Our oldest son just called. His 14 year old son has been saying that there were chipmunks in an old pear tree in their backyard. Matthew knew that was probably not so but he went to look. He kept watching because he could hear something running around up in the tree. He finally saw what it was and it is sugarbabies! He said there are 5 them and they are running around and around the tree. He thinks they have been there a while because he saw something one evening when he was taking the dog out. I keep hoping he can get a picture but they are too fast for him. We have never seen something like that around here before!
OMG.... you mean like sugargliders??? I wanted a sugarglider sooooo bad, still would love a few, but we have a zoo already. They aren't native to the area are they?
Oh my goodness! I must have had candy on my mind! Yes it is sugar gliders. Matthew is trying so hard to get a video of them in the tree but they are too fast for him. I have never seen one but Matthew has and has no idea where these came from! They certainly are not supposed to be around here in the wild like that.
They are a lot of work to have as pets, they require a lot of attention... my bet is someone got tired of them and let them out. Or they accidently escaped.
I would contact your local -Ministry of natural resources- sorry Canadian not sure what it would be called. Anyway they handle invasive species. A rodent such as that would be able to unbalance the local eco systems if left unchecked. It is highly likely someone let their pets loose. Not good.
I never heard of them, but I asked Rachael and she says a gal we know from AWANA camp has one as a pet. She says they are also illegal to own as pets in California. She says they make really nice pets.
I think they are very cute but require a lot of work. I need to ask Matthew if he is still seeing or hearing them.
Sugar Gliders are not rodents, they are marsupials and are not native to North America. Basically they are tiny opposums from Australia. Depending on the location, it is possible that the native flying squirrels might resemble Sugar Gliders.
My father in law has a huge cage full of sugar gliders at his house they are so cute, they are fast and very shy. somebody probably had them as pets and they either got out or were let loose. they are similar to flying squirrells but they are marsupials from Austrailia/New Zealand area. In some states they are illegal to have as pets because if they get out they can over populate an area and become pests fairly quickly. We live in texas and its ok to have them here.
I haven't asked Matthew if they are still seeing them. I will try to remember to do that. I would like to see them sometime but we don't go to their house often. They usually come here to see us.
I didn't know what they were so I googled it and OMG! Adorable. I think over time, if they see you for a while, they'll be more friendly. Maybe have a birdfeeder type contraption with food that they eat. I wonder what they eat!