Music-what is okay and not okay

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by homeschooler06, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Shelley

    Shelley New Member

    Apr 23, 2007
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    We listen to a smattering of stuff. In the car, we're generally listening to books on CD or Uncle Charlie or a WOW Christian music CD; if we listen to radio, it's our local Christian station. I don't mind some country or some pop, but I definitely won't have the radio station on those because of the commercials.

    We play SingStar and Rock Band 2 in our house and have figured out which songs we feel like are fun and clean. My kids particularly enjoy belting out Duran Duran's Wild Boys from SingStar. And I have to say I've realized something about Duran Duran... most of their song lyrics make absolutely no sense. So, if they're trying to be naughty, it's going over even MY head. :)
  2. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    We only have two Christian stations in town: one is VERY clean... matter of fact, their slogan is "Positive, encouraging, and uplifting; clean air" and that's exactly what they are. But they play more CHR music. And they're listener supported to there are few commercials to begin with.

    The station that plays Christian Rock is the one I used to work for. The station manager will be the first to clarify that they are not a Christian radio station. They are a radio station that happens to play Christian music as it's format. The a.m. DJ's are horrible about being mean/insulting to each other. The commercials are just on the edge of questionable. E.g. They wouldn't advertise a strip club or bar or anything, but they do advertise for a store that specializes in "gasta clothing" and they produce commercials that feature people being insulting or rude.
  3. scottiegazelle

    scottiegazelle New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    I only listen to my iPod, LOL, and all those songs are a good decade old. Although I have had to drop several of the ones I listened to as a kid. <boo>

    My kids still aren't old enough to really be aware of contemporary music (yay), but I want to brag on my dh's cousin. Right after we were married, we were babysitting for his uncle, and his cousin, Nathaniel, was about 12 or so and listening to the song "Californication," which was really big. I asked him not to play it why I was around and he asked me why not, so I asked him if knew what "fornication" meant. He didn't. I wouldn't tell him, either, I made him look it up. He was really curious, and he did, and he was totally disgusted by the song. He said he was done listening to it. I was so proud of him, still am. :)
  4. Crunchy

    Crunchy New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    Nope, I'm in surburban Houston (until my house sells...sigh).

    Search for pandora online--its an online radio station that you can type in one song or artist that you like--and for free you can listen to other artists and songs that are similar to what you entered. I listen to a 5th symphony station and a hank williams sr. station a lot at the moment. I go through phases=)

    It is great for people, like me, who do not have many ways to hear about new music, or older music, that I might like. So it's an avenue towards finding new artists and genres that you might like. They have a lot of older music and it's not unusual to see us dancing around to old ragtime piano songs=)
  5. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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  6. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    We listen to alot of country, but even some of that has be turned off when the song is not appropriate. We listen to hymns, instrumental, classical and a little rock, and oldies. We always ask, "Would we listen to this if Jesus were here?" We also do that with TV, books, movies, magazines etc. If it is not uplifting we don't do listen or read or watch it. My kids hear songs when they are with friends, but my 9 yo ds has asked some of his friends to not play certain songs because it makes him feel "icky".

    As for dolls...Both my girls have American Girl dolls. I found one brand new in the box at a thrift store for $3...yes $3! And the other one I found on craigslist for really cheap. They are the only dolls my girls are allowed to play with because they are not makeup covered, string binkini wearing, with bodies that no women could ever have dolls.
  7. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    we love country, rock pop, we listen to almost anything it depends on what are moods are at the time. We try for up beat music though helps the moods.
  8. Crunchy

    Crunchy New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    Don't get me wrong, I love Texas..but I'm headed out to the country to have the whole farm-horses-pecan trees-solar panels fantasy. I just don't want to be so dependant on grocery stores/electric companies/water supply. More freedom is available for those who will live as intended--and I'm intending to try my best! (but no one will buy my house here, which is where our money is tied up atm...)

    (it's a little bit ptsd from hurricane Ike--and the evacuations from Rita)

    Anyway, so as to not hijack this thread too much,I think that the more REAL music you expose your kids to, the more they will reject popular music. And if they play instruments themselves, they will see that music for what it is. Get them involved in music whether it be just listening to beethoven around the house, going to musicals and symphonies, taking classes, dancing lessons to good music etc..

    Music is a really powerful medium. It can make you afraid (a horror movie is only scary from the suspense of the music) it can make you anything or attempt it. I love what Gary Oldman as Beethoven said in the movie Immortal Beloved (he may have really said it but if so, it's not famous enough quote to be online)

    ------"If you hear a marching band, is your soul exalted? No, you march. If you hear a waltz, you dance. If you hear a mass, you take communion. It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer. The listener has no choice."
  9. Leecee

    Leecee New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    We generally listen to the Christian station, on occasion I will change it to country which I have always despised but have come to like since moving down here to New Orleans. My dad always exposed me to so many different musicians and I feel that within the limits of your own children you will know what is appropriate and what is not. They will choose what they want when they are older.
  10. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    I'm right there with ya! We actually have 200 acres about 2 hours from Houston but we can't move there just yet. We have two business here in H-town that we run. My dd13 just went back to ps (I still hs my dd6) and we have decided to wait to move until she graduates high school (she loves her school and is on the dance team) and hopefully by then the economy will perk up and we can sell one of the businesses and our house. We want to build on our property and have horses and a huge garden.
  11. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    I think to go to the question, it's all about what you like and if it's appropriate for your family. Some people wouldn't agree with what we listen to, but then I don't agree what other people listen to either.

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