HSLDA Membership

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by SoonerMama, May 8, 2007.

  1. SoonerMama

    SoonerMama New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    Should everyone have one? What are the benefits? It looks like we would qualify for the cheaper membership since my husband is active duty, but I don't really know much about it.

    To let you know what a dork I am...You know how I started that thread about how all of the sudden it seems like homeschooling is everywhere? Today I go out to the mailbox and pull out a brochure that says "YOU CAN HOMESCHOOL!" And I was like, "OH MY GOSH!!!! IT IS EVEN IN MY MAILBOX!!" I just couldn't believe it. But after a little while I remembered that I had had to fill out my address on some HSLDA site, so I was a little disappointed that God was not sending me my own personal message via the USPS.:oops:
  3. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I think everyone should have some kind of legal protection.
    I am with HSLDA and love it. If you are contacted or dragged to court by officials, they fight for you to the end. They are the authority on the homeschool laws and I personally would not want to be without them. They keep going until they exaust all resources.
    They do not just help in cases that are directly about homeschooling, but they help to make the lives of homeschoolers better.
  4. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I forgot to add, go to their web page and read some of the cases they are fighting or have fought. It is eye opening as to how many homeschool families are pressured by the system.
  5. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I pay $27 every three months for my membership and I do so on principle.

    I believe that these guys would represent ANY case (Brought to their attention) that deals with someone's right to homeschool.

    Therefore I did not join for their protection.

    What I did join for was to be a part of their efforts to protect homeschooling rights, and for the work they do with their publications, legal work, lobbyists and everything they do to protect homeschoolers freedoms.

    Again, even without being a member, if I called them and said that the state was denying my right to homeschool, they would be there in a second, ready to defend me, because it advances their special interest.

    But I know that other peoples money would be used to defend me....

    So, I send my money knowing that it helps all homeschoolers...

    Hope this rambling makes sense....
  6. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    HSLDA Issues

    We are memebers of HSLDA. I do think there are some good reasons to join but legal protection isn't one of them. They WILL NOT take any case that comes their way to protect the rights of homeschoolers. They don't take custody cases for example. (Mom wants to homeschool but dad puts up a fight.) They won't take your case midway through and there are some CPS cases that they won't take, BUT you don't have to be a member for them to represent you or give you advice if you have a problem that will affect lots of people. They also will not represent unschoolers. So don't do it for the legal protection. There are plenty of lawyers that will represent homeschoolers and it is worth the effort to contact one.

    However, one good reason to join is to support their work towards homeschooling. In NYS, they were recently involved in helping parents negotiate regents requirements (or lack thereof) for homeschoolers. They are actively fighting against laws that lower and raise compulsory attendance. And they do have the best information that is out there--hands down. I advise a lot of people, Christian and not and regardless of their particular religious affiliations, I always send them to HSLDA for information.
  7. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    No, I am not a memeber of HSLDA.
  8. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    I was going to ask this last night but I was too tired to type anything!

    I brought it up with dh but he doesn't think we need it here. While I want to support and help all homeschoolers, he doesn't want to give up the 8 dollars a month- that's how much it would be for us since we're military.
    I don't know many here in VA that are members either. I know a couple, but most of the homeschoolers I know are not. Homeschooling is HUGE here though and that could be why, I don't know. It's fairly easy to homeschool here and they leave you alone.
  9. Prof_Mom

    Prof_Mom New Member

    Apr 24, 2007
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    I was thinking of joining starting next September because I live in NYS. There are a lot of hoops I have to jump through, like having to submit a letter of intent, and ihip, quarterly reports and a year end assessment. I have to have them take a test every other year starting in 4th or 5th grade and every year of high school. The superintendent can actually notify me three days in advance and come visit my house.

    So, this is why I will join. This is just too much and it is too easy here, it seems to me, to be put on probation. I lived in Kansas before, and someone told me all they had to do was file as a nonaccredited private school. That was it for the rest of their lives. But for some people it is not so easy. It could be they will start enforcing national laws on homeschooling, and make it hard for homeschoolers all over.

    This is just my thoughts.
  10. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    Sorry to threadjack but. . .

    The superintendent CANNOT visit your house. Home visits from the Board of Ed are not legal in NYS. (CPS may come a knockin' but you are not obligated by law to let them in.) I highly suggest getting the LEAH regulation manual which is super duper helpful. You can purchase it through a local LEAH chapter. I am actually putting together a few google docs for my support group that has samples of IHIPs, quarterlies, and explains the law in abreviated format. I spend most of my September and June clarifying NYS homeschooling law for people so if you have any questions. . .feel free to PM me! Or I suppose if there's enough of us here we can start another thread? Sorry to thread jack again. I'm a big fat thread jacker head.
  11. Earthy

    Earthy New Member

    May 4, 2004
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    Hey didn't you do that before...you sneaky mama;)

    I have never really looked in to the HSLDA. Maybe something on here will spark my interest in it, or maybe not. Either way, check it out and maybe it will be something your interested in.
  12. the sneaky mama

    the sneaky mama New Member

    May 5, 2007
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    Yes, yes, yes. That's why I'm sneaky! LOL

    In NYS it is definitely worth checking out. Different districts are different though and in some districts they don't even check your paper work. In ours, I think she must be unmarried and live in her office bc the woman stinkin' reads everything.

    BTW, the law also says that if you mail your IHIP and they don't respond w/i 10 days, you don't have to send anything else in for the rest of the year.
  13. Lee

    Lee New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Yes, I am a member. I think that they do a great job and I want to support them so they have the funding to continue. I also like knowing that I have someone who will be there for me if I needed them.
  14. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    :lol: That's funny! :lol:
  15. Prof_Mom

    Prof_Mom New Member

    Apr 24, 2007
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    I misread. They can if you are on probation.

    So it is only if you are on probation. I just think it is sad that this state is so paperwork friendly instead of homeschool friendly.

    (Threadjack anytime. :) No sweat.)
  16. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I'm not a member and don't intend to be. My reasons are the following;
    -Unschoolers and certain ecclectics simply aren't allowed membership under the membership requirements.
    -They've pushed on issues that fall outside their perceived mandate like spanking, the UN and gun control.
    -Some campaigns seem alarmist and spread a lot of vey questionable information.
    -They have roots in a specific brand of christianity that influence their policies and campaigns.

    The HSLDA may have a place but I suggest anyone google the heck out of it before they join.
  17. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    What is the denomination? I have no clue. (AS usual! haha!)
  18. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    They do take custody cases that deal with homeschooling if they believe a parents right to homeschool their child is being taken away from the other spouse. There have been a couple of articles on their site about this. A few years ago a couple was divorcing and the mom wanted to homeschool and the father wanted the child in public school. The judge ruled that the mom was qualified as a teacher and the father had to drop the child of at her home every morning before work so he could attend school. This was to be done on the days he had the child since they had split custody. The father was upset because he did not want the child to be with the mom when he had custody. The father did not want to do this so he gave up his custody rights and the mom receive permanent custody.:D

    They have represented unschoolers but they are very careful because unschooling can be tricky in a court. You can find cases about unschooling on their site as well.

    I have shared this before and it is also on their site. A father called HSLDA for advice, even though he was not a member. A XXX dance bar was going up so many yards from his back yard. He did not think it was appropriate for his son. So when the lawyers found out the boy was a homeschooler, they jumped on the case. What happened was HSLDA proved the home was the boys school and private homeschools have the same brick and mortar laws as private schools. So the judge ruled in favor of the homeschool family that the business was to close to a school. It was appealed and the business won this time because they proved the boy's school was the home, not his whole yard and the legal distance required fell in his back yard. So the business was granted permission to build the nudie dance place. HSLDA did their research and took it back to court on appeal. HSLDA got together with neighbors of this family, non-profit organizations and purchased the boy an enormous play ground and put in the back portion of the yard. At court HSLDA won and the dance place had to be built elsewhere because it fell within the limits, right into the boys playground which is part of his school yard.:D
    So they do fight cases that do not pertain directly with homechooling. This boy's rights as a homeschooler were not being challenged. It was the moral issue and being a homeschooled child, HSLDA wanted to prtect his rights.
    They are great.
    No, they do not take every case but but they take way more then we read about or hear about. I like to go to their site and read what is going on in each state. They are a powerful organization. As Jen said, our payment pays for the protection of others if we do not need it.
  19. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I wanted to apologize for my mistakes. I made many!:oops: :oops:
    I have many spelling errors.
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I believe firmly in HSLDA. Yes, they have an agenda. No doubt about that, but it's one I can live with. I support them because if I have any kind of problem with the district, I know can call. It just helps to be able to say "Here...talk to my lawyer!!!" I like that they will keep me informed about what's going on legislatively. I feel my membership helps others who are being persecuted simply because they homeschool.
  21. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Their membership specifically excludes unschoolers by requiring the applicant to agree that they are using, "a clearly organized program of education to instruct our children."

    I would be interested though in seeing those cases and I'll take a look for them. I don't mean anything nefarious by the unschooling thing though.

    One of their other statements leaves me unable to ever seek membership..."Because of HSLDA’s active involvement in preserving traditional marriage, we do not provide legal representation for matters involving same-sex marriages, civil unions, polygamy, or related domestic arrangements."

    My husband and I were married by a JP. I have a problem with their stance on gay marriage anyhow.

    Jennifer - It's generally an organization run by men who are fundamentalist christians and it's positions and politics often reflect that.

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