FOR THE RELAXED HOMESCHOOLERS....Feeling completely lost and need some guidance

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Lesa Marie, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. Lesa Marie

    Lesa Marie New Member

    Jan 12, 2017
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    Of course we all feel lost sometimes but I'm almost at a standstill and have no idea what the next step is. I have three children but only homeschool the older two as our third is only 3 months old. With my oldest (10 yrs old) everything is always new to me, we are learning how to make this work the best we can. Sadly I used to force so much on him in the past because society says he "has" to be on the same level every other kid is at his age. I cry just thinking about how bad things got. My son used to bawl cause he hated school so much. I have learned to back off over the years and noticed specifically with his reading that he actually enjoys it now and is pretty darn good at it. But this had to come on his terms and not when I was shoving it in his face 4 days a week. Now all these years later I found us both trying to learn 5th grade math (you forget so much over the years) and as much as we both tried to learn it, it just wasn't working. Don't get me wrong, I know basic math and so does my son but when it came to double/tripple digit long division I felt more lost then I ever have. How can I expect my son to learn all this plus some when his own mom is struggling. I looked into an online math tutor video where it teaches the student math but he refuses and says he rather me teach him. And I need to add that my son does need some extra help with long division so we have gone back to 4th grade math to try and relearn all of this. Why could I let go with forcing reading on him but I can't seem to ease up on this math? Not only do I feel lost as to wether I should just back off but I feel like I'm not good enough.... good enough to teach my son. He is always trying to find ways to do spelling and math through play like type in words/sentences on his xbox or play multiplication/division war with me. My heart is telling me to let him lead the way but "society " is pushing me to have him keep up with them. I love my son and I want whats best for him. And for our daughter who is 7, I have been pushing money on her. She knows all her coins and their worth but adding money has been an ongoing struggle. I don't know if I should keep pushing or move onto something else and mayby try to get her to learn it in another way (a more natural way) later on. I could really use some kind words of advice right about now. Thank you so much for taking the time to read all of this.
  3. VickiS

    VickiS New Member

    Sep 14, 2017
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    I am new to this website today, and your story sounds just like mine. Im from Alabama, and I am not homeschooling exactly, yet. My grandson is doing online grade 3, and I struggle with getting him through each day at their speed. Its not fair and I am trying to figure out how to just stop that program and jump into homeschool my way tomorrow. I just don't have the resources to pay for a curriculum and Im not sure how to go about building on one asap.

    Any help from another that feels his and my pain is desperately needed. Thank you for this story to grab my attention.

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