putting on a new area.

    Occasional exfoliation with a gentle scrub might remove excess dead skin etc and prevent some clogged pores. Too much can encourage more oil production. If the skin is too damaged or sensitive to take a scrub, using a mild alpha hydroxyl moisturizer, not an acne product, but more like an inexpensive Nicel night renew type of product. these can help remove extra dead skin and prevent the sebum molecules from bonding into clogs in the pores.

    If your son had acne on his back and shoulders or neck, test something there for reactions, if not try it on the crease of the elbow or stomach or somewhere a little sensitive before risking his face to it.

    Acne, pimples are caused when dead skin cells, dirt, oil mix and clog a pore. Bacteria and funguses trapped behind can cause an infection. Puberty hormones cause extra oil, overall fast body growth causes extra skin growth.

    On last thing, you might want to re-package for this one, LOL some times yeast infections on the skin can add tremendously to acne situations. Those "seven day" creams can help quickly. I once broke out in my arm pits and across my shoulders with bumps and pimples while working at a car wash. I did everything, went to the Dr. several times and had prescription antibiotic creams, took antibiotics etc. Nothing was working. I bought some diaper rash cream to put on at night because I wanted something with a lot of zinc oxide. Someone I told that this had helped alittle suggested that it might be yeast and I bought some 7 day cream and it was finally over. I guess a combination of sweating in the summer, and getting a constant over spray from the tunnel caused this.

    This experience helped later when I had babies because at the first sign of pimply diaper rash and they got a little of that 7 day smeared on with a cotton ball, on the next diaper change I used ointment or powder as needed and it would be over.
  4. Shilman

    Shilman New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    My ds has bad acne. He is very oily. Sometimes he showers twice a day. That helps. Go to Wal-Mart, and get some Purpose soap (I get the liquid pump) and Clean & Clear persa-gel 10 (10% benzoyl peroxide). Read the instructions before use. See if that will help. If it gets really bad and it bothers him, you may have to go the antibiotic route. Oh, someone also suggested toothpaste!
  5. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I actually just heard that diaper cream is actually better for acne than the benzoyl peroxide stuff. I saw that on the tv show the Doctors the other day. You might want to try that since it should not be harsh since it is made for a baby.
  6. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Thank you Vantage for your info.. Some of that I didn't know. Diaper rash cream?? Is there a certain brand or something that I need to look for when I get it? When I think of diaper rash cream, I think of really thick stuff that's hard to wipe off.. My son will NOT like that.. He is wanting an over night cure and there is no such thing. How long would it take to see any kind of improvement? I'm thinking about a month..
  7. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I guess it should be anything with zinc oxide in it. You would put it on at night and probably use an old pillowcase. In the morning you use soap and water to wash it off. From what I understand you give it a week and there is a tremendous improvement (some folks it is actually all gone in a 2-3 days) and it stays away for awhile.
  8. NYCitymomx3

    NYCitymomx3 Member

    Jul 9, 2008
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    People swear by THIS. My nephew's acne was just about gone in less than 2 weeks. This would be my go-to regimen for my kids if need be.
  9. MagnoliaHoney

    MagnoliaHoney New Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    be careful about removing too much oil, that can actually cause the skin to produce MORE oil thinking there isn't enough.

    I like the MOM too (milk of magnesia) you can even get the dollar store brand and it will work fine. I would only do that once a week though.

    I use cold cream (this cleans, while moisturizing and leaving enough oil where the skin does NOT get the signal to make more oil!).

    Then moisturize too! I like coconut oil-just a little goes a long ways, it's antibacterial and it moisturizes well-again we are not wanting the skin to go into hyperdrive producing MORE oil.

    The other thing is hormones, no matter what I do, when pregnant, I will get some acne (it's a hormone thing), and when stressed look out, I break out horrible when I'm stressed out. (again hormones).

    So sometimes there's no amount of cleaning that will work if it's the hormones, which during teenhood could be.

    On the proactive I have never used it, BUT, I did hear that was one product you had to buy directly from the company for it to work, the kind they sell at walgreens did not work as well for the test study I seen on TV once.
  10. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    We decided to go the diaper rash cream route.. I really don't think he washes his face very good, if at all.. Grrr. Anyhow, he has little blackheads all over his face as well. Trying to talk him into steaming and then exfoliating to try to remove those boogers ( I really want to pop them! Even thought I KNOW you aren't supposed to), but it's like pulling teeth.. He's a stubborn one as well as very sensitive. So I had to be really careful when I suggested trying something else. I didn't want him to think that his acne is bothering me to look at it. Which it does, but only because I know it's hard for him to deal with. Especially with rude teenagers coming up to him randomly and commenting on it along with parents of friends giving him facial cleanser and others ordering him acne products(that's where proactive came from). What I like about he diaper rash cream is that when he puts it on ,he HAS to wash his face well to get it off :)
  11. Amethyst

    Amethyst New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    Accutane. It will clear it up. See a dermatologist for a prescription, or hopefully just a family practitioner. It is expensive so I hope you have insurance. My dh had severe scarring acne as a teenager and it was devastating to him. There was no way he was going to let my kids go through that. We have used Accutane and it works wonders!
  12. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    I used to have horrible acne as a teen, a real pizza-face. I did the Clearasil, the Clearasil soap, the hot rag steaming, the alcohol wipes, the cold water finish, etc. Nothing helped. Finally I just accepted that I was stuck with it until time would cure it, and just washed normally morning and before bed with Dial (yellow, antibacterial) soap and kept my hands off my face, and by college I was actually getting compliments on my clear complexion.
  13. MagnoliaHoney

    MagnoliaHoney New Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    I would highly highly suggest NOT using accutane.

    I was a test subject for accutane about 30 years ago. (I was in middle school). I started having severe stomach problems-in the floor crying. Going back and forth to the ER. After about two years they finally figured out I had polyps in my colon....it was awful. I had polyps (which are like moles so can turn to cancer!) for about 4 years after that. I haven't had them in decades now. And it was always a mystery as to why I had them so young. My dr kept saying I was his youngest patient ever with them.

    Last year I seen a commercial on TV to call in to xyz lawyer if you had ever been on accutane, that it has been found to cause colon cancer!


    However, I came back to this thread though to say I just seen a video on youtube that collidial (sp) silver helps acne! That is the route I would go! You just spray it on! :)
  14. MagnoliaHoney

    MagnoliaHoney New Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    ok I googled to give you more info on accutane, and I found this


    I had no idea about the suicidal depression side effect with it! I didn't know that was one of the symptoms. When I was taking it as a test subject, they did do the monthly preg test on me, and said how dangerous it would be to get preg on it. But, not about depression or the colon problems.

    Well I got both! At that time I also spent a year in a mental hospital for suicide attempt!!!!! I have never had that severe depression again nor been suicidal since stopping that drug. I NEVER connected the two till reading that article. I thought it was just situational depression for how bad my life was at the time! OMG!
  15. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Our dermatologist (who I loved!!) suggested accutane for dd15 (at 11) when antibiotics and many other prescriptions failed to help at all. Dd's acne was severe and was already causing scarring. I was hesitant, but did agree to try it. DD did have to do a pregnancy test every month. She was able to forego the required birth control because of dh's history of blood clots. She took it for 3 months and started having migraines. We immediately stopped the meds. She stopped using it before the complete dosage (6 months) was up. Her acne was almost all gone and thankfully did not return (other than normal hormonal type break-outs).

    I am very thankful that the accutane, especially an incomplete dosage, worked, but I was so very afraid of all the side effects. If your doc recommends it, arm yourself with all kinds of info and make a very informed decision.
  16. Amethyst

    Amethyst New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    This is not the case for everyone unfortunately. Scarring can last a lifetime. I'm happy it owrked for you, though.
  17. Amethyst

    Amethyst New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    Being on Accutane does require being monitored by a physician. There are blood tests that need to be done periodically. So far 3 of my 4 children have been on it and are doing really well. Sorry you had such a bad experience. But I think it's something worth considering. All medicines have side effects. It definitely requires monitoring, but it should not be ruled out without carefully checking into it. Results may be worth it.
  18. Amethyst

    Amethyst New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    It's definitely a teratogen. Absolutely females need to be aware of this.
  19. lovetoteach

    lovetoteach New Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    try a product called cetaphil - it comes as a soap bar and a facewash and a moisturizer. Great for acne break outs. The other thing my dermatologist suggested was Sebamed. It smells better but has similar properties.
  20. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Had the same issue. Hubby nor I had ever had bad acne, but our daughter had terrible acne from 7th grade through 11th grade. She tried everything from ongoing prescription antibiotics, to spin brushes, to every product imaginable...from ProActive to Homeopathic stuff to European stuff.

    And not just face acne...poor kid got it on her back, too. "Backne" She just had horrible luck.

    Now here's the amazing part. Last summer, she worked at a biology summer camp for two weeks, was outside about 8 hours a day, lost a little weight chasing all those little kids, and got a serious tan.

    And her acne went away. Seriously. Just like that. Poof. Blackheads diminished, blotchy skin tone evened out...she looked terrific, natural highlights in her hair. Seemed like overnight...her skin was gorgeous.

    We asked the doctor about it...and he made an interesting correlation. After the summer camp, she got into a running/walking routine...and got really regular cardio 2-3 times a week. Doctor hypothesized that maybe the exercise was affecting her metabolism...and by extension, her hormones...or maybe her hormones were leveling out naturally with age.

    But yeah...sometimes it's really that simple...they just have to outgrow it.
  21. Laura291

    Laura291 New Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    My son has bad acne. His younger brothers tease him at times, and I've always made sure to let everyone know that everyone goes through awkward issues in their teens and LOTS of kids get acne. This has helped my son feel less embarrassed by it, and he'll tell anyone who says anything about it, that he doesn't care....he'll outgrow it and someday they will probably deal with it too. Let your son know that MILLIONS go through acne and that he should not feel bad, and should stand up for himself or anyone else who get teased. Maybe even lie and tell him you went through it, or dad went through it. It might make him feel better that you both came out just fine.

    I have found that simply encouraging my son to wash his face has helped quite a bit. I put the acne soap IN the shower, and I keep the acne lotion on the sink so he doesn't have to remember to dig for it, and then I yell into the bathroom while he's showing "don't forget to wash your face!" LOL! We've used a few brands from CVS and they've all worked about the same. As long as he uses it DAILY, his acne is not as bad.

    My sister used Acutane. She had HORRIBLE acne. The first month her acne got worse, and her lips were so dry they bled. She said it was her system pushing all the oils out making her acne worse. After that month though, it cleared up completely. In her 30's her acne suddenly came back and she went back on Acutane for a few months, and again it got worse, then cleared right up. She had to be monitored closely by her doctor.

    Good luck! This is such a tough age!

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