Don't you think that it's wrong to make your child believe in God? Why not to wait and then give him/her freedom to choose a religion he/she wants?
First of all, you can't "make" them believe in God. You can teach them all you want, but you can't make them believe anything. Also, if I believe in God, why would I not want my child to believe in him as well? If I believe in God, that he is the only way to eternal life, I most certainly want my children to have that as well. I would be devastated if my children decided to follow some other god or religion. So while I cannot make my children believe in God, I am going to give them every opportunity to learn about him so that they will believe in him as well once they are old enou to understand.
religion should be a personal choice of every human. If you truly believe in God, you will love your child no matter what happens and you won't be devastated if he chooses another religion or atheism.
Of course it is a personal choice, and yes, I would still love my child. But believing in God and his Word, I know that those who do not believe will spend eternity in hell. So yes, I would be devastated if that were the fate of my child because they chose not to believe in God.
in my opinion, there is nothing wrong if we teach them what we believe in while they are still young. Then when they are old enough, they can choose. but I will still guide them