Tonight at dinner, dh asked if I was going to church with them tonight (I usually stay home and study my lesson for Sunday School) I told him, yes, I planned to, but there was still another hour left before we had to leave and you never know what will happen. I gave Gianna a bath, dh came up the the bathroom to get his shower, I was moving her to the other bathroom to finish blow drying her hair, when she put her finger in the hinge part of the door. Dh didn't know and shut the door. She cried for about 45 minutes with an ice pack on the two fingers. The fingers are brusied, not broken, she can move them. I told him, see what did I say. You just never know what the hour will bring.:roll: She is fine now, I read her some books and she is watching Land Before Time. She says she feels much better. Needless to say, I didn't go to church tonight.
Have you ever noticed that your plans are doomed the moment you actually speak them out loud? JUST KIDDING of course! Glad she's okay and they aren't broken! WAHH...that hurts! Give her extra squnches!
Ohio Gma, if they seem to be bothering her in the morning, try buddy taping them together. About 1 1/2 yrs ago Joyce jammed her fingers playing b-ball at school and then turned around and shut the same fingers in the car door a few days later. A neighbor, who is an RN, suggested the taping and it helped alot. I hope she feels better!
When I slammed my dd's fingers in the van door, the ER doc buddy-taped them. It keeps the child from using them, allowing the fingers to heal faster.
A young girl at church had the tip of her finger sliced off when her brother slammed the door and didn't know her hand was there. It healed completely, though.
OUCH! I know I would want to cry for 45 minutes if it were me! Poor little thing. I am glad she is feeling better.
Gianna is doing MUCH better today. She has not complained once about her fingers. They are black and blue, but she is using them. I was going to tape them, but since she hasn't complained, I didn't. She is playing the WII right now. Go figure.
Ohiograndma, Sorry I missed this but sure glad she is doing ok. The poor baby was stronger then me, I would of cried for hours.. that is painful.