Another Trip???

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Deena, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    The lady from our church who went with me to Africa (Dolores) is really working on an agenda for going back. While we were there we found an orphanage/school (combined together) only about 1 1/2 miles from where we were staying. It was in deplorable shape---but better than not having a home at all! Many of the kids have lost their parents to AIDS. It's so sad. So we talked with them about bringing a group back to work on building and repairing. They were so gung-ho about it all, and are praying on their end that it can be worked out. We'd also do some meetings, and a childrens' program.

    Now that we've been there once, we know people who know people who know people, so this is actually coming together. I was asked to make up a brochure about it, and did the first draft of it on Tuesday. Then yesterday Dolores and I met together. She took the brochure with her to go to Kinkos and ask how much something like that would cost to print out. We'd need to see if our church could cover that cost or not, but we'd really need the brochures to help gain peoples' attention and give info. about where the trip would be and what we'd be doing.

    We are trying to set up an info. packet that explains things and answers questions people might have. We had a lot of unanswered questions when we went, so we want to try to cover that for others who go.

    There are a lot of logistics to work out and hoops to jump through and people to contact to make sure things would be ready for us when we got there. We made good friends with the lady who owns the place we stayed, and she is right on board, willing to let us stay there again for a low cost! We'd have to make sure building materials would be there when we got there, etc.

    This would be in July of 2007. I feel such an urge to go again! I don't know if God wants me to go, or just help others go, but I am certainly enjoying helping with this!

    Another thing is fundraisers for the group. We don't want piddly things, we need some larger scale things that we can do as a group to raise funds somehow.

    Sorry this is so long! But I would like to ask your prayers for all these things mentioned, that things fall into place as they need to, and whether I should go or not. If I DO go, I'd want to take my family. Now that would certainly be God's doing, cuz there's no way we could ever afford even one of us to go! But He got me there last year when I found out about it in April, and we left in June!

    Anyway, please pray for this to work out---there is such a GREAT need for this over there! Thankyou sooo much! :love:
  3. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Jackie, If I DO go on this, that would cut out meeting up and going to see King Tut! :( But if God leads me the Africa direction, I will go! :)
  4. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    What an exciting opportunity! I'll be praying that God's will reveal His plans and provide whatever your group needs!
  5. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    That sounds WONDERFUL, Deena!! What a great trip for your family! I will be praying for all of the details as you and Dolores plan, for great ideas for fundraising, and that God's hand is evident to you and to everyone involved in the way everything falls together.

    ~ Marylyn
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Deena, I am praying. This is exciting news!!!
    A member of our church does a lot of missionary work. He brought back photos of an orphanage that was unlivable for most people but they obviously had no choice but to live this way. Before he came back he gave the pastor who ran the place a twenty dollar bill. The pastor started crying because now he could purchase food for the children. They were living on donations from other people and it wasn't much. They had no toys, one or two outfits, bad water, and leaky roofs. The man went to a larger city and bought a basketball and a doll. He said when he took it back to the orphanage it was as if it was Christmas. The children loved the gifts. They thought he was the nicest and richest man.:lol: :lol:
    I think it is a blessing to be able to reach out in this way; to be able to help people who truly appreciate the blessings.
    I am praying all goes well.
  7. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Patty, It sounds a lot like this place! While we were there, we went in to town (on the dreaded matatu! :lol: ) and got pencils, paper, pencil sharpeners, shampoo, pads for the girls, toothbrushes and toothpaste, lotions, etc. Boy were they excited! And that was just stuff they NEEDED! We gave some beanie baby type animals and some balls too. In US money it didn't cost us all that much to get as much as we did! That's why we want to go back---they don't ask for wants, they ask only for a few of the needed things, and are so grateful for every little thing! Their "cafeteria" right now has a dirt floor and is just filthy. Plus the kitchen is in a whole different area, so, rain or shine, they have to walk clear across a dirt area to get to the eating area.

    In my dream world, we'd pick a couple of projects and go once a year until this place has livable and really usable conditions! Well, if God is behind this, then He can make it happen!

    Thanks all for your support and prayers! Even if I don't go, I will certainly be supporting it any way I can!
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    DEENA!!! You'll just have to tell them you CAN'T!!! (You know I'm just kidding!) Well, I guess we'll just have to mail you postcards of King Tut!
  9. CrystalB9

    CrystalB9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    Praying Deena, but I was hoping to meet you at the King Tut trip!!! LOL
  10. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Oh Deena, that is exciting! How wonderful!

    Speaking of kids living in poor dh's boss donates coats every year to a school in Detroit. He was in Detroit once and noticed that a kid was wearing a coat and then another kid worn the same coat later on that day. He was on a driving route with a new guy---training him--which is how he noticed this. Well, they ended up having to deliver to the school. He noticed a teacher taking a coat from one kid and giving it to another. He asked her about that and she told him that the kids have to share coats. A great number of the children do not have coats or shoes for the winter. So, the teacher was allowing the children to share a coat. Very sad. That prompted him to start donating every year. I think he donates directly to the school but I am not sure. These kids do have parents so the coats are not going to an orphange. Anyway, it is quite heartbreaking to see so many in such great need.
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Ava Rose, I subbed for a school in Columbus that had both Deaf and hearing students. One day around Christmas I was in a first grade class when I heard this TERRIBLE very low whining sound coming from the cloak room. Now my background is with Hearing Impaired, and the noise sounded just like the feedback from a hearing aid. Sometimes kids will leave their Phonic Ear on when they leave for the day or something. It's very low and many people don't notice it, but I do and it drives me crazy. I went back in the coat room to check, and finally tracked it down to a hearing aid left on in a coat pocket. Interesting, since there were no Deaf mainstreamed into this class. My assumption was that it was found on the playground and the kid picked it up. I asked, didn't get much of a response from the kid, told him how IMPORTANT it was to turn in something like that if he came upon one, etc., and then sent it down to the office. About an hour later, a 5th grade hearing impaired teacher came in with her student. The kid had lost his hearing aid, and she had read him the riot act and brought him down to thank whoever had turned it in.

    I was back a week later, where I learned "the rest of the story". It seems the night before, the Deaf kid was in the gym practicing the school Christmas play with the rest of the school. The Deaf kids leave school directly from the gym, so they had their coats, which they just piled in the ground. This boy removed his hearing aid and put it in his coat pocket. The first grade boy, who didn't have a warm coat, took the oportunity to grab one that looked really warm. He just happened to grab one with the hearing aid in his pocket, and I just happened to recognize the sound and track it down!
  12. valerie

    valerie New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Africa is a continent that seems to be ripe for reception of Christ at this time. I pray the Lord's blessing on this endeavor. That each dollar will be used for His purposes and not wasted, that your energies will be focused, that ears and hearts will be receptive to God's Word, for smooth travels and plans. That all red tape will be taken care of easily and in God's perfect timing.

    How very exciting! I can't wait to hear how it goes. :)
  13. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    WOW!!! Deena that sounds wonderful and neat. I would start fundraising right now. With Christmas coming up people are willing to spend a little more. Like bake sales they go over go. Keep us update. I hope and pray the family gets to go with you this time.
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    My dd9 doesn't want to go, and I'm not sure I want her to go either. I was so sick for those few days, and she and I both are afraid it might happen to her. So she would probably stay at her grandparents in Maryland. ds13 decided he DOES want to go after all, maybe, probably! :) So we'll see. We may not get to go---dh still isn't on board, but is leaning, so we'll see about that. Otherwise, I'll still put effort into it for others who CAN go!

    Yes, Africa is ripe right now, so we want to "take advantage" of that! Thankyou for the good wishes and most of all prayers everyone! How exciting it would be to go! Jackie and Kris, are you REALLY going to go with me this time???! :)

    I know Jackie, why'd it have to be the same time as the King Tut thing?! Well, if it DOES happen, then I'm hoping that if my dd does stay in MD with grandparents, that we can spend a few days there too on our return. Maybe we could somehow meet up then??? Crystal too!!!

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