Pray for... (December 18)

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by Brenda, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. zsmomma

    zsmomma New Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    D&C is normally what they do when you either a) have a miscarriage or b) have abnormal bleeding for a long time. They go in and scrape the insides to get anything that might be stuck on the uterus wall off. Its not a pleasant experience.

    I bleed for weeks on end at a time. Literally 3-4 weeks on 5 days off. I finally stopped taking all birth control and it took over a year for my body to get back to normal. The dr's ran all tests that they could think of to find nothing wrong. It was the hormones in the pills/patch that was causing me to be sick.

    Praying for all listed.
  2. Brenda

    Brenda Active Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Tracy and I were talking about how this Christmas was different than in years past because of the position we are in. We went to get Noah and Andrew from school and when I was there the guidance teacher pulled me aside (and truth be told I was thinking oh great what now). She told me that a local business had sent baskets of food to the school for a family who might need it and she thought of us and asked if we needed it - how humbling and tear jerking. Try to explain what took place in the past week...

    Tracy and I were just talking about this not two hours earlier. Andrew had been in the guidance office for some time because of an incident and when he came to see me, I was in tears and he didn't understand why (and I haven't told him why). She asked me to pull the car up to the door and we would load the stuff into the car... the trunk was jam packed (and then some).

    God answers prayers in strange ways... that wasn't even a specific request by any means... we just knew that things would be different this year because I didn't have a job and we were strapped financially and we (well I did) had gotten to a point where we were accepting it as that's it that's all. God proved me wrong and brought me to my knees for another humbling moment.
  3. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Oh, wow!!! I love hearing about blessings like that...and it's even better when it happens to a friend. :) That's the second time in two days a close friend has had such a blessing!...the other family is also out of a job and there was a local attorney who donates $500 to a local church each year for the church to give it to a family who needs it at Christmas time. My friend had no idea, but after church Sunday night her pastor pulled them aside and gave them the check. :D

    So glad to hear about your job. I'll have to get details later. Thinking of you!!!
  4. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Oh Brenda that is so neat. Let us know about the job when you get time.

    Merry Christmas Girl to you and your family!
  5. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Jen, take a look at this.

    When my sister had hers it was an out patient thing and she was home by noon, if I'm not mistaken.
    She had it done on a Thursday or Friday and used the weekend to rest, then went back to work on Monday.
  6. skippy7781

    skippy7781 New Member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    As I read through the post I see that prayers are answered,It is nice to know that we have a loving God that meets our needs.The mother of the family I helped this year was so thankful. she was in tears. I told her that if she put me on a pedistal ,I was clumsey and would fall off. I told her God took care of his people and his people take care of each other.I am praying for each of you and truely enjoy your input.God Bless you all.
  7. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    I had a hysteroscopy (is that where they put a dye in so they can see everything? If so, that's what I had), because I was having abnormal bleeding and cramping. They said I had a polyp that filled my whole uterus. So I had "the procedure", they didn't call it a d&c (my friend had that done though) done to remove the polyp. It was considered an out-patient procedure, so I just came in, had it done, and as soon as I was able to sit up and walk, I was out of there. The strange thing is, I'm having those types of problems again, and I realized that they never did a follow-up check! I need to get around to getting ahold of my dr. and asking for a follow-up to see if the polyp has grown back! They said it was very possible that it could, so why wouldn't they check, I wonder?!

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