Restrictions have been removed from this subforum. This will allow new members to participate in off-topic conversations, and this area can now be viewed like the rest of the forum. There is a new section for "Restricted Access" you'll see linked above this forum listing. If you have a topic that you would like to only share with members who have met the requirements, you can post in the restricted area. All the posts that were made while "Other Conversation" was restricted have been moved to the new "Restricted Access" section of Other Conversation. That area is still designated only for members who have been here for 30+ days and have made 50+ posts. I hope this makes sense. Please ask questions if you need clarification!
I think that is a really good idea, because the homeschool area was getting cluttered with non homeschool issues. So, thank you!
It makes sense to me! I like this idea because there is times when I'm not sure where to post a topic because it may be something that would interest even a newbie but doesn't fit the other areas.