A Family Vent! Who can relate?!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by JenPooh, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Anyone have a relative you constantly shake your head at? I was reminded of this on Saturday at a family Christmas gathering. A cousin of mine (what is with my cousins?!?! ALL OF THEM besides one family are filled with numerous morons!) and his wife have two kids. One is 7 and he has been a hellion ever since he was born. My mom, who is normally the sweetest woman ever, even admitted she can't stand the boy! She doesn't even like to look at him he ticks her off so much. He instigates so much and I can't stand my son being around him. He is always in some sort of trouble at school. They also have a 13 year old who is now on probation at school for DRINKING and SMOKING! She is in 8TH GRADE!!! This was also not a first offense. Ok, I love my family and all, but doesn't this tell you something when both of your children are like this?! They think their kids are normal. [​IMG] These cousins are also ones that think it's ok to host a teenage drinking party. Hummm...I wonder why they are the way they are then?!?! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Thanks for letting me vent. I am so glad my parents raised me with a level head (most of the time!).[​IMG]

    ETA: Just an FYI...the one family I mentioned that IS normal, is the only family besides my immediate family that raises their children in a Christian home with values...humm...I think that also says something too.
  3. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Let me start by saying he has changed and is a good young man now. But! When my nephew was about 7 years old he was so spoiled that he came over here one year on Easter and when our foster son showed him his new bucket of toy soldiers that he got for a present from us my nephew grabbed a handful and threw them across the yard and said now you pick them up, as he ran off to his parents. My sister and her husband didn't say a word. He of course had received several expensive gifts for Easter and wouldn't share them. He threw the little men after our foster son had been letting him play with them and he waited to do it until his parents said they had to go. Like I said, he is a great guy now but it sure took a long time for him to outgrown the brat stage! I guess all families have relatives like that.
  4. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    I've got too many family stories like that. Both of my grandmothers are dead, and I would like to think that they smile when they look down apon me and my family and they are probably shaking their heads at the others!.... OK, I'm not perfect by any means but have caused the least amount of trouble on at least one side of the family.
  5. JenPooh

    JenPooh New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I should also add that my uncle (my cousin's dad) offered their daughter (the 13 year old...his granddaughter) a shot of alcohol at the gathering! WHAT THE?!?! My husband was the one that piped up on that one and told him that wasn't cool. It's a never ending cycle I tell ya. I am sometimes embarassed to call them family, to be honest.
  6. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    oh don't get me started!!!!! If I go down the "can you believe this?" road with my family, you'd all be in stitches!

    :) Glad you could vent.
  7. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    My mom's side of the family is like this. My aunt was purchasing beer and porn for her boys when they were teenagers. She did this so they would leave her alone. To this day they are all twisted and perverted.
    I wonder why??!!
  8. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Oh Jen you dont have to worry about being the only one with famliy like this. You should see mine!!! I think everyone, no matter who we are or where we come from has people like this in our families. Just thank the good Lord up in heaven that we aren't like that. Makes me appreciate my husband and kids even more!
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Gosh, guys, I am SO BLESSED!!! My only brother doesn't have any kids. My DH has a single brother, a pastor brother who makes his kids behave as well, if not better, than mine. DH's sister has two kids who are rather young yet. But she's a good mom, and tries hard to make them behave. I've absolutely no complaints about any of them! My DSSs, now, are adults, and they're ANOTHER story!
  10. AngieMose

    AngieMose New Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    I can totally relate! But, I will say that praying for my family and not playing Holy Spirit (I am SO BAD about that!) with regards to my family has been the key for me. Within a year I've seen some of my family come together like you wouldn't believe. Still do some crazy things, but hey, I figure "let go and let God!" Seems to be working the best. He changes them and ME in the process!
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Angie, I had a friend in college we joking refered to as "Junior Holy Spirit", lol! That's hard for me, too!
  12. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Ok, Ladies you don't want to get me going on this subject. I could write a book or maybe two books on family. That's why I live far away.
  13. Aurie

    Aurie New Member

    Oct 11, 2006
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    I think most families have a little "Jerry Springer" in them. I am just glad most of mine now live on the opposite side of the country from me.
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Yep, I could tell some stories too....wow! Sometimes I wonder why I was so blessed to be raised in a Christian home, end up with a wonderful husband and family and be so happy?! My brother and sister and my dh's sister have all been divorced and gone through crazy things. DH and I are blissfully happy together! So I feel very blessed and wish everyone could be like me! :lol: I mean could be HAPPY like me!!! :lol: I also always say I'm glad I'm not God, cuz I would've zapped me a long time ago! :eek: Thank God He's so patient with all of us! :love:
  15. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Deena, I know what you mean. I lay in bed at night and think about people who don't have families to love and care for, or warm homes to sleep in, or food for their families. I think about my life and remind myself it is through no act of mine that I am so blessed. My silly little dogs live better than so many people in this world. We tell our kids at church to go through life with their hands outstretched, not palm up waiting for someone to give them something, but palm down, freely sharing what they have with those who have so little. Wow. I think I need to go hug my husband.
  16. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Crazy family is something I just got used to over the years growing up and the older I got the farther away I went! I just choose not to be around them. My parents and brother's family is wonderful but it is my moms siblings and there families who are nuts. Nobody likes anybody else and when they do get together they all talk about each other. And there is my mom nervously pretending that its all like it was when I was a kid - happy and nice. It just got progressively worse as time went by. Okay and honestly my mom is a bit nuts too - she is so very sweet just very different and does and says really off the wall things - always has - I just can't ever visit for more than a day or two before I wasnt to smack her.

    Family gatherings make me sooooo glad I am adopted.
  17. bugsmommy

    bugsmommy New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    oooooooooooohhhhhhh.....tommorrow is the in-laws Christmas at my mil house!:eek: ! I get along with mil really well.....and MOST of the others, it is just my bil and cousin in law (they are both guys and the same age) have girlfriends (live in:shock: :roll: ) who have kids (never married the dads....) and there boys (same age as dd---6) who are total deliquents! We have to keep dd in our sight at all times because these hellions are very aggressive! There have been a few times that they have been told to lay off b/c they were being waaayyyy to rough with dd. Now, I want dd to be able to stick up for herself (with words of course!)...but dh has taught her a few moves just in case...It annoys us both that we have to show our daughter how to protect herself at 6 yo because these mothers (I use the term loosely!) cant seem to dicipline their kids....Not to mention the girlfriends seem to behave in a manner that ...ahem...lets just say, we are not accustomed to...although, mil told me that these "women" will be told where they may go if they get out of hand!lol!! I guess tommorrow will be REAL interesting!
  18. benedict_14

    benedict_14 New Member

    Dec 2, 2006
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    everyone has a wacky and weird relative...:lol: that is one reason i go to our family reunions...
  19. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Oh bugsmommy you will have to let us know how it all turns out.

    As I have posted my extended family is nuts but you should see my husband's family. My inlaws get drunk by noon and then start arguing and saying absurd stuff to people. Last year my father in law asked my husband's niece if she was pregnant because she was getting fat!!! The girl is 18 and she was so mortified!!!! We aren't celebrating with them this year though - we conveniently have other plans and they are not happy about it but oh well.
  20. cowpokemary

    cowpokemary New Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    I'd like to have a Merry Christmas AWAY from my lovely siblings this year! Seems like that just might make it easier!

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