Healthy Livin' support group, Month of August 2009!!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by momandteacherx3, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Hello friends! P.H. and Deena, nice to see you posting on the last thread (check out the end of the last one to see...). I thought I had better get the August one started though!

    Deena, 100 degrees in the house is just WAY too hot! I don't know how y'all are getting any sleep? Is there a change coming soon, or are they predicting heat? We don't have a change coming for a while I don't think.

    P.H.- that is great that you have had some grandmother-time! How is your family doing? How are the young men helping for the summer working out?

    Flag football practices have started up for all three boys- so DH and I are running around trying to get to all of them, etc. It makes for a crazy month of August, but we love it.

    We grilled burgers last night and had fresh corn, kohlrabi, and tomatoes from FIL's garden. Wonderful. A friend of mine also brought over her mother's dehydrator- I was given a big bag of apricots and want to try and dry them. That will be fun!

    Not much new around here. It is too hot to think of doing much canning, and baking is right out the window! It was still 88 degrees at 11:00 last night! And exercise is really hard to get motivated with in the heat. DH is doing really well with taking all the boys on their bikes for DS's paper route- usually about 3 times a week.

    Well, gotta run! Look forward to chatting with you all!
  3. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Thank you, and it is great to be able to be back on the forum for a little chat. 'Good to see all of you!

    The boys are wonderful and mean well, but they're city kids and have made some expensive mistakes. The last one was putting the wrong type of oil into a machine which cost $600. It could have been worse. If the error had not been discovered before it was used, the entire transmission could have been ruined, costing thousands! Do you know what? My amazing husband didn't even gripe or scold. He just explained the seriousness of it to them.

    I think, from their perspective, they've had some shocks too--like my sheltering fragile animals in the house. And of course, they politely "pass" when my health food comes around the table! So, overall, it's been a great, learning summer.

    Except for my diet. Today, I found my garden again and made a green smoothie from it, so I'm heading back in the right direction.

    Have fun playing flag football, MT3 and drying those apricots. I would really enjoy having a decent food dehydrator!

    I hope you'll get your air conditioner exchanged with no hassels, Deena!
  4. Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy

    Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy New Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    Hi all, I'm Peggy, and I think I might crash your thread here! I'm pretty wishy washy when it comes to being healthy. Hubby and I are both chocoholics, so I make whole wheat brownies. That counts as health food right?

    I planted a Square Foot Garden this summer, but being in Nebraska, we havent' harvested much yet. My broccoli went past ripe while we were on vacation. The kids love fresh peas right off the plant. I like the ease of picking purple "green" beans. They are so easy to find. My son devoured a bowl of beets. LOVED seeing that.

    So, how exactly does this "healthy living" group work? is there a monthly challenge? or what? thanks!
  5. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Peggy, congratulations! You are commencing upon an exciting journey with three under three! I'm on the end-of-the-homeschooling journey, with one of our youngest leaving for a Bible institute in two weeks.

    This Spot has been so worthwhile, encouraging, interesting, and just plain fun for me for the past three years when we were in the midst of high school! At one point, I checked in several times a day and had to fight the "addiction" to get overly involved in some of the debates. Those were great! I also enjoyed sharing curriculum ideas.

    As the seasons have changed in my life and I have become a grandmother, my visits to many of the sub-forums here have dwindled. This thread has become my main link, besides reading over prayer requests to keep up on my friends' needs.

    Basically, we try to hold each other accountable to whatever our personal goals are. Some gals are on special diets. Others hope to tone up, and others need to lose weight. I see you're expecting a baby in October, so it would add variety to hear what you're doing to keep fit and to do what's best for the littlest one.

    What makes this thread extra enjoyable is that we don't limit our discussion to health issues. It's more like a fitness club, where we can come to visit about our life in general (no topic is forbidden), hang out for a while, and then go on our way encouraged, perhaps armed with prayer support, and challenged by the knowledge that others are "watching" and hoping we'll stay true to our goals.

    MomandteacherX3 keeps us coordinated and encourages us to post regularly--though there's no penalty for absence. So it's an all-win situation as you can see! Welcome!

    (PS. MT3, feel free to modify my explanation any way you see fit.)
  6. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    P.H., you blessed me by your description of this group- thank you friend.

    Peggy- welcome and congrats on a baby soon!! I am excited to get to "know" you! I'll have to look at other posts to catch up on you, or feel free to re-explain here. I live in Idaho with my wonderful husband of 20plus years, and our three boys, 14, 12, and 9. We have homeschooled for everything since DS #1 first grade year- and SOO enjoy it! My oldest is beginning high school, and while that makes me pause, I was encouraged to realize that we have already had him in high school level classes and he is just fine! lol

    We live in Idaho- gals are from all over. I think that is one thing that makes this place interesting! I started this group to try and receive, and give, encouragement in my "journey" with getting older. I have to think about what I eat more, and remember to drink enough water, and exercise- even when it's uncomfortable or I don't have time! That is what we are here for. Even the chance to come and say "help!"! We do talk about more than menus and crunches though, so come on in!

    I was doing this group weekly, but thought that during the summer we could all post on a month-long thread, and that seems to have worked out well. So August will be a whole month, and probably September too as we add a homeschool co-op in to our schedule. What does everyone think of that? It might be easier for some of the gals to still find us when posting infrequently.

    Off to begin another Monday. One son is going up to his grandparents' house to go golfing with Grandpa on Thursday, another son has three flag football games this week! I don't know what I would do without my pocket calendar!! LOL

    Take care, and chat soon! MT3
  7. gardenturtle

    gardenturtle New Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Hi! Seems like I've been away reality I've been reading, but...since my "healthy eating" has been less than ideal...yeah...not much positive to report there! :) However, I have been SO THIRSTY lately - I don't know why - so I've been guzzling lots of water! So I guess that's one point in my favor! :)

    Our weather has been great for ETX in July/Aug. We've had lots of rain and reasonable temps. I mean it's still steamy and uncomfy at 3 pm, but I really can't complain about missing the typical 110 temps! :)

    My garden is slow...but the rain has helped - getting a few squash and tomatoes still - and herbs. The seed heads on the carrots and parsley are dried and "ripe" now. Hope they will give me a good crop in another few months.

    We went to the circus over the weekend - Ringling Bro. in Dallas - dd2.5 had a fun and of course we all enjoyed the contortionists (sp?) and the acrobats - always my faves!

    Welcome Peggy Ty!
  8. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Hello Folks! LOL
    We have been watching too much Little House.;)

    All is well around here. The weather has been hot for awhile. We made it to 119 and then fluctuated at 115-117. Then the low pressure came in, or is it high pressure :confused:, and we are sitting cozy this week. We are still in the hundreds but not high. We should be here until the end of the week and then we are supposed to go up again. At least we have air conditioning and our house isn't 100 degrees inside! Granted the air doesn't shut off sometimes but I don't mind as long as I can sleep. I do not think I could sleep with the house being 100. How did you do it, Deena?!:eek:

    Well, Peggy, you came to the right spot. We are all a bunch of wishy washy wanna be, health nuts. LOL;) Sometimes we are doing great and other times we, or I should say I, can put away a bag of chips or candy on my own.LOL

    Perhaps we should name this group, "THE WISHY WASHERS!"

    Our small orchard took an incredible hit this year. We just pulled out all our apple trees. I was sooooooooo disappointed. They developed blight so we pulled those puppies ASAP. Our almonds are now sitting on the table of our underground squirrels. Like the pioneers in Little House, they have prepared for the winter and stored our goods away. LOL
    As for the other trees, between the squirrels and the crows, most are cleaned off. We usually get a bounty of apricots for some reason. This year we will have none because last winter we severely pruned the trees because they were getting too large. So there wasn't any of last years growth for them to fruit this year.

    I am glad to read you are all well and staying as cool as possible.

    Deena, I just had a thought! With your house retaining the heat, you should make some bread. I love making bread with a warm house because the dough rises beautifully!

    ...and if you happen to make any rye, well let me say, you know my general vicinity. HINT! HINT!
    I make my bread but for some reason, I haven't gotten around to making rye.
  9. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Hello. We've been a quiet bunch this week. I have been really busy- just checking in but not posting much. Sorry about that!

    Patty- that is terrible about your trees! (And the pesky squirrels!) My FIL is having trouble with bugs and deer this year with his garden.

    Oh, and I think I'll hold off on the name change for right now! :wink:

    gardenturtle- the circus was probably alot of fun for DD. Glad your garden is coming along.

    We have had a definite change in the weather. It is raining and raining, and is not quite 60 yet this morning (where we've been waking up to 70 and climbing over 100). This will help our fire danger for a few days too. But back to 90's next week.

    Everyone have a great weekend! Talk to ya later!

    Drink your water and kiss your kids! MT3

  10. Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy

    Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy New Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    HI All!

    We've been on a produce eating kick this week. First I went a little crazy in the produce section at the grocery store, and then I got an email from the farmer's market for a preorder, so I pre ordered. Then, after we picked up from the farmer's market, the kids fell in love with cucumbers, ate 2 of 3 ( I ate the third), and I sent hubby to get more on his way home from work. They of course love tomatoes, so I had him get more of those too. So last night for dinner we had frozen pizza and cucumbers, tomatoes, and cheese. PLus I made a roasted beet and garlic clove experiment in the oven. It's so-so. The beets I grew here at home are better.

    My boy has been eating so much more than usual lately. It's so nice to see him eat! healthy stuff and junk in decent quantities.

    My girl has transistioned from crib to toddler bed without a fight. That's such a relief because the boy was nothing but fight when we took his side off!

    I'm trying to be more active, motivated by the "need" to be able to post on but walks in the morning make me too tired/sore to be useful and evenings are just too crazy until dark, and then, it's just, um, DARK!

    Having a clean house would fall in the healthy living category, right? well, generally we have a pig pen, but I"ve been more motivated lately. must be the nesting instinct.

    ok, that's my report for now! Have a great weekend!

  11. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Temperatures for you gals ranged from 119 to a low of 60 degrees--Patty had almost twice the heat as some of the rest of us! Maybe she's making rye bread! Our daughter is packing up to leave for college this week--that's our big news. 'Thinking of all you gals and your busy families and your mile walks, Peggy--way to go!
  12. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    The rye bread never made it to my oven. In fact, I didn't make it at all. For the life of me, I can't find some of the ingredients. After my last post, I have been craving it. Usually the market I visit carries spices, flour, and other baking goods that usually aren't carried in the average store. But they don't seem to have what I am looking for.

    Maybe Deena made some and it will arrive at my house tomorrow!:D
  13. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Good Monday everyone! How was your weekend?

    Well, I have officially fallen off the healthy wagon and it ran me over! I am trying to add more fresh produce from the farmer's markets, but with the heat we are just not eating regularly or well. It's frustrating! Last week we had cooler temps and I made a batch of oatmeal cookies. They tasted great- but did we really need them? ugh. :roll:

    So, this week I am trying to do better. We have football three nights this week, so will have to have dinner on the table at 6:00. That helps, then we aren't eating really late. I'm planning out some meals, and would like to do more chicken this week, and possibly a vegetarian meal too. (Something like a veggie pasta sauce, but hopefully add a few nutrients in there!) If I can find some good eggplant maybe I will make an eggplant lasagna.

    Any ideas? Anyone in the same boat as I am? Let's try to do better this week and go from there!

    Drink your water and kiss your kids!

  14. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    So how much water are you drinking a day by now? Six? Eight? Ten? You're outside a lot, so I imagine you've got me beat!
  15. Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy

    Peggy-Ty-Kai-Wy New Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    today started out really productive, cleaning, laundry, etc. I was even working on a couple craft projects with the kids when a friend called to go to the pool, so productivity stopped and we went to the pool. ThenI came home and ate a HUGE grocery store muffin and am now staring at a dirty kitchen, needing to clean it before I make dinner, because there isn't a counter clear enough to get anything done. ugh...

    my workouts have consisted of taking Tyler (3y/o) for little jogs lately. He really likes going for runs. it's funny. 1/2 mile and he thinks he's training for something real! But I've been tracking workouts on this awesome new online workout tracker thing (sorry, not allowed to post links), and it connects to friends and some of my friends are running like crazy people these days, so it's really motivating to see their progress and it makes me want to at least go for a walk.

    MT3, Oatmeal cookies have lots of fiber. They are health food!!!

    P.H. I can't imagine packing kids for college. must be so exciting...and sad...

    Talk to you soon!

  16. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Hi again.

    Well, halfway through the week. We have done okay- I really need a trip to the grocery store, or at least the Farmer's Market! We've had grilled sausages with fresh corn on the cob; stroganoff with cantaloupe and cottage cheese; and last night I made a marinara sauce with zucchini and wheat rotini. I served it with garlic sourdough bread, corn, and green grapes. I'm really in the mood for chicken enchiladas but need to thaw a chicken out of the freezer!

    P.H.- I'm doing okay with water. I have a water bottle on my desk at the moment, and then I usually have two more in the course of running to football, etc. During the afternoon I drink another glass of water usually, and some with dinner and before bed. So doing okay with that.

    Patty- did you find rye yet? DH wants me to find some good rye bread- but then he wants to turn it into patty melts, so I think I'll hold off for right now! lol Doesn't that sound good though?

    PTKW- cute that Tyler thinks he's going on long runs. Good job on keeping track of your exercise, etc. Did you get much swimming done at the pool, or more "crowd-control" with the kids? I totally understand the frustration in needing to start dinner and there's NO counter space to do it on!

    What's everyone doing for the weekend? DH and I have a surprise for the kids- I'll have to tell you about it later. We've been studying the Oregon Trail and have a different day planned for Saturday.

    Talk to you all later! Drink your water and kiss your kids! MT3
  17. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    So you're going camping this weekend, MT3? (Just a guess.) We'll be on the road, first to drop off one daughter at school and then on to visit our other married daughter and family. Aug. is nearly 1/2 over! I cannot believe it!
  18. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Happy Monday!

    P.H.- how did travels go this weekend? How's that grandbaby? (I can't remember if you have more than the one in WY?)

    No, we didn't go camping, but our original plans changed when I woke up at 4:00 am on Saturday with a terrible headache. It was down to a dull roar by the time we woke the boys up, but we had to go to Plan B. We WERE going to go and walk alongside a wagon train re-enactment. We could go on the 9 mile walk or the 2.5 one. We had decided on the 2.5 walk, and then spend time at the interpretive center, but I was feeling pretty off. So instead we drove down the Oregon Trail, stopping at historical sites, and ended up at the old Fort Boise replica. We spent a while there, looking at everything and watching a video about the fort. So it worked out fine. It was still different, and very informative!

    Well, I'm back on track a little. I weighed yesterday and I am FINALLY DOWN! Four pounds. So that is a start. DH is trying too, and last night he took oldest DS on a 5-mile bike ride.

    Off to get the boys up and at 'em for the day. I'll check back in later. Have a great day!

  19. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Hey Ya'll,

    Sorry I have been MIA! Life keeps happening for some reason! It has been fun reading through this thread, but now I feel guilty I never made the rye bread for Patty! ;)

    I have one heading to a Christian Boarding Highschool. We take him down (5 hours, same school oldest ds graduated from this past year) this Sunday, register him, then drive back home---yep, 10 hours of driving. That'll be a long day! He starts school on Monday. I am starting dd's homeschooling on Monday also, so I've been going over her curriculum and boning up on everything so I know what it's about and can be prepared. I still need to write up next week's schedule though. We still have final things to get for ds15's room, need to pack his stuff up, and there's a dentist appointment to go to this week for all three of them. This will be a busy week. I have a knot in my stomach already thinking about him being gone, but I know it's for the best for him! He's always been homeschooled (older ds went to K and 1st), so it'll be a change for him! We've prayed a lot and know this is the right thing to do for him, though we'll miss him!

    DS18 is going to a college about 5 1/2-6 hours drive away. DS15's school is that far going south. DS18's school is that far heading east. Too bad they're not the same direction! DS18 has registration on September 20th. Then that week will be Freshman Orientation. It's weird to think I have an adult son that is going to college! I don't think I'm old enough for that! :D It's also going to be VERY strange to have only one child home!!!

    When it was so hot we went to town to Barne's & Noble and read for hours. That was relaxing and nice, really! It was pretty full in there, with people escaping the heat! I know many places have hotter weather, but they also have air conditioning. Most people here don't because it rarely gets hot enough for it. We've NEVER had temps that hot here! It broke records that had been standing for years. Seattle got to 104 or 105!
    I also had fans going and used wet washcloths to help cool off. It was actually cooler in the shade than in our house, and none of us ate or slept well at all for that week! I was sooo glad when that was over! Since we've had some cloudy days, a little bit of rain the last 2 or 3 days, and it's supposed to be back up in the mid to high 80's this week.

    BTW, Patty, the house may be a great temp. for helping the bread rise well, but, I didn't turn on my over on those hot days! I guess I could've just set it outside on the pavement though! ;)

    I was doing great with eating well, drinking lots of water and exercising last week. Then this weekend came. My ds15 will be 16 in September, but wanted to have a party now, before everyone is in school and wouldn't be able to come, etc. So we did it this weekend--10 teenage boys! Plus one of dd's friends spent the night, and another joined us on Sunday when we took all of them to a pool. Took a couple of trips, but we got them all there! This pool has a "Lazy River", a double rope swing, a high dive and a low dive, a water slide, a big hot tub, a sauna and a steam room! So that kept'em all busy for 3 hours. Really, the weekend turned out great. We had 9 boys spend the night (the 1-th was a neighbor boy who couldn't spend the night for some reason, but was at the party Sat. night, and the pool on Sunday. I made pancakes and hashbrowns for breakfast. As our family tradition goes, when I make pancakes, I always make them in the shape of the first letter of their name for the kids, and a heart for my dh. So I had 4 J's, 3 A's, other single letters and a heart to make, including the ones for dd and her friend! The hashbrowns are freeze-dried (I believe) grated potatoes in a box from Costco. You add water and let them sit for 30 minutes to absorb the water, then fry them like usual. Saves soooo much time, and they taste great! We picked up the first two, brothers, on Friday evening, cuz their parents couldn't make it on Saturday. They're very good friends of my boys, so that was no problem. Then the last boy actually left around 4:45 today, so it was a long B-day weekend! I must say, I was very impressed--they did great and everyone had a great time!

    That said, my healthy eating went out the window! I spent a lot of time fixing pizza, buttery popcorn, pulling out the candy bars, etc. I didn't really have time to take to fix me healthy stuff! But ya know, I was okay with that. It was ds's 16th, which only comes once, and I wanted him to have a great time! I was sooo happy that every single person he invited came to the party! He planned what he wanted to do, eat, and who'd sleep where, and it all worked out! Everyone said they had a great time; I know all three of my kids did!

    Okay, so I lost 2 pounds last week with doing so much better with eating AND exercising. But, I'm sure I gained them back. I know it can be done now, though, so I will begin again tomorrow! Wow, sorry this is so long! I just want to be like PH, so I wrote a book! :)
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  20. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Hello all.

    Deena- good to see you! Wow, do you have a long day of driving planned for Sunday! I will be praying that all goes smoothly for DS #2. Has he met his room-mate yet? And I agree, just HOW do you have a freshman in college when you are so young?

    I am sitting to lunch- a garden-fresh tomato stuffed with tuna and some grapes. Yum. (Well, the grapes aren't in the tomato, but you know what I mean!) :roll:

    I haven't bought any flavored creamer for my coffee in a couple of weeks, and I haven't made dessert since the cookies (we had frozen yogurt one night though). I'm trying to get myself back on track!

    Oh, and Deena- the weekend birthday party for DS sounds like a blast! I can't imagine that many teenagers running around! lol

    We are climbing back up to the 100's again this week, enough already! Good idea to hit the Barnes and Noble store! We have a/c but it is running about constantly to keep up during the day.

    Sorry- quick hit and run... I'll chat more later! MT3
  21. Diane

    Diane New Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Hi all,
    I'm new here, just poking around. So what's the scoop with this thread? I love being healthy (at least in my mind!) and wanted to know do you guys post what your health goals are? Or exercise goals? Just curious!

    No temperatures in the 100s around this part of North America!!

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