I'm so jealous I live so far away I couldn't have gotten there if I was able to... On a happier note, can someone who did go tell us who the children are and who their parents are???? I hope you all had a great time with lots of memorable things that happened that day. If you brought the abcteach sign, did anyone comment on it? Brenda
Probably most of them are Crystals bunch!!!! lol Just joking. The little girl sitting in the last picture with the striped shirt and black pants is my dd Elizabeth!
oh yeah where is the picture of the ladies at the park the 4 of us. I think you should post that one so people can put names and faces!!
Amanda, that's great!!! I'll be sending you some more probably later tonight. You're super!!! The girl with the braid is my Faythe, and her sister Rachael is the one in red. I THINK the third gal with the cow is Heidi's daughter, but am not sure! I think the only other two children I would recognize right off would be Jimmy Lu's daughter, and Crystal's little Maddie.
Actually its my Elle with the tan pants and blue shirt in the last picture. Thats all of my kidos. Dont know if we got a group shot of the kids??? I know we got one of us ladies. Will that one make it on? Thanks again Jackie and Amanda!! Crystal
Actually, I was hoping the one of us ladies wouldn't make the post! I hate having my picture taken! Oh well. Anyway, Ashley is on the picture with the cow; she's on the far left, red-head with orange striped shirt and denim capris, squinting 'cause the sun was so bright! And, dear little Gracie was home sick that day. She'll go on the next trip! Heidi
we're ready too! Let's make plans for whenever Jimmie Lu gets home from Mexico. Lake Tobias would be fun!
I even said we can camp out if everyone wants???? Lake Tobias is ok also. I cant wait !!!!! Mexico/visit you guys
Camping out? That's a maybe for us! Coming down again and staying in the hotel is NOT in the budget for more than once! Yes, I got pictures of the kids up in the castle, as well as the one of us ladies. The pictures of the kids DON'T include ALL of them, though! It was hard to get them together.
I posted the rest of the pics in a new thread: http://forums.atozteacherstuff.com/showthread.php?threadid=5653