Healthy Livin' support group, month of July 2010!!

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by momandteacherx3, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Hello friends!

    Happy 4th of July!!

    Thank you to all our military personnel and families for helping us keep our freedoms!

    So, how is everyone this month? What's on your schedules? We just took a mini-vacation, so are probably here for a while. Little day trips are beginning to shape up, as DH and I would like to get the kids up in to the hills this summer. June was unusually cool, and wet, and there are campgrounds that are just now getting put back together, so July will be great! How about everyone else?

    I'm kind of at a plateau right now, which I guess is good. But we are still really waiting for local produce to come on, and then I hope to have us eating more "natural"- not totally, but more! Maybe that change will kick start me up again. :cool:

    Please check in and chat a while. I've missed you guys, but things were really busy for a while there! Three baseball teams was a LOT for me to organize between two parents (especially when DH was one of the coaches!). It was crazy! Now our summer is more calm- only some practices coming up until about August.

    Talk to you soon! Drink your water and kiss your kids!


  3. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    I see we've had over 50 "looks" but no posts- hope all is well!

    We had a very nice 4th of July weekend- got to spend some time with my in-laws (the boys grandparents)- that is always nice. We grilled steaks and watched the fireworks from their house. The guys also lit some of their own and that is always fun to watch.

    Oldest DS has just completed drivers ed! Now he has to drive 50 hours with us for the next six months and he'll be able to drive. Wow, will that help with things! But I'm not entirely ready for my kids to be growing up so fast!

    We've taken a few weeks off of school, and that is helping everyone unwind a little. Now I'm working on the schedule for the coming year, plus my co-op class schedule. Until we start classes with the co-op and see how much "take-home" homework will be required, I can't really do more than pencil in our subjects.

    It got very hot here, but I'm still getting in some exercise. Yesterday we went with some friends up to a state park and the guys all goofed off in the lake. It was pretty crowded, so I'm looking forward to going during the week and then maybe we all will get in.

    We've added fresh fruit to our meals for almost every meal and are definitely enjoying that. Salads are popping up more frequently with the heat too.

    Just checking in, and giving us a boost up to the top of the page again. Please stop in if you have a minute and say hi!

    Drink your water and kiss your kids- MT3
  4. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    It has been a while since I have been on. :D How is everybody! Great I hope!

    The weather is hot here, too, so I have been faithfully walking at 5:30 AM. I am now briskly walking 2.5 miles a day. I feel wonderful. One of my dogs has severe joint deterioration and meds aren't helping him any. I am not sure how much longer we will be able to keep him with us. He is still fairly young but because he also has a low thyroid, he is falling apart fast. So he is no longer walking with me. :( These days I just take the Shepherd and the little dogs.

    Hope to see you all around Homeschool Spot!
  5. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Well, I just added 5lbs - opps! My Mom was visiting us for a week, and we hit all our favorite dessert places and restaurants. Gained 5lbs in 2.5 weeks! Now I have some work to do!!!

    Hope your summer is going well!
  6. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    MKR, don't feel too bad! A few years ago I gained 10 lbs in a little over two weeks. That is the honest truth! We were in Colorado and my MIL stocked up on all our favorite chocolates, ice cream, and other snacks, and we ate out everyday; breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
  7. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Hi! So good to see you guys!

    Can I admit something? I'm sitting at my desk licking a tootsie-pop! Don't ask me how it happened, but there was a bag of candy left in my office from VBS and that lollipop was calling my name! I haven't had one in YEARS! And yup, I'm enjoying those empty calories. :roll:

    Patty- that's great that you are getting in the walks AND taking the dogs! Sorry about your dog getting old. That stinks.

    Chuckling a little at your stories- I think we have all been there at some point or another! I'm kind of glad we don't have any vacation plans soon to sabotage me with! Although, when on vacation we try to adjust our eating to a later brunch/early lunch and then dinner- so only two meals of bigger sizes.

    MKR- it sounds like you had a nice visit with your mom. How far does she have to travel? Do you see her often?

    I've tried to NOT weigh myself this month- so can't really tell you how I've done. I do know that my jeans are not as tight, and I can fit into the shorts I was wearing two years ago! So I'm once again headed the right direction!

    Talk to you soon- MT3
  8. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    My weight loss has slowed down, but thankfully I am finally out off the plateau. It was never ending!!!
    I had to add more distance to my walks and change eating habits again, but I am finally dropping again. Although it is a lot slower than before.
  9. P.H.

    P.H. Active Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    'Glad to see this thread still going. I've been absent for a while, doing peanut butter/jelly sandwiches, pepperoni pizza, and homemade (read nutritious) milk-shakes with grandchildren who came to stay with us this summer! What pure, exhausting, FUN!

    Now, however, I'm needing to re-concentrate on my own health needs. Does anyone have a cleanse to recommend to jump-start a new determination? I'm thinking of doing a juice diet for a few days. Maybe I'll even walk a mile or two with Patty!
  10. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    My battle this week is to combat emotional eating! I replaced sugar with coffee (bad idea, it makes me pee too much!). Then back to sugar (again bad idea!). Now to replace with . . .

    * water (blah)
    * celery (blah)
    * a long walk (maybe)


    This is a lifelong battle isn't it . . .
  11. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Okay, today we've done better! A little less coffee, partly b/c I taught a course for work that was off site and the place had BAD coffee!!! But we also went for a 2 hr bike ride tonight. :) My MIL is a saint and took the kids overnight! Yay!!!

    Maybe I'll do something productive tomorrow too! What are you all doing to keep moving during the summer? Any adventures?
  12. AmyU

    AmyU New Member

    May 15, 2006
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    Hi all, It's been a long time. Hope you remember me. Missing the spot and everyone. We are doing well. Devin has kept his weight off still needs to loss more. I decided to stop eating so many carbs and have lost 24 lbs. I treat myself every once in a while, have to or I wouldn't be able to keep it up. All our other issues are still here, but we keep moving day by day and trust in the Lord. Hope everyone is doing well!!
  13. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    My mom lives out east, and I am all the way west, so it's not often we get together. He did have a good time, and I think found a seafood restaurant to add to our list of fav's!
    I will soon recover my self-control, but tomorrow I'm taking my friend to check out that seafood place! (It's right on the coast and has irresistible clam chowder, shrimp!!) The afternoon will include a walk though, so all is not lost. :p
  14. momandteacherx3

    momandteacherx3 New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Hi all!

    Patty- that's great that you have moved off that plateau- any loss now is a positive thing!
    PH- it sounds like a wonderful summer with grandkids! So fun! How old are they? We haven't sent our kids out to their grandparents yet, and its halfway through summer!
    I'm sorry, I'm no help with the cleansing or juice diets. I hope you find a resource.
    MKR- I hear ya on the blah's! And on the emotional eating. To keep moving this summer we have gone up in the hills and done some hiking and swimming, but I can't say it is real "regular" exercise. Sports practices are starting up again, and I'll have the kids working on wind sprints and such in the mornings.
    Hi Amy!!! Good to see you! Great news on the fact that both you and Devin have lost some weight! Keep strong in the Lord!
    Ooo, yum on a new seafood place. I've been in the mood for seafood, but here in my landlocked area it is very hard (or expensive!) to find fresh seafood.

    Off to run for now. It's nice to see a few people chatting!
  15. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    MKR, when it came to eating, at first I didn't try to eat healthy. I just started eating smaller portions. I have found that if I dive head in first, I resort back to the old ways. So this time around, I ate whatever, but never ate more than one serving. I started walking slowly so I wouldn't kill myself. After a month or so, I actually started feeling guilty if I didn't walk. Once my stomach shrunk from eating less, I started adding in healthier foods. Now we eat mostly healthy but still enjoy eating out once in a blue moon. If you deprive yourself, you will burn out quickly. The one thing I found out is that it is all about a healthy lifestyle and not dieting. What I love is that now I can eat ice cream and feel glad that I didn't eat three bowls. LOL It takes time so make small steps. Remember, if you mess up, SO WHAT!!!! Just pick up where you left off.:D
  16. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I forgot to add that Handsome and I are going on a date next week and I plan on eating fried shrimp dipped in butter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM!!!!
    ...with a steak, baked potato smoothered in sour cream and chives.

    ...and I plan on having Mud Pie for dessert!!!!!!
  17. Blessed_Life

    Blessed_Life New Member

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Just wondering....can anyone join this group? I'm new to the Spot and this group caught my eye. I lost 40# almost two years ago but have gained at least ten back recently, so I'm looking for motivation and accountability to stay healthy.
  18. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Blessed, please do join. It's not a formal thing or anything. Just a place to get encouragement and ideas.

    I had to post that I weighed/measured yesterday. In six weeks of working out, I've only lost 2.9 lbs, but 7.2lbs of body fat! I'm down 1 1/2 inches in both my waste and my hips. Not too much change in legs, arms, or shoulders, but that's ok. I'm moving in the right direction. And my trainer says he's going to kick it up a notch next week :confused:

    OH! And I did regular push ups yesterday on the upside-down Bosu ball (meaning I had to balance on a round surface whie doing them). I've only done modified pretty much since high school. He asked if I thought I could and I said, "I dont' know if I can, but I'll try." Sure enough, I did them. They were rough, but I did them.
  19. Blessed_Life

    Blessed_Life New Member

    Jul 6, 2010
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    Thanks, I could really use the encouragement from this group! I'm having a hard time right now getting motivated to exercise. When I started losing weight two years ago, I ate healthy meals and worked myself up to exercising six days a week (which was the only way I could keep myself consistent). I lost 40# in four or five months. Now, I'm down to exercising only one or two days a week. My pants are getting tight and I've lost some muscle tone. So, any suggestions for good workouts/exercise DVDs I could try? I love to dance and do Yoga and Pilates, and I'm currently taking a Zumba class one day a week. I'd really appreciate any suggestions to get my lazy (expanding) butt off the couch!:lol: Thanks!
  20. mykidsrock

    mykidsrock New Member

    Feb 8, 2010
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    Emma's#1fan, thanks for the encouragement! I'll try that I think. (if it's "unhealthy" snacking, I'll keep it small!). Hope you have an awesome date night!
  21. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    One rockin' new exercise fad that I've been doing for years (yeah, I'm so cool I'm ahead of the trends... ok, not really, I just know the right people) is hula hooping. Check out You may think their hoops aren't worth the price, but you CAN'T use a child's hoop. They are not big enough or heavy enough. Hoop dance is a blast.

    I know what you mean about motivation. I just spent a large sum of money (for us) because I knew that the only way I would be consistent was to be accountable. So I hired a trainer. He's been great. And, while I know I can cancel, I only have when it was necessary. And he keeps tabs on my eating (via online food journal). Since I know I have to face him three times a week, I keep my nose clean in the kitchen and make good choices. It was a lot of money, but every penny has been worth it. I know myself well enough to know it was what I needed. Otherwise I'd go to the gym... occasionally... and stare at the equipment, unsure of what to do. I'd end up on the treadmill for maybe 15 minutes, then get bored and leave.

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