Hop on over to Nancy's family trip website and see the BEAUTIFUL pics from British Columbia. http://familyonbikes.org/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=31 They are awesome!!! Rhonda
I like the one riding toward the bison! See what a terrible disservice she is doing for her poor children---having to see stuff like this, see all sorts of amazing things! Terrible, shameful!
I am in totaly agreement with you Deena. And as punishment for harming her children in such a manner she must take me and my kids with her next time!! Yes those are beautiful photos!
....and some people think our children learn more in the public system. WOW!!!! What an experience. Absolutely beautiful!!!
Oh they go through towns that have laundry mates and wash there. Nancy the pics. are nice and looks like everyone is having a wonderful time. Thanks so much for sharing, enjoy them and waiting to see more. keep them coming.
Thanks guys!! This section of the trip has been the the most incredible EVER!!! It's been truly amazing! As for washing clothes - I'm sitting here in the laundromat right now waiting for our clothes to get clean!! We only wash clothes when we get to town, but I take baths in the freezing cold rivers we pass - brrrrr!!!
I know, I know.... I hang my head in shame. I really should have them locked up inside and plop them in front of a TV for God's sake!!
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! You are a brave women, Nancy!!! Even on the hottest of days, I can't stand a cold shower. Cool? Yes! Cold? In your case, very cold! Not at all!:lol:
Daryl was so funny the other day. I was washing my hair in the ice water and Daryl came up and said, "I always knew you were kind of fanatical about keeping clean, but I never dreamed you were THAT fanatical!!" I just had to laugh - even though my head was numb!
Nancy, your "numb head" comment reminds me of washing my hair in the field in Germany. I don't think I've ever rinsed my hair in that cold of water before!
We could heat water up, but that's more hassle than it's worth. It's just so much easier to head over to the river and start splashing!