My two boys like to visit this little flea market down the street. They go often and help the lady there unload things off of the truck. anyhow, today after they were finished with their school work they went and came back with CHICKENS!!!! UGH! They bought THREE of them.. They then brought them in the house. AHHHH!! NO CHICKENS IN THE HOUSE... I seriously didn't believe them when they told me they already bought chickens and were bringing them home. Mind you, we live in town and there are no chickens allowed in city limits.. Daddy said they have to go. The boys are so upset. They have been outside building an enclosure for them and playing with them since they brought them home. I feel bad but they should've asked before they bought them. My son mowed a lawn this morning and earned the money to purchase them so he is basically throwing his money away.I'll let them play with them for a little bit but then they have to go. I can't believe they bought chickens....
Maybe he can talk to whoever he bought them from and get a refund or re-sell them? Bless their hearts. Good grief who would sell chickens to kids without talking to their parents first? lol!
hahaha.. sorry but that is kinda funny! I tried to talk hubby into buying a bunny for the kids at our flea market yesterday, I thought I had won the battle when he said his 1 condition... we had to be able to find and buy a temporary house for the bunny at the flea market with nothing more than the cashe we had on hand (we only take $20 max with us and it has to buy lunch for 6 people besides what we spend on finds)... so it didn't happen Oh well. Maybe someday I will win that and the chicken battle.
Hubby said he's going to give my son his $$ back but next time he buys something like that without asking first he'll be out the money. We have a friend who is going to take them. That is IF they live through the night. The cats in the neighborhood are already gathering outside their little chain link enclosure the boys made for them.
That is just tooo funny! This is one of those times that you will look back and laugh. I am glad that you found a home for them. Boys can be so fun.
baby chicks or full grown hens? If they are hens there's nothing to worry about. (unless they are banties) Our hens have the cats scared stiff!
My husbadn is pretty anti-animal....I CANNOT wait for the kids to start doing stuff like this (I was infamous for randomly bringing animals home...) It is VERY CUTE that they immediately went out and started building a home for them.
LOL! That sounds like what I did to my dh!! I asked for chickens for years, and he always said no. One day he came home to 8 chickens. He nearly had a heart attack! He ended up liking them, but boy was I in trouble. I fully expect my kids to do the same thing with all kinds of animals.
I bought some ducks from a flea market when I was a kid. I built a large cage for them, and they stayed in my room most of the time. I'd let them play in the bath tub when it was cold outside, and got them a plastic pool to play in the back yard for when it was warm. Sure, they weren't really allowed in the city, but it's not like the animal cops go door to door checking what pets you have. It's awesome to have fresh eggs that come from something where you know everything it has eaten and that it has been treated well