CNN's Report on Homeschool Physical Education

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by JenniferErix, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Here is a link to a video report, seen today on CNN regarding homeschoolers and physical education.

    Click Here
    (Look towards the botom on the left, for "Fitness for the home schooled".)

    It is a fluff piece, really, with no major revelations or information given. Many generalities and no specifics.

    But, still interesting to post so others can see for themselves.

    Off to sew more blankets!
  3. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I can't get this to play on dial up, but I do have some observations about the gym classes for homeschoolers around here.

    Jeannie is in gymnastics at one Y, gym at another, and another gym class at a health club type of place.

    Out of all these, only gymnastics has a set program. It's the only class where I feel she gets exposed to what a gym class is supposed to be.

    At the other Y where she has 'gym', I asked the teacher where he gets his curriculum. I asked if the state or county provided guidelines he had to follow. The answer was no. I asked how he comes up with his lessons. He answered me by saying he's been teaching h.s. kids for 13 years, he runs them around, exposes them to team sports, etc, etc. In the spring he does something through the President's Council on Physical Fitness.

    So far, they have done soccer, dodge ball and some basketball. There's some tag and stuff like that.

    At the health club place, the teacher is heavyset. Remember, so am I so I'm not being mean here. I'm just saying the gym teacher herself is overweight. They also do not have a set curriculum. Most Fridays they start with b-ball, then dodge ball, then sometimes they'll ride bikes on the huge indoor field they have.

    Jeanne does come out sweaty and tired, plus she enjoys the heck out of both gym classes. What I'd like is for the two gym classes to have standards to follow. The kids need to do this by this time, you know?

    What about calisthenics?(SP?) What about running? What about strength training? Certainly the kids get cardio, but those other aspects are important, too.
    That's why I put her in as many fitness classes as I can.

    I wish I could see what this segment said.

    Dr Gupta is a hunk, no matter what he said!
  4. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Well I Thought it was finally something positive out there about us!!
    Thank you.:angel:
  5. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Being a dial up girl myself, I couldn't see it either. Would somebody please summarize what it is about?
    Please and thank you!:D
  6. Hippychick

    Hippychick New Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Pretty basic, Just saying how important physical exercise is and even though these girls (who they are showing this on) do school on the couch, by no means are they couch potatoes., two ladies started a gym class, some just teach, some use cirriculums ect.. Around here we have 3 levels of boys basketball (elementary, JV and Varsity), 2 levels of girls basketball (JV and Varsity), Volleyball, Soccer, we have a gym class at the Tennis Center, gymnastic center ,ballet, karate (for just hs) synchro swim team, Ski club, track team for all ages, a basketball center now has a gym class for hs and a local communuty college has many gym options.(Karate,swimming, basketball,volleyball,baton, trim and tone excercising) Just to say a few. We have plenty here we can keep us going.... I am probably missing something more.
  7. ajjhmf

    ajjhmf New Member

    Dec 7, 2006
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    I couldn't see it either but I'm glad it was positive.

    Honestly, my son gets MORE physical education and exercise being homeschooled than he would have in school. In school he would have sat most of the day, where with me he gets more time to run and play outside, in addition to his swim lessons, Tang Soo Do and then his gym classes through his co-ops. He does something 4-5 times per week, where at the school, he went to gym class maybe once a week.
  8. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    In ps (1st grade) my ds only had recess twice a week and PE once. Even with no structured program, he gets more physical activity at home than that.
  9. INmom

    INmom New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    It's the same in ps around there. When my 2 were in ps, they had PE a total of about a half-hour a week. In just getting outside around the house or going for walks/hikes as a family they get much more than that. In addition, we are lucky that our local YMCA offers a swim/gym for 2 hours every other Friday and we have the option of attending a homeschool group's "open gym" for 3 hours the alternate Friday's. I often chuckle when other parents ask me about PE.....

  10. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I don't like putting stringent rules on what has to be taught in these classes. Sure, a structured class would be nice, but if they're benefitting from teh exercise, and learning coordination etc., why do we need more rules on what HAS to be taught? The reason I ask is because it kind of worries me that those rules are set up, and more rules are set up, and requirements are made to have parents have to have a college degree to teach their own children at home, and pretty soon we're back to where we started before we started homeschooling---rules and dictation on what we as homeschoolers and parents can and cannot do. I like the options. You have Jeannie in 3 gym classes so she gets a lot. But it's not as important to have strict "gym" class to everyone, so what they get in baseball or basketball or playing sports with kids in the neighborhood, and coming in sweaty, is enogh for some parents, because they're getting the aerobic exercise, and depending on what else they get the strength training too, just not with a set standard.

    I agree, from what I hear, they certainly don't have any set standards they follow in ps! Some don't even do PE at all! So in my eyes, my kids are getting better exercise benefits from what we do on our own and in the neighborhood than what they'd get in school!

    Now, if kids are allowed to be "couch potatoes" and NOT do regular exercise in some form, then I would totally disagree with that!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2006
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I wasn't able to get it, either.

    What is the goal of PE anyway? In my opinion, it was mostly to get the kids up moving around and exercising. My kids are doing that, at least as much if not more than if they were in PS. We hike once a month, swim twice a month. In the summer, we swim much more often and bike weekly. Phillip and Rachael play soccer, with Rachael also refing. Faythe does dance.

    Our local rec center has a HS PE class. My kids have taken it in the past, but I thought it was a waste because of the teacher. Now there's another guy doing it. He's also in charge of soccer, and I think he'll be much better, but the class is during the only time we have to swim.

    I'm against any kind of standards for informal gym classes, especially those for HS'ers!
  12. Aurie

    Aurie New Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    My personal goal of PE is to give my kids something they can carry into adulthood. Dodgeball isn't one of those ;) But a love for sports/exercise/dance, etc can be. I let them pick whatever it is they are interested in doing. I also require they play basketball and eventually they will be learning golf. I think those two sports can be used way into adult life whether they really like them or not. Most men play a little hoops or have to play a round of golf or two during their professional careers. Women are starting to have to do the same, at least in the way of golf.

    I am glad that something was in the news in a positive light about homeschooling. But I agree, I don't think it has to be some kind of organized curriculum.
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    In defense of dodgeball.... It teaches coordination, and the kids love it. It's one of the more popular games at AWANAS.

    I find your comments on b-ball and golf interesting! To me, neither are necessary for successful adult life. And golf is just plain EXPENSIVE!!! My kids' sports activities are more or less what they're interested in. I'm OK as long as they're doing SOMETHING active. Faythe is talking about dropping dance, but I would want her to replace it with something else physical. Something like an art class, while she would love it, wouldn't work for me. Art in addition, yes, but not as a replacement.
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Oh, our church is going to have a party the night of the National Championship Football game. Ohio State is playing Florida, and we live in Central Ohio. My 7YO is going to have so much fun watching the game with the tten boys, especially since his dad really could care less! (And our church has some wonderful teen role models, I might add!)
  15. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    With all this talk of PE classes I must say that I never relaly thought about it much. My dd10 was a competitive dancer for two years and now she is in a tumbling class working on her back flips. She plays basket ball several times a week just out in the driveway with me or friends. She is always on her bike or playing tag or hide and seek with neighbors. I guess I just figured she was plenty active not to need any formal PE classes. I didn't realize people have actual PE classes out of ps.
  16. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    I have never tried to plan formal PE for my kids. My dd's are in dance classes, because they love to dance. My ds was in karate, but we dropped it this year, beacuse of the expense, plus we were just doing too much. But all of my kids play outside, run around, ride their bikes around the neighborhood, etc. That's exercise. If we move in Feb. there is a church with a huge Upward basketball program that I would encourage my kids to be involved in.

    About golf.... I do not think that an adult should have to be able to play golf to survive in the corporate world, but it does seem to be a favorite pastime. My dh has had to play golf several times as part of business conferences during his carrer. He is not a golfer, so it does sometimes bother him that all everyone wants to do is play golf.
  17. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I'm sorry.
    I have been off for a couple of days and did not see the request for a transcript. Sorry.

    I did go back to CNN/Health to try to find a typed version of the story and could find nothing.

    But those who summarized it, did well.

    Next time, I will summarize the piece or find a text version for those who are unable to view the videos.

    Again, sorry.
  18. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    My dh has never had to play golf, and when I was teaching in a Christian school (for 4 years), I never did either. I just like the physical exercise--football, riding bikes, soccer, dodgeball (I LOVED that game when I was a kid! :D ), swimming, gymnastics---they all are physical, aerobic, increase your stamina, and get the kids out in the fresh air. That's what I want from "PE". I want them to keep up their health and strength so that when they get older, they'll be healthy, and able to pick up on the different sports opportunities that come their way. If they ever DO have to play golf, they just need to say, "I haven't played golf, but I'll go along with you." Golf and Karate lessons are just too expensive, at least around here, for us to put 3 kids in! So, though it's a great idea, we can't, but I think they'll be okay with all the other exercise activities they're involved with!
  19. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    For PE, Emma is in ballet. This is her main part of PE. Handsome and his late wife used to both compete in tennis when they were in high school. He plays well and, in the warmer months, we take Ems to the courts and play. I do not play well at all and Ems is learning. For her it is simply time to play with her daddy. I love it! Handsome has her running all over the court. We are both out of breath and sweaty by the time we are done. This is great for the heart. He also used to play golf. We can't afford to play on a real field so our back yard becomes one. It is right on an acre and it is deep. Handsome goes out with her and teaches her how to play. This is not at all physical but it is still fun for her and she gets credit for it. Even if I could afford to put her in lessons, I do not think she would enjoy it. It is being with her dad that makes it for her. They also play basketball and baseball. I totally agree it is about getting the heart going that matters. Now that the weather is getting nasty, Ems will use the Gazelle as she watches a video. Some schools around here use nutrition classes as PE credit or even health classes. I still like the idea of getting the heart going.
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    We have a homeschool "Root Beer Baseball" team! Two HS'ing dads, quite a while back, decided that their boys needed to play a "pick up" baseball game. So they started having "unorganized" baseball. They play on Thursday evenings and on Saturday mornings. Usually there's enough for two older, one younger. Whoever shows up are divided into teams. Everyone gets to bat, and it's really informal. Usually an adult pitches, at least for the younger kids. This spring/summer was the first we participated. My kids had a BLAST, and it gave Carl and I a chance to go to Starbucks and stare at each other, lol!
  21. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Wow Jackie, another good reason to move to Ohio, huh? When do my dh and I ever get a chance to just stare at each other?! :D

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