It was good but... by seeing the stuff my parents did I did the opposite. They were not very good role models and therefore I wanted to be better when I grew up. So seeing what your parents do can go both ways.
I can see that commercial getting through to a lot of people! Sometimes we as parents loose sight of the fact that what we DO matters much more to our children than what we SAY! Too bad they aren't showing that commercial in the US.
Very powerful message. There was an anti-smoking ad quite a few years ago. The dad was doing stuff, washing the car, playing ball with the little boy, then he sits down and rests against a tree and takes out his pack of cigarettes and lights one up. He puts the pack down on the grass next to him, and the little boy picks it up and looks at it.... the voice-over was something about "he wants to be just like you."
Well, I have to say that my dh is the same. He is nothing like his alcoholic verbally abusive father. However, I think far too many kids fall into their parents footsteps. And I thought of it also as not just your own kids but all kids who see you as an example. From a christian perspective, it could relate to how immature Christians are affected by mature Christians' actions. But, as you said, it can go both ways.
Ditto! But there are MANY kids that don't know any better and just continue the ugly diatribe their parents teach them. I have seen so many kids that do exactly as their parents do and the parents scratch their head wondering "why"! Very powerful!
Yeah.. WOW! That's quite powerful. Statistically speaking, children tend to follow in their parents footsteps. I praise Jesus everyday that my mom was able to break some of the patterns of her parents and I was able to break even more. It's not the norm, by far. But I've also noticed that Christians seem to be more prone to do it, simply because they have the Holy Spirit to guide and empower them.
Now even if children do NOT follow in their parent's footsteps, I think it is important to note that damage is still done to them. It is also important to note that it is more likely a child will display some or all of what he is raised parents need to be aware. I do know several people raised in abusive homes who do not abuse their children. However, all share common an inability to parent effectively or fear of disciplining for where it may lead...or insecurity as a parent...and more. All have effected their children in negative ways. However, not as negative as being abused and not to the point it would ruin a child's life. Just saying, that even a parent trying to go against the grain, as AMAZING and STRONG as that is, still has issues. My mother was raised in a home where her father beat her mother. There were five kids in the family. #1: did not beat his wife #2: married an abusive husband #3: married and abusive husband #4: abused his wife #5: married an non abusive husband (my mom and dad) Not good odds, imo. Oh and my mom still has issues for her childhood.
I think you make a great point, Ava Rose. Our actions may not produce carbon copies of us, but they will shape our children none-the-less. So those of us who've worked to overcome the damage done by abuse had to WORK to overcome the damage done by abuse.
Exactly! If we are ugly and judgemental our kids may grow up to be ugly and judgemental. I have seen some people of forums who are quick to be nasty to others by calling them hateful then they post how awful they think their kids are. Well, gee, I wonder who they learned that from?
I uh, am glad I watched to the end....I almost didn't. Whether the message applies to you, or people you know, or not-I thinkt he message IS NOT heard enough out in society today. I don't know if it's :the best tv commercial ever" but it's pretty good.