Music-what is okay and not okay

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by homeschooler06, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    We listen to rock and country and most other forms of music. We don't have cable so we don't get the latest videos that are out there. do they even still have music videos out there? My house is full of children christian music, kids nursery style songs and other kids friendly songs. My daughter is 9 and is starting to listen to music. She bought her first CD and it was from the Hanna Montanna movie. She also has the Kit movie CD. Also a handful of Disney Radio or whatever it is music.

    Husband and I have agreed not to let our children listen to music with suggestive lyrics or some words in them. On of them it the I'm Too S##Y For my body or what ever the title is. Music with those words even if funny isn't allowed by our 4,5 or 9 year olds. I bring this up because that song was playing in the child zone while I was working out and I ran up there to say it wasn't allowed for my children and I got a weird look and they respected my wishes and turned off the music. I know my children will hear it when they are out and about but they are still under my care most of the time so it's our rules.
    My husband also don't like some of the songs that children do in cheering or dance so our girls will not be involved in those.
    It is hard in todays world to find good clean music and today I sort of felt like I was being a prude (is that the word) because I don't want my children to listen to that kind of music.
    We listen to it back when our oldest was 4/5 but now we don't. I have started lately talking about the lyrics to some of the songs with my daughter and why they are writting/sung.
  3. Andrea

    Andrea New Member

    Aug 12, 2009
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    Don't feel prudish! What is and what is not okay is up to you and DH. I think you are to be commended for setting up some rules concerning your family's listening habits.

    I like the idea of talking to your children about the lyrics being sung. When you talk about them, you help children truly understand what they're singing. Sometimes we get caught up in the catchy tune and forget about how powerful the lyrics are and what the singer is really trying to convey (good or bad!). Plus some songs have references and words that might be unfamiliar to parents who aren't up on the ever changing jargon among kids, so that gives our kids an opportunity to explain to us what's *really* being said.

    We're on the same page as you. DH and I are careful about what we allow our children to take in as we believe what the Bible says about the heart in the latter half of Luke 6:45...For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

    For what it's worth, as you're dealing with music, we're trying to find dolls for our 5 year old that are fully clothed and don't sport lots of makeup!:roll:
  4. BLeigh

    BLeigh New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    We listen to all sorts of music in our home and cars...except for country and rarely Christian music. My husband is a musician and has a huge collection of music. Most of it classic rock and instrumental jazz. I know there are certain songs the girls probably should not be listening to, but unless it's offensive I usually don't turn off the tune (unfortunately I'm not offended by certain words). We do not listen to teeny bop music which I find deplorable. The sexualization of music marketed to kids is horrific. In my opinion Hannah Montana and those like her are very dangerous for my little girls. Maybe I'm way off, but it's just how it rolls in my home. For now I'm guilt free with our grown up music and my girls are definitely lovin' rockin' out with momma in our mini van. We do equally enjoy smooth jazz and classical music as well so they're getting a full spectrum of musical sounds. Just wish I could get into Christian music, but after giving a go for a couple of months it just didn't stick.

    We are a very conservative family by the way. My biggest concern is clothing. I don't understand why size 7 girl's clothing looks so trashy. I don't want my little girl looking like she's getting ready to go late night clubbing. It's been a challenge to find reasonably priced clothing that is in the same style that she's been wearing up till now. Fortunately I found what she needs and I don't have to sew a whole wardrobe.

    Andrea, if you haven't checked out the American Girl dolls they are great for modesty. We got a set of Bitty Twins two years ago for our then 4 and 5 year olds and they have held up beautifully. They are pricey but totally worth it as the quality is outstanding.
  5. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    We also don't and won't listen to that sort of music as a "general rule". The problem is that I was raised a Christian, so my standards are very strict. Dh wasn't raised with anything (because his parents couldn't agree and left it to the kids to figure out), so he's agnostic. His idea of "ok" is usually the same as mine, but not always. We have our battles sometimes.
  6. Singing Strong

    Singing Strong New Member

    Jul 3, 2008
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    There is such a wide range of good Christian music out there ! There are all sorts of radio stations that you can listen to online. If you hear a song/artist you like then go get some of their c.d.s

    It's important to teach our kids to discern what's right and wrong . It's not at all prudish. We are to be in the world , but not of it. this is one of the stations I like, if you're interested
  7. BLeigh

    BLeigh New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    I clicked the link and hit the listen now and one of my least favorite songs was on : (. Just not going to work. I'll stick to classic rock, jazz and classical. My kids will be just fine and will be lovely inside and out in God's eyes...even if a Pink Floyd song is on the tip of their tongues. I definitely do not believe this is what makes or breaks a good Christian. At least within reason...obviously there have to be limits.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009
  8. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Yeah I know my opinion is never popular but I'm agreeign with this. I have two great Christian girls and my 6 year old knows about every Rascal Flatts song and dh took her to see Toby Keith while my 13 year old loves the Beatles and the Doobie Brothers. Now dont get me wrong I love music like Third Day and other christian bands! I just dont' believe there is anything wrong with my kids listening to classic rock, country or that it is going to damage them in anyway. Like what was quoted - obviously there are limits but in general good classic tunes are not going to scar your child.
  9. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    YES! :D

    I didn't read this before my last response. This is me. Exactly.:D
  10. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    I don't even bother with the radio in the car. Lyrics today are so full of garbage. I found a site with old Bay City Rollers songs on it, but even some of those are too suggestive for Jeannie to hear. Now, here's what I did do:
    I had my husband make up a CD with a bunch of good songs on there, clean songs. It has songs like-

    Van Halen's Jump, Dancin' in the Street, Panama, Dreams.
    Bay City Rollers Saturday Night
    What Time Is It, from HSM

    These are songs that are nice to listen to for me, too. If you really do some digging, there are clean, real rock songs suitable for kids.
  11. BLeigh

    BLeigh New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    Radio in the car can be a bad thing. For me, it's usually the advertisements (on the local rock station) that are highly inappropriate for even my ears. If it's a rock day we listen to cd's to avoid that nastiness. I can't understand why these grown men, and some women, think it's great to act like high school perverts. They even have a line (that is offensive in name) for people to call in to curse and yell at people they hate. Nobody needs to hear that.
  12. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Yes I also agree about radio advertising. The commercials and dj banter can get pretty raunchy and I do not let my kids listen to that. The station gets chamged to more music.
  13. shelby

    shelby New Member

    Jul 5, 2009
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    We listen only to Christian music, and some of it hubby does not like. Kutls and the heavier Christian music we don't listen too. We enjoy southern gospel the best. Crabb Family is my fav and my dd's also.
    when we are driving we listen to klove.
  14. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    My dh likes to listen to the oldies 50's & 60's. I do not listen to them. I listen to Christian music, that I can understand the lyrics and it's not the Christian Rock. I like the old Hymns and some of the praise and worship. If my ds (14) wants to listen to music, he brings me the lyrics, I approve them, then I listen to the music. If I can hear the words and agree with the beat and all, he can download the song onto a cd. This is what our pastor suggested.
  15. homeschooler06

    homeschooler06 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    I love the oldies music but I cannot seem to find agood one here like I can in the midwest. must be a northeastern thing:)
  16. Crunchy

    Crunchy New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    I was floored at the roller rink a few months ago when that lesbian song I kissed a girl came on--and all of the kids were singing along..mine weren't. But now we go to christian music night--even though I dont especially like those songs (sorry ladies) at least there's no rape rap or songs about how hot it is and normal to kiss your best friend..
  17. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Oh gosh I hate that song! We were watching something a long while back , may have been American Idol, and that girl came out and sang that. I was mortified! I couldn't get to that remote fast enough to change the channel! My 6 year old was sitting right there. My best friend is gay and is around my kids all the time but she isn't making out with her parnter in front of them. That song makes me sick.

    I love Christian, r&b, some rap, classic rock and country. I don't listen to pop music but dd13 does. I love music in general and I can already tell at age 6 my dd does too. She is a huge music fan like I am.
  18. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    We listen to Christian music around our house and in the car. Granted, I prefer super heavy Christian Rock, but in the car, I opt for the calmer CHR station, primarily because of the DJs and Commercials on the Christian Rock station being nearly as bad, imho, as the secular rock stations. Now that I have a vehicle with an iPod dock, I often play through my iPod, so we do sometimes listen to the harder stuff in the car.

    Having said that, I think it's up to each family/person to decide for themselves, with the Holy Spirit's leading, what is and is not appropriate. I've had some issues in my life related to music, so I know what the Lord wants from me in that regard. I know families who are impressed to avoid the harder Christian music, too (making them more "strict" than I am). None of us is a better Christian than the other for it. The only time music becomes sin is when you're listening to something that you KNOW the Lord doesn't want you listening to, but you ignore Him.
  19. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Wow our christian station commercials are not even close to secular station commercials. Usually there is a message from Focus on the Family or a clip of someone talking about how God has worked in their lives. Never have I ever heard anything that I would consider in the same realm of secular. I guess each station is way different.
  20. becky

    becky New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    Crunchy, are you in PA?? Our skating rink plays that, too, and I've been tempted to point out the lyrics to the guys running everything.

    Our police department used to do a block party, and they let teens choose the music. Welllll... the idiots chose Ozzy Osbourne songs. One was about killing your gf, and the other was about suicide. Hooray.:roll:
  21. ABall

    ABall Super Moderator

    Jul 28, 2005
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    My kids like what we like.......... DH likes the Beatles ........ so the kids do.
    I like Bon Jovi so my girls do. .......... we don't listen to the radio in general but my girls listen to country and if I had a decent radio in the kitchen I would too.

    my other son is facinated with Elvis songs as well as the Beach boys..... I don't know why. ---- -safe I guess.

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