My daughter who is 12 years old and in the 6th grade loves to Logic problems with graphs some without. I was wondering do any of you lovely ladies have a web site where I could go download some for her. Or do you all know of a good math book which have some in them. Thanks alot :lol:
Do you mean the ones that say like: "There are three people. Use the clues to decide what each one's name is, what kind of pet they have, and what their favorite sport is."??? If so, the Mindbender books from Critical Thinking are very good. They have different levels. Only problem is they're pricey. I've bought my copy used! I've also done a search on-line for "Logic Puzzles", and have come up with some. But I don't think I know of any sites right off-hand.
Yes that is what I mean. Yes I have do a search on the net and haven't found to many. I will have to look and see if I can find those books use too. Thanks alot Jackie. :lol:
Have you got these have 'brain boosters' under Lateral Thinking, Logic, Reasoning etc. Cool math also has some things called 'Brain benders' which may be of interest.