Logic of English

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by dairyqueen, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. dairyqueen

    dairyqueen New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Does anyone here have any experience with this program? Where would I start? My DS will be in 1st grade next year. He's reading and writing and just venturing into spelling.

    Any help will be welcomed! :D
  3. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Hi I am using the complete set. I understand they have ventured into making grade leveled books as well. I would say any age can do the complete curriculum...but it's very labor intensive. I mean you can easily spend 1-3 hrs a day. No I am not kidding.
  4. BatmansWife

    BatmansWife New Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    I almost hate to say this (because it's going to sound so derogatory), but I would say if you want to make reading, writing, and spelling a drudgery and a joykill for your first grader....than get The Logic of English. I had our school spend a small fortune on everything for it last year (mostly I wanted it for spelling). Ugh. I quickly ended up hating it. I honestly think it overcomplicates things unnecessarily. But...that's just me.

    ETA: Also, I really wouldn't get this for a 1st grader. My dd was 9 (3rd grade) when we started working through it and there was a lot of stuff in there that was either just too difficult or wanted her to remember rules for things that just got to be too much. I thought I heard there is a younger level, but I've never checked to see if it's available yet. I just think a 6 or 7 year old (even older) still needs enjoyable and engaging curriculum and I can't say that of LOE.
  5. dairyqueen

    dairyqueen New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Thank you both for your advice! 1-3 hours a day sounds insane, for me and my 6 year old. lol I also don't want to overcomplicate things.

    I know that I learned English best from lots of reading and speaking correctly. I didn't know all of the rules, but I knew how a sentence was supposed to sound, having been exposed to proper grammar, so English was an easy subject for me. However, I thought maybe it would be beneficial to know the rules. But, I can't imagine spending that much time on one subject this early on.

    Anyway, thanks again! I was really curious, but now, not as much. :)

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