she can wear your 8 month olds pants as capris!!! These are a 12 month! and yes they are buttoned and loose on her Sorry for the crappy quality, my phone was more handy than the camera a second
wow! Sommer she is small she can have some of my fat. I will give her some. Sure love your house looks nice..
Eh it's ok.. we have a lot of trim to buy and put up and the kitchen/breakfast nook still need remodeled... then the bathrooms need remodeled and the downstairs too. Oh and she grew an inch and a half over the past year, but lost 2 pounds! She went from 28 1/2lbs to 26 1/2lbs! She eats like a pig too! It's crazy!
Yeah... ain't that the truth! I'm so glad she is now too old for WIC.. they used to get down right nasty with me telling me I wasn't feeding her. Of course I wasn't feeding her.. I was only feeding Reagan who at 4 is 2 inches taller than she is and is 48 pounds! I give him all the food
lol.. my 8 month old is pushing 20 if he isn't already there. I just can't believe how tiny she is! I thought it was strange her capris from last summer were so short... then I noticed the snaps in the Blows my mind!
I understand 6 yo put on a pair of 6/9 month pants and they fit him at shorts...they were very tight on his legs, but long enough for shorts and fit round his waist perfectly, sadly he's smaller than my 5yo.
My oldest weighed 33 pounds when he was 12 months old and 76 pounds when he was 11 years old. He is a healthy size now as a grown up. He was sick a lot from 11 years old until about 10 years ago. He is 37 now.
I think so too but I'm Thanks.. esp since you think she's cute with shower hair it means a lot! Birbitt.. I bet she would fit into the 6-9 too.. even the things with no stretch...and still have room. I did have to finally make her quit wearing 24m and 2T pants a few months ago because they were becoming rediculously short on She has started getting her cousin's hand me downs.. her cousin is a year and a month younger than she is! Crazy crazy crazy!
Some kids are just that way. My boys were thin, but my dd was tiny like that, and I was when I was little (not anymore! ) When my dd was 8 1/2 we went on a mission trip to Fiji. She ended up with a pair of size 4 pants that fit her well, though a little big in the lower back/upper bottom area, that she wore as capris. I'll have to see if I can find a picture and upload it. When she was 10 she was wearing size 6 jeans, and it was fine cuz she was little. The doc said she was in the low but still within the normal range. But then she suddenly took a growth spirt in length, so I had to get her 10 slims, and they were too big around! She's been a hard one to shop for her whole life cuz of her small size! Well, that's not true, she was medium-size at birth (8lbs., 6 oz.), and was "normal" for the first year or so. She was getting hand-me-downs from a girl across the street who is younger than my dd too! Funny! I'm 5'9", and for some reason my dd always aspired to be tall, even though she was a little munchkin. She's shot up, so at almost 13 she's 5'2" and wearing miss size 0 jeans! Those actually fit her better than 12 slims, which are always too short---she has long legs like her daddy. Anyway, it's been quite an interesting thing keeping her in clothes! She says she's going to be as tall as me! I hope she is, since she wants it so much! Hehe--on another forum I'm on, they have a "talking head" emoticon. That's what I need here!!! I'll stop now! If your doc isn't worried then you don't have to worry! Oh, I found a pic with those on.... The reason they fit her is because they had elastic at the waist. Otherwise they were a bit large....don't know if you can tell around her upper leg....
Okay, I've said before that on here it seems everyone's kid is smarter and further ahead than mine than mine. Now everyone's girls are slimmer than mine. You all are rich, too, aren't you??? Jeannie was at the doctor Friday. She's 9 yrs old, 4'9" and 100 lbs even. Since November, she has gone from 92 to 100 lbs. The doctor wants her down to 90. I blame it on portion sizes, so we're starting there. Not cutting out, but cutting down and watching serving sizes. It also didn't help that her classes all stopped mid-December and didn't restart till the second week of January. She's in two gym classes, yoga, and ZUMBA. I'm going to put her back in swimming, too, cause her version of swimming is hanging off the side of the pool.
I have big kids I just turned 5 yr old dd is 45lbs and my 2yr old ds is 32lbs and still wants to be carried all the time!
Absolutely! Oh and did I mention that she skipped kindy and went straight to pre-med.. oh and that hubby and I are paying for it out of our pockets with now worries? Yeah right.. she is the one usually found in front of the TV for hours at a time and prefers to watch things that rub me the wrong way like stupid SpongeBob!
Glad I'm not the only one with a tiny critter. The doc sees no problem with it.. just laughs that Rylee rides on the very bottom of the growth chart (when she's on it) and Reagan rides at the very top (when he's on it!).
My 5y/o DS is tiny like that My 6 y/o DD is very slim but very tall she wears a size 8 pants for length and that have to have a draw string or adjustable waist and my DS 3 y/o is solid he is almost as tall as my 5 y/o and weighs 2 lbs more makes me laugh