24 Hour Schools? Teachers Union Argues for it.

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by JenniferErix, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I just got through watching a tv show called "Cashin' In" on Fox news channel.

    The did a report, followed by a debate, about the AFT American Federation of Teachers union. Apparently, this union just got a new president and has decided to back Barack Obama.

    Big deal, right?
    Yea, so what.

    Well, they have a socialist agenda that freaked me out.

    {Yes, I said socialist because that is what THEY called it and any agenda that is about the government taking over for the masses what would normally be called personal responsibly is a socialist program.}

    People give the control of thier children up more and more each day. A small line in the sand. Each that doesn't make a big difference, but after a while....

    Here at the spot, some of us joke that one day schools will simply notify us "Unwashed Masses" of parents, when we can visit our children at the schools. Because they can better feed them, give them better medical care, and not have them exposed to the unwashed masses that is their families, therefore undoing any educating that may have went on during each school day....

    Apparently that is what this president wants...

    Under the press release guise of building better community schools, she wants to provide nearly 24 hour care, along with medical and dental care along with all the food a kid would need including childcare and so on.

    At first it sounded like a good "Stand By Me" movie moment. I mean who could be against that? You know, it's for the children.

    Then the Democratic Strategist who got up to argue for it, said well look the teachers have it tough because kids aren't getting their homework returned if they do it at all, and aren't getting proper health care, and are having to be exposed to the abuses they have at their homes.... (Sounds like something I typed up above, eh?) And that it is mostly something of an inner city thing, but it could be made to solve problems eve in the burbs, so that schools can streamline children.


    It is happening...
    It may take a couple of years, but eventually we will have to file a notice of intent to visit our kids at school on the weekends, eh?

    They will never get my children.

    And yes, it is driving me nuts that I cannot find one link to this. I swear it just played on Fox news channel, and as soon as I find a link I will get it to you!

    The last time the news part of the aft website was updated was july 12th argh!
  3. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    24 hour schooling? HEY!!!! THAT'S WHAT *I* DO!!! So us homeschoolers can say we're one up on them, lol!!!

    Seriously, though, it's VERY scary, Jen!
  4. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Preach on sista!! Mine either. I used to think "oh well if Sam wants to go to ps for high school we will sit down and discuss it". Un no. No, no, no. I have by now changed my mind. Now, if it ever happens, I will simply tell her it is something that has been decided by her father and I as what is best. That's MY job right? To figure out what is best. Not the states job. God never intended it to be the states job.

    The whole thing is crazy. I saw today again about the push for universal preschool. Ugh!
  5. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    They are nuts if they think they are getting my children. They can go right to you know where.
    I agree with Jackie we are one up on them we are doing that already.

    But on the other note. I see where some parents would love that and think it was great. When I use to work in a day care place many years ago. (Now not to many years ago I am still young) but anyway, there were a couple of children that would be there waiting in the parking lot with there mother 10 mintues before we open and that was 6am and they were always the last kids to be picked up and we closed at 7 pm. So, those kids were there for 13 hours a day. I thought it was so sad.
    But, then again alot of people think I am nuts because I love being with my children.

    I rather be nuts and be with my children, then crazy and have someone else raise them for me.
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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  7. Dani

    Dani New Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    I would love to read it if you can find a link.

    This scares the mess out of me. This is one of the reasons we are avoiding school, I do not want the government to get one finger on my children.
  8. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Ok here's what I have so far..

    This is the teacher's unions' web site...

    I have this segment of Cashin In on my DVR, Jack says he can record it onto the computer and we can upload it to you tube.

    Give me tomorrow to do it as it is 12:30am here, and we have church tomorrow...
    So say around 3pm tomorrow to get this posted. I want ya;ll to see it for yourself.

    It irritates me to no end to not be able to hand you proof, right now, but give me time and I will get it to you guys.

    But again, it is a line in the sand and it creeps me out.

    Just on a side note, I am a child of a single mother. I lived for school and day care, because I was also an only child and school and daycare were both fun!

    But that was the 70's and my mother was doing what she needed to. So I have nothing against these type of programs in general. I know that they could make a world of difference.

    What I don't like is the attitude that this is for everyone.

    I just don't want them to MANDATE that ALL people have to do it, you know?
  9. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    "Full Service Schools"
    This is made to sound really neat and if you are against it, it is because your life is so charmed.... They neglect to mention what the democratic strategist said on Fox... which reveals their ultimate plans.

    Here is the "New Vision For Schools"

    Here is a bloggers take on the whole deal...

    Chicago Tribune "Voice of the People"
  10. RoadRunner

    RoadRunner New Member

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Chill out people. First of all, it will never pass.

    Secondly, I live in a socialist country with universal preschool and pretty much universal daycare from age 1. But you can still choose. You don't have to have daycare and afterschool care for your kid but it does mean that you will be living on one income which we have done, but means that we cannot afford a house of our own as the market is based on two incomes.
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    RoadRunner, I respectfully disagree. You may be right, and I hope you are, but I've heard so many times "Will never happen". I think the biggest point is the total acceptance of homosexuality here in the states. How many years ago would people have said "Never will happen", but now we're scrambling to prevent same-sex marriage.

    Yes, I think it WILL happen (talking the school thing now). And I also think that eventually it will be MANDATED, world-wide. Maybe not in the next few years, but it will come. I also expect to see homeschooling illegal in the United States eventually, possibly before my 8yo graduates.
  12. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    If it gets to a point that homeschooling becomes illegal and these types of programs are mandated then I believe we will have another revolution on our hands. I think that we are in a phase of our country but I do think there are enough people out there to make a difference and block some of these things. Also with groups like HSLDA we have people in the system already and catching things before they go too far. If there was a mandated program that you could not opt out of HSLDA would be all over that and unless we pass an amendment that forbids homeschooling (would have to be at both State and Federal levels) that is not going to happen.
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Maybe. But HSLDA is still bound by laws. If enough people are convinced that homeschoolers need to be "regulated", we will see laws becoming tougher. It will eventually lead to "school at home", with government control of what's being taught, instead of "homeschooling". I see us like Germany is now.
  14. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I want to add, too, that one of the "newer, more innovative" schools in central Ohio (a very upper-class school, I might add!) has this concept already. The community grew from a rather small farm community a while back, when Les Wexner (owner of the Limited) kind of took it over. When they built re-built the school, it was designed as a multi-age "campus", complete with recreation and health center. Here's the link about the health center. Notice the banner at the top is the SCHOOL'S banner; this is still on the school's website. http://www.new-albany.k12.oh.us/district/wellness.php So forget all this union president says about the "poor" kids! It's the innovative rich that are already doing it!

    (Edited to note that TWO ob/gyns work there. Hmmm..... Why would two of them be needed in a SCHOOL health center....?)
  15. gwenny99

    gwenny99 New Member

    Aug 8, 2005
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    "That will never happen." Gee - I believe the Jews in
    Eastern Europe said that a few times. . . (no offense, just observation.)
  16. RoadRunner

    RoadRunner New Member

    Jun 17, 2008
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    It will never happen because the US is not Germany, ie people have a very low tolerance of anything that smacks of government control. Totally different mind set.
  17. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    The reason I say this will not happen is because 1) we have a different type of government. It is not so easy to change the Constitution as it is in other countries. Our Founding Fathers were pretty good when they set that thing up. 2) is because of people like us who care about freedoms. I think that there are enough of us who will band together so that this type of thing will not happen nation wide. A certain city or state might try it but I think it would end up with as a case for the Supreme Court which is bound by the Constitution.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I hope you're right, but I agree with Gwenny. Our Constitution CAN be changed at the will of the people. Convince enough people that homeschooling is not in the best interest of the children, and it can easily happen.

    I might add that the government we now practice is NOT the government our founding fathers set up.
  19. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    I agree with this! This is SO scarry. Obama scares me!! The whole presidential election actually scares me. WHO is going to lead our country?? LEAD our country and WHERE are they going to lead it to???

  20. mschickie

    mschickie Active Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    It is not exactly the government that the Founding Fathers set up but in essence the structure is still the same. To get enough of the people to agree to have the Constitution changed is difficult which is why there are only 27 and the 1st ten occurred right in the begining. I do believe that we must be aware and active so that something like this does not happen. It is one of the reasons we support HSLDA,also our state homeschool group and that dh and I are willing to contact our representatives to make our voices known. If everyone sits passively by then maybe but I really do not think so. With the example of Germany, we have much more knowledge today of what our government it doing and we can make our feelings known to our representatives alot easier than they could then.
  21. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    Well, I can agree wholeheartedly with the beginning of this, and pray you're right about the second part!

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