Disgusting UN stuff again

Discussion in 'Homeschooling in the News' started by momofafew, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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  3. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    good grief, what will they think of next, i mean how sick! dont they think that might be part of the problem, i mean kids already think they know it all, teach them all this stuff, and they are bound to use it. i mean it would be like teaching kids to ... oh i cant think of anything else as horrible right now.
  4. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    Yeah, I'm breaking that down for an article I'm freelancing. There were several quotes that stood out - the sexual ones I wrote already, and you can follow my sig if you want to - but also on the list:

    -Teachers are likely to be the most skilled and trusted source of information
    - Teachers in the classroom have a responsibility to act in the place of parents
    - Teachers remain the best qualified and the most trusted providers of information and support for most children and young people

    Plus all kids are "entitled" to good sexual education.


    Those are the ones I'm hitting tomorrow, but the I followed Fox's lead today because I was so freaked. I literally read the whole report with my 6 yo DS playing with blocks at my feet. The whole thing made me sick to my stomach.
  5. Jo Anna

    Jo Anna Active Member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    I don't usually post in this area, but this really upsets me. It makes me sick to my stomach.

    wow! that is stepping way over the line. I mean what they heck do they mean about "Few young people receive adequate preparation for their sexual lives"? I mean come on. Who actually is ever adequately prepared for their sexual lives, as an adult let alone a child already preparing. I would not even think about teaching my 12 yr old half of the stuff they want to teach our babies this!
  6. goodnsimple

    goodnsimple New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Well, I guess if you are going to circumcise a 5 yo girl she should know what you are going to cut off.
    and if you marry off 12 yo, then them learning about sexual violence would be good.

    But I don't allow my children to date until they are 15 and we talk about masterbation as it "comes up" often starting around 3-5.
    but it is ME and MY children...not some teacher who believes heaven only knows.

    I told my girls that when you have sex with someone you take a part of their soul and give away a part of yours...so be careful whose soul you are walking around with. Somehow this was more concrete to them than "wait" or save yourself for your husband or whatever....that these "pieces" then create a dissonance and cause problems or "echoes" in future relationships.
    (I don't mean it literally...more like a concept)
  7. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    ok, i know UN means united nations, but does anyone else believe they will be the origin of the one world govt that will eventually happen?
  8. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I think something to keep in mind is that this is not meant for an exclusively US or Western audience.

    When the Un says something like, "Few young people receive adequate preparation for their sexual lives", they're addressing countries where children may be married off at 12, where children might be sold to workshops or pimps at a young age, where sexual information is steeped in superstition.

    When a girl is facing genital mutilation it may be key for her to be informed about what she may be losing in, at least, terms of sexual pleasure. If a boy is being told superstitious tales that have him living in fear of wet dreams then it's important he know about it as a natural occurance.

    Everything the UN does is NOT about the US. Frankly, it has much bigger concerns. If Americans don't want to adopt a UN treaty they don't need to. Simple solution. If the US does adopt UN treaties then it's the choice of the US and not the fault of the UN.

    Seriously, this to me is like getting upset because the neighbour painted their living room pink. It doesn't mean you're obligated to paint your living room pink and if it bothers you, just stop looking in the neighbour's window.
  9. Jo Anna

    Jo Anna Active Member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    I can see where in some places it might be alright, but I still think a child is a child no matter where they live. It hurts my heart to hear and see those that are married off at 12 and such. Well I hope this works out how it is suppose to be. It is just so scary that we live in a world that has to teach some of our children this to protect them.
  10. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    I agree with Dawn: These guidelines were drawn up for countries where sexual abuse of children is rampant and where STDs are an epidemic. It would be a problem in the US only if this country signs up to it - or to agreements that would bind us to it. The most disturbing statements to me are those that claim teachers should have (or do have) more influence over children than their parents. It's a step in the direction of the Dawkins doctrine that the government must ensure that children are not raised in a household that subscribes to a religious faith of any sort.
  11. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Regardless of who this addresses, it sounds sick to me.

    Yet, this is a UN thing and the US has not adopted any UN treaties or policies. I may only be a matter of time...but the article also said it is a voluntary class. It is sick for any child to be taught about sex in this manner...but that is also from my christian veiwpoint. The UN does not have a mind like Christ.

    What's sickens and outrages me just as much is the thought that one day the US will adopt a UN treaty.
  12. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Please explain to me how you think this would address sexual abuse and STDs. Dawn...weigh in please. I am not seeing from what I read that this would help any of the horrific things that take place in other parts of the world. I could be missing something...maybe I am blinded by how sick it all seems to me.

    I agree that the MOST disturbing is the idea that teachers should have more influence over children.

    you know...there are sex workshops for young people in the states that teach masturbation. However, from what I read on those quite awhile back, it was for teens...and it was to discourage them from having sex.
  13. cnjwilliamson

    cnjwilliamson New Member

    Aug 4, 2009
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    I agree with Dawn.

    As sad as it is, there are places in this world where children NEED to know these things in order to protect themselves. So many children around the world become victims to things way worse than this because they don't know.

    When it comes down to it, is it worse for a child to be educated in the ways of the world and know how to protect themselves or to end up in some documentary about 15 yo girls who no longer have control of there bladders bc they have unsuccessfully birthed 4 babies?

    Both are disgusting that isn't deniable but that is the world we live in. Children who have no one else to protect them need to have the resources to protect themselves.
  14. cnjwilliamson

    cnjwilliamson New Member

    Aug 4, 2009
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    In most situations I don't believe the teacher should have more influence over a child however, in the very common situation where an 11 yo girl is given by her parents to a 27 yo husband without knowing anything of sex bc they don't teach her then someone needs to step in and give her the tools she needs to protect herself. Even if that person is her teacher.

    You have to understand that not all parents provide their children with the information they need. They send them into the world of adults at young ages without telling them anything at all.
  15. dawninns

    dawninns New Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Christ never said anything about sex education.;)

    Anyhow, it's information. I just can't see what's sick about it. Genital mutilation, rape, child prostitution, child marriage, etc. Those are all truly sick. Knowing about your own body, not so much. There may be things in the treaty you personally don't agree with but I'm having a hard time seeing what's sick about it.

    Well, that will be the decision of the US. But all this hostility towards the UN seems misplaced. If the US adopts it it will be the responsibility of the US alone.

    As for the matter of a teacher's influence, again, it's meant for a wider audience. It may not make sense for the US (in which case the US should simply not sign the treaty) but for a country where huge amounts of children have been orphaned by war or AIDS? Or depressed areas where parents may often be addicted to substances? Or where communities are expected to play a larger role in a child's life then here in NA?

    This is an international document. It shouldn't be surprising that American values and culture aren't exclusively reflected in it. If it doesn't work for the US then the proper response it for the US not to adopt it, not to tear down or inspire hatred or fear of the UN. Much of the world may need documents like this. The UN is not in place to export American values or to exclusively cater to American sensibilities.

    HOMEMOM New Member

    Oct 1, 2008
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    If your 5 year old child came home and stated, "Mommy, Mr. Smith told me that it was okay for me to masturbate and that masturbating is pleasurable," you would call the police. This will only give child predators a way to cover up their sick perverted crimes by stating, "I have the legal right to tell your 5 year old it is okay to pleasure themselves."

    Quote from article:

    "Under the U.N.'s voluntary sex-ed regime, kids just 5-8 years old will be told that "touching and rubbing one's genitals is called masturbation" and that private parts "can feel pleasurable when touched by oneself."
  17. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    A few months back, there was a news story of a little 9-year-old girl from Brazil who was pregnant with twins after being raped by her stepfather. It became news because the Catholic church excommunicated the mother and a doctor when that child was given an abortion - even though the child would have died carrying those twins to term. It was a terrible, terrible situation all around - but sadly it's not as uncommon as we might think. Just compound that situation with the possibility that the stepfather could have had AIDS.

    Also a few months back, there was a news story on the front pages of the British newspapers about a 15-year-old girl having a baby from her 13-year-old neighbor. What was almost worse is that several boys from that neighborhood all claimed to be the father - and it turns out that one of the others was indeed the biological father. Just imagine if that girl too had been raped by a stepfather and then passed the disease on to all the 12-15 year-old boys in the neighborhood - who in turn passed it on to other young girls.

    In many countries, including some of the most developed, parents turn a completely blind eye to the antics of their young children. Other parents take advantage of their own children for self-gratification or for money. Yes, this atrocious behavior, but ignoring it won't make it go away. These children must be protected in some way. The UN document won't stop all these incidents from happening, but maybe they'll stop a few of them. Awareness is the first step in prevention.
  18. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Countries with the issues like you are describing do not have large public school systems to inact this type of treaty. My impression is that this sort of treaty is for places like the US where we do have ways of spreading this information. The cultures of the countries where they do those horrendous things do not send their girls to public schools where anything like this would be followed.
  19. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Teaching a 5 yr old to masterbate is not going to stop a 9 yr old from being raped. In fact, even grown adults who know all about sex still get raped. If the treaty had called for toughen punishments on these crimes, illegalizing marriage under 18, teaching self defense and that sort of thing, it would have made sense. But teaching a 5 yr old about masterbation is just asking for the sexual violence rates to go up. Teaching something, just anything, does not solve anything. It has to be the right things. Teaching respect for your body, abstinence, teaching the children about having a future, a reason to not have sex, and so on, makes a bit more sense. But teaching a 5 yr old to masterbate is not only going to hypersexualize that child, but it will never stop a 9 yr old from getting raped. Also, I feel that exposing small children to sexual content IS sexual abuse. I would consider any 5 yr old taught about masterbation like that to be being sexually abused.
  20. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I agree! And just image the visual aids your 5 yr old will be shown. And then all the little 5 yr olds discussing this at recess and when playing together at home....yuck!! It IS sexual abuse to expose such a small child to this.
  21. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Tragic, yes...but again just how is this treaty going to help?

    Again, how is this addressed in the treaty? Maybe I didn't fully understand it or I missed something. I want to know how specific instances like these could benefit or be lessened by the treaty.

    I am aware of the horror that goes on in other countries. I also agree that we cannot turn a blind eye. However, I am still confused...maybe I didn't read something as I said, but I'm not sure how the treaty can stop this. How does teaching a child to masturbate prevent any of this from happening? I am sure I must have missed something....I am not being combative, I just am not seeing how this will address the issues you mentioned.

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