Horrible Mom-Of-The-Year Fails. Ya got one?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by CrazyMom, May 30, 2014.

  1. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I once had the smart idea to play Marco Polo indoors. I guess it was too cold to play in the pool. My son tripped and hit his mouth on a coffee table- chipping a tooth.

    I advise no indoor Marco Polo.
  2. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I was at Aldi's today. A little boy, about three or four, was in a cart all by himself. His dad was around the corner (way down the aisle!). And the little boy was cralling out, "DADDY!!!" Dad heard and replied, but the boy said, "I CAN'T SEE YOU!" Dad continued talking to him, but that didn't help. So I went up to the kid and told him, "I'm going to push you right to here, and now you can see him!" Dad heard me saying this, and did watch me as I did so. The little boy was quite happy, and even said thank you (!!!). But I can't imagine leaving a young child out of my sight at a store! I just don't think it's safe at all!!!
  3. cabsmom40

    cabsmom40 Active Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    I once saw two young children walking along the side of a fairly busy road. At first I prayed and then I thought that I should turn around and see where they are going or if something needed to be done. Well, by that time, they had turned around and had arrived at a gas station. I pulled in and there was a woman there that the kids were near to and I asked her something (I can't remember what). She said they had been fighting in the car and she was going to make them walk home.

    This was at about 9:00 at night and the kids were both probably under 10 years old. I was too shocked to think of anything to do at that moment. Looking back, I should have called the police or something.
  4. CrazyMom

    CrazyMom Banned

    Sep 30, 2013
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    I had a scary one on a road with kids.

    Was driving down a very fast country road with lots of dips and turns. Most people go about 65....I go about 55.

    Through a particularly hilly part, some of the driveways are blind...because they are cut into hills. A little boy about 7....came running out of a blind driveway and TRIED TO HIT MY CAR WITH A HUGE STICK! His big brother (about 10) was hanging back looking horrified. He looked like he tried to gather his little brother up, but his little brother jerked away from him and went down the road with his stick.

    Takes about a quarter of a mile to find a place to safely turn around....but I did...and came back to march that little bugger right up to his house. He could have been killed. I was so upset I decided that if the parents didn't react seriously enough, I'd phone the police.

    As I came back to the boys...I saw their grandfather hot on their heels. He snatched the little one up and mouthed "I'm sorry" at me. From the look on his terrified and furious face...it was pretty obvious he'd witnessed what the little one had done. I nodded and waved.....it looked like he had the situation well under control, so I kept driving.

    Was SO scary, though. They need to keep a leash and that one until he grows a clue. Otherwise, I doubt he'll live to see 12! Terrifying.

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