Ascend Math Curriculum

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by soldiermom, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. soldiermom

    soldiermom New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Has anyone used or even heard of the Ascend Math Curriculum. It is an interactive online math program. We homeschool through a public school program. We get to pick curriculum and everything but sometimes if the kids test low on certain subjects they kind of poke their noses in. Well my dd mentor teacher is recommending this program. However when you do a web search the only thing that comes up is the program website and reviews and pages that the program owns. It all sounds great but what can an online program give that I can't with one on one focused training which she has never had before up until this point in her academic career. I don't like programs, products, and information that is only advertised and discussed by those selling it. It might be a great program but with out real people talking about it....How are you suppose to trust the amazingness of it? Even the teachers that promote it are also the teachers that are on the videos doing the lessons them selves. I watched 6 demo lessons and every teacher was one of the teachers boasting about how awesome the program is.

    I have actually not seen this much internet roadblocking as I have with this program there is simply nothing out there but what the Ascend program advertises. They either bought up a lot of internet search spaces or it really isn't all that great after all....
    would love your feedback.
  3. MinnieMouse

    MinnieMouse New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    Honestly I've never heard of it. However, if there are no reviews other than ones that the company itself promotes then I'd be skeptical. I'm sorry that you have intrusive people in your homeschool. :(
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I'd agree with MinnieMouse. I've never heard of it.
  5. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I have never heard of it but it looks like something the public schools would use/promote and is a common core product. Since there is a very large anti-common core movement in the homeschool community I am not surprised that it has not caught on, nor does it look like they are marketing to the homeschool community.
  6. soldiermom

    soldiermom New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    That is exactly what I thought.
  7. soldiermom

    soldiermom New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Currently as I am in the military the public school option is really our only option to allow us to homeschool. Ideally we would not be connected to the public school system but we will be moving soon and wanted to start this before we did so we could keep up with her schooling our selves instead of throwing her headfirst into uncommon ground every 3 years.
  8. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I have a friend in the military and she does not use a ps option. She just follows the state she is living requirements. She has not had an issue but I do not know if she went out of the country.
  9. Sea

    Sea Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Well, I have my son signed up for it, by choice. We use MUS with him, which is great. But at times he was stuck and we coudn't move on, or needed more time, so I wanted something he could do to keep reviewing math skills while he was in limbo. I now work part-time so when I can't sit and help him with MUS as he needs it, this something he can turn to and do. I go through a state-wide program and it was $30 for the entire year, so I figured why not? (But no one has told or suggested to me I should use a certain program for my child- only when I have asked for advice have I looked into it, so I can understand your hesitation).

    Overall, he likes it. He likes seeing and monitoring his progress. The downfall is that they cannot move on until they have mastered whatever skill they are working on- so he was stuck on the metric system, even though MUS does not touch on it until later- so after 2 weeks, I helped him so he could move on. I was hoping there would be more variety of work, but it is only 1 skill at a time and then move on. So, he can't go on and practice a few multiplication problems and fractions- just one skill and that is it (I hope it makes sense). In general, he does his MUS lesson and then 10-15 minutes of Ascend. But, if he takes too long or learning something new with MUS, we just do that for the day.

    So, it is not quite what I was hoping for, but I don't mind it. Yes, Common Core is advertised but really so far for us it is math skills he has to work through in any math we do!

    Hope that gives you a better idea! If you have any other specific questions let me know- and I'll see if I can answer them!
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Who says it's your only option? I think someone is giving you a crock full of bull! There's plenty of military folk who homeschool without a public option.
  11. soldiermom

    soldiermom New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Thank you Sea, I will definitely hit you up. I feel like it is something I am capable of doing myself. I don't think I need a computer to do the tutoring for my child. I am here so why can't I spend the time with her. At least that is my thought. I had never heard of it and I wanted to see if anyone in the homeschool world was using it. Thanks.
  12. soldiermom

    soldiermom New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    No one said this is her only option. It is just that we are new to the transition and it is just a good fit for our family right now money wise. We had to pull her out of actual public school rather abruptly so we started from scratch. Barely have notebook The public school is paying for her education and her supplies, field trips etc. We are struggling financially so for our situation it is really the only option as many of our supplies, books, and etc did not come with us to Alaska (and the libraries suck up here and internet is super expensive so we have limited broadband). They are still in our home state in storage. Once we get back to civilization then I will probably take over with everything. But it is nice having a mentor teacher to guide us and have education services available to us free of charge. Things like music lessons, tutors, fieldtrips, and all of that. If I have to listen to them try to sell me a new program every once in a while then it is ok in the long run. Besides if I get deployed it will be easier for my husband to put her back in public school with her records still in the ps system. He does not want to hs at all so he needs a what if... option.

    No one is feeding me anything. It is our choice and ours alone. The Ascend curriculum was recommended to me by her mentor teacher at the school. She said it might be a useful tool to add on to her curriculum she is doing now. I just wanted to know what people thought about it before I agreed to sign up with the program. There is not enough information out there for me to decide just by looking at a website and reading that it is research based. Nothing is better than word of mouth :)
    I appreciate your comments and apologize if my first messages were misunderstood.
  13. MinnieMouse

    MinnieMouse New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    A little off topic but have you looked to see if there is a homeschool group on post? I know that a lot of military families homeschool and at many posts there are groups set up and they may be able to help with books or good local suggestions as well. Seriously though- you're living in ALASKA!! How exciting! What a great experience for your daughter. She could study the iditarod, the unique seasons that come with living near one of the Earth's poles, the beautiful wilderness that is unique to that area...... so many things! I'm sorry that your husband is not on board with homeschooling- that makes things so difficult. Maybe he'll come around. ;)
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I'm sorry, I misunderstood. From the way you talked, it seemed as if someone in authority was telling you that you "must" do it this way, and you would prefer not to. And that wasn't right. But if you realize your options and feel this is the best one, then GREAT!!! I can understand money being tight, and also the fact that it would be easier to transition back if needed. Good luck to you!!!

    Oh, I didn't notice you were in Alaska!!! I spent a summer in Cordova, and absolutely LOVED it!!!
  15. soldiermom

    soldiermom New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    It's ok up here. A little rural for me though. Not as much to do up as one would think. Especially if you are not outdoorsy as I am not. My hubby likes the idea of homeschool he just doesn't want any part of teaching.
  16. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I can imagine you could get pretty claustrophobic in the winter. I was there in the summer, which means I really have no idea what it's "like".
  17. Sea

    Sea Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    I guess one thing to consider is your internet- in Ascend they do have videos that students watch sometimes, so if internet is sketchy it might not be a good fit. I'm in the 'city' so our internet is fine, usually no troubles! But, yes if you are there with her you can also focus on whatever skills she needs to work on!

  18. ascendmathjeff

    ascendmathjeff New Member

    May 6, 2015
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    I am very familiar with Ascend Math and would be happy to answer questions. I am affiliated with the company but am not here to promote anything. I found this forum via Google search and figured I'd offer my help. We don't actively market Ascend Math for homeschooling, but it can be used in a homeschool context.

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