Daily Schedule?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by chicamarun, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I know this sounds a little strange - but I am thinking by reading other people's posts they do a lot more work per day than us.

    We do usually 2 subjects per day (time not an issue) plus handwriting and some computer work.

    We still seem to be 'flying' through some of the LifePacs as we are almost done with Unit 1 for both Math and Language.

    We are done usually around noon or so depending on what time everyone gets themselves together....

    Anyone else run their HS like this? A lot more casual? Just curious :)
  3. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    If this is working for you than don't change it! As long as your children are progressing you are just fine. I am a mix of relaxed and scheduled. lol. Basically, we work hard some days and work less others. You live on a farm so I am sure your children are learning a ton from that! My kids learn from helping me with ebay. So when the days come that I have to do a ton of ebay I involve my kids. AFter all, it is teaching them business. So, I have some days I am relaxed and some I am not. With a toddler I have found that scheduling helps me out alot. Before my third I did school more like you and my kids progressed very well.
  4. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    This past month we have done as little as no subjects, playing games and being outside, to doing 5 subjects a day. I do have a game plan but I am awful about follwoing it. That is one of my goals for the year. Actually stick to a routine. So far nap and bedtime are with in the time I have them written down. :)
  5. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Okay...I abandoned my plan for the summer! Daughter tested out of all o fher subjects...i didn't want to bore her!

    Well, when we start back up, we will do the basics EVERY DAY...L/A, Math, Science, History & Geo and Bible. We actually have a very full "outside" schedule this year, so I may adapt a little bit. Handwriting is everyday too.

    We're going to be out of the house almost all morning on Tuesdays, and most of the morning on Thursdays, so I might have to adapt a little and teach the majors on Mond/Weds/Friday and use Tues/Thursday for projects and more "fun" stuff from the subjects. I think. If I do that - the M/W/F schedule will be REALLY full. Hmmmm...

    You got me thinking.

    We usually kinda fly thru the lifepacs, too, mostly because Id on't make them do ALL the little side projects - especially if I've come up with my own projects.

    I'm still okay this year b/c I don't have to track - but when I do have to track, they only count a school day as one where you're taught the core subjects (Reading, writing, math, history, science, geography). And although the extras are nice, just doing them on a day doesn't count. Of course, it is honor system....lol :D
  6. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    You're in Va also right? Since we don't have to turn anything regarding hours and days then I wouldn't worry about it.

    I tried the just doing a couple subjects per day thing, but found she wasn't retaining things well. So now we make sure we get all math and language arts in every day, science and history at least twice a week.
  7. chicamarun

    chicamarun New Member

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I wasn't really worried about days/classes etc...

    Looking at my schedule for the 1st week in Sept...

    Language 3x during the week
    Science - 1x during the week
    Math - 2x during the week
    History - 1x
    Latin - 2x
    Handwriting - 4x
    Reading - 4x

    Now Monday we are taking off.... and History and Science are intros into Apologia & SOTW. On top of those things - they start an outside class of Homeschool PE for my son and swimming for my daughter.
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I go by sort of a memory of schedules I had as a kid at the schools I enjoyed the most, mostly can still remember what the schedules loked like aaaaaaaaaaaaalll these years later haha!
    but, I have always done Math and Lang arts every day, for an hour each... With Life Paks it goes fast in the begning but they tend to slow around book 6 so we shot for getting into book 5 first half of the year , before Christmas break, then if they did that they got 2 weeks for Christmas, if not then one week.
    the other four books stretched out over the next 5-6 months some how and we rarely completed on the scheduled time I had planned!
    So don't stress at fast working in the begining days!

    We did science and History alternately 45 max mins daily, in early years. now dd does more of course because she is older but ds in 5th grade will do
    Math Lang Arts, and Reading and Bible daily,
    then I will rotate the classes around but 4 days a week will be science and History days, and the fifth will be catch up time, I picked up books at the library on the subjects they had to keep them on the same subject btw if they were moving along quicker I added a lesson from a book in those last two subjects.
    Now this year I will hope to keep things in the same way of doing things but with new books and stuff to do I am not sure how it will work.
    My arts, pe, and what not will be alternating days as my science and History used to be,
    Science has Bible in it for ds so that will help in that area, PLUS hehas a devotional reading daily.'
  9. frogguruami

    frogguruami New Member

    Jul 21, 2007
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    10 to 1 is co-op or Science, History or Geography (One each day)

    2 to 3 is Math and Language Arts (Journal, handwriting, root words)

    4 to 6 is reading and art

    730 to 830 is rosetta stone
  10. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    we do 3 session a day up to grade 5, then 4 session a day from grade 6 (although may change that for grade 7 next year...not sure yet).
    session 1: english (spelling, grammar, handwriting, literature, reading)
    session 2: maths & music
    session 3 & 4: unit study
    But we are flexible about the order in which we do them, and usually take a break after each session. We start when we're ready, and finish when we're through.
  11. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I agree that if it is working, then you should stick with it. You can always adjust as needed.:D
  12. CelticRose

    CelticRose New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    We're more like AvaRose I think. Mondays my Ditzy has violin class; Thursdays & Fridays she does flute, band & choir so forget formal academics. Bible is every day regardless. Most days we get some English & math done but I don't stress if we don't, we just work a bit longer Tuesdays & Wednesdays to catch up. Music is a formal subject for us so it's all good.
  13. mallarysmom

    mallarysmom New Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    We start out planned, some days we do tons, some days we unschool, if that makes any sense.
  14. shannonu

    shannonu New Member

    Jan 20, 2007
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    I'd call our day more of a routine than a schedule. We are pretty casual here (granted, my dd is young and going to be doing 1st grade) but I will *try* every day to have her copy a bible verse for handwriting, do a reading lesson, and play math games/do math.
    In total I'm thinking 2-3 hours. After that she burns out pretty bad!
    There may be some days when we do more. Or less.
    We also have a co-op once a week that teaches Art/Geography or Choir/Cooking Science. And then there's gymnastics which is all Thursday afternoon.
    Hey this looks pretty full and interesting now that I write it down! LOL - and i was thinking we weren't doing enough! haha
  15. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    my kids saw a post about school starting later and going into the night, and they wondered how in the world do you do school allday?
  16. ColoradoMom

    ColoradoMom New Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Every year I make up a schedule in August and by December the thing is unrecognizable compared to what we actually did!!

    But still...I have one for this year!!:wink:

    10 year old - 4/5th grade mix

    Monday - Spelling, Reading, Grammar, Math
    Tuesday - Spelling, Writing, Math, Science
    Wednesday - Spelling, Reading, Grammar, Math
    Thursday - Spelling, Writing, Math, History
    Friday - Spelling, Math, Science, History

    17 year old - 12 grade
    Monday - Friday - entire year Math, American History II, Economics, English

    Government is when ever she wants to do it, one chapter a week. It's a pretty easy course so it doesn't take much time.

    And English actually doesn't start until she reaches the history lesson on communism in about 2 months, since we are doing early 20th century Russian writers. Once she starts though, it will be every day both semesters.

    My kids have never spent more than 4 hours a day on school and a typical day is more like 2 1/2 to 3.
  17. Spinning

    Spinning New Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    We started at the beginning of this month and are using LifePacs (1st). I *thought* our schedule would be us working every morning after breakfast, but that has been iffy so far. We only do school on Tues-Fri, and Sat is make-up day/field trip day. (Last Saturday we hit Krispy Kreme Donuts! ;) Really, it was educational...the kids can watch the donuts being proofed/fried/glazed/eaten!) But anyways, I'm trying to make sure we do Math and Language Art (phonics, penmanship, reading...and we also are doing HOP) and Bible every day. I'm really dragging on the History and Science at this point, it seems more like stuff we covered in K.

    Nevada is a pretty lenient state concerning HSing and I don't have to track hours/days.

    I work from home and though I try not to start work until after school is completed some days--like today-- I have to start early. I guess this is the beauty of homeschooling, right? I'm lovin' the flexibility, that's for sure!
  18. cailet

    cailet New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    We have some things that are scheduled every day. 3 days a week bus picks up my youngest at noon to go to preschool. my 5 yr old goes to same preschool but 4 days a week. (still don't know what days yet it hasn't officially started yet.... special ed preschool through school district) The bus get them home by 3:30-4:00PM. MY oldest has 2 classes at middle school which I have to drive him to and pick him up. (not sure yet if he'll start at 10:15am and get done by 12:30PM or start at 11AM and done by 1:30Pm he has lunch at ps) that's 5 days a week and then amongst all that we do homeschool. We usually have a list of assignments to get done for the day and oldest just works on them. School is over for the day when the list is done.
  19. Smiling Dawn

    Smiling Dawn New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    I am enjoying reading about the different schedules.
    We return to school the day after Labor Day.
    I thought I'd share with you all my dh's work schedule for the month of September.

    ~Week 1: Sun-Thur 6am-2pm (Monday off)
    ~Week 2: Sun-Tues 2pm-10pm; Wed & Thur off; Fri & Sat 6am-2pm
    ~Week 3: Sun-Thur 6am-2pm
    ~Week 4: Mon off; Tues-Sat 2pm-10pm

    I love doing school from 8:30 till around 2 or 3. This is ideal for me and the kids. I do have a 2-10 schedule worked out and we have successful done school during those hours. It is challenging, but that is OK. I just keep pluggin' away.
    Anyway...thanks for reading!
    (((waving to each of you)))
  20. Dichotomy

    Dichotomy New Member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    Hi Ladies. Sorry I haven't been around for a while but it's been busy at work.

    We're homeschooling our 9th grader but the rest go to public school. We'll probably homeschool our oldest daughter when she gets out of JR high as well.

    All of the kids do school work in the summer for the upcoming year so they've got a jump going in.

    Summer Schedule
    8 am wake up, eat, chores
    9 am - 12:30 pm free time (usually in the pool)
    12:30 - 1 lunch
    1:00 - 2:00 6th grader, 2nd grader, does school work.
    1:00 - 5:00 pm 9th grader school work
    2:00 - 6:30 free time for the youngs
    6:30 - Dinner
    7:00 - 8:00 showers clean rooms
    8:00 - bed time for the K and 2nd grader
    10:00 - bed time for the 6th grader
    11:00 - bed time for the 9th grader

    We gave the 9th grader the TAKS test at the end of the summer. He scored a 72 on the math and an 92 on the reading and comp. New software coming to help him with the math.

    School schedule will be

    7:00 - up eat breakfast
    8:00 - walk the three young siblings to school, daily chores.
    9:00 - PE (swim, run, ride bike, use the gym, rock climbing)
    10:00 - 12:30 Course work
    1:00 - 3 Course work
    3:00 - Walk the younglings back from school
    4:00 - ? Finish any work not completed
    6:30 - Dinner
    7:00 - 11:00 free time

    His goal is to be done with the 9th grade by December, 10th by next August, 11th by next December, and 12th by the following August. Then he wants to take college level courses until he's old enough to enlist in the Army and study languages.

    We test every 6 weeks to see how his progress is. Also to have the paper to stick in anybodys beak that wants to say he's not getting a good education.
  21. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    that is great! my ds revealed his plan , next year he wants to home school and go out to college for the rest of his classes. ( he will be 17 and a Senior then) He wants to graduate early and get started on his College courses right away so he can get on with getting a good job and life!
    How many highschoolers do you know that want to get through with highschool just to get into college early and get going at living life?
    ANyway, dd wants to go out next y ear so it will work to our advantage too!
    OOps sorry, Your msg got me thinking there, and I kind of slipped in a side note,

    Our Schedule is probably going to be different than usual, I dont think I posted what we were changing to...
    dd will do biblehistoryenglish- 8-11, then break for a few fifteen mins or so, and do Algerbra to lunch break.
    after lunch she will do Science and Creative Writing. then alternate with home ec.
    Art will be alternate with PE, unless I get her into the team at the local private school.

    ds 10 will do his 1 hour per class, or whatever time it takes him to do the work requred for one day.
    IF he finishes early I will give him a break .. I was going to set his up but thought since everything is different I need to see what the lessons look like first!

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