Diaper Rash help needed

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by momofafew, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    omg, i feel your pain, lol. when my youngest who is now 18 mos, was only a month old, she had horrible diarrhea, she had it so bad, she had blood in her diapaers. well, we figured that out and she had to go on a hyperallergenic (SP?) formula, which cured the diarrhea, they thought she was allergic to milk and soy. but while she had all the diarrhea, she had a horrible rash, it was raw and bleeding! so sore, poor baby, so she had a prescription and it just said butt paste, it was made of that silver nitrate (??) cream, the stuff they put on bad burns in the hospital. i would put that on, then i would layer with a big slipe of vaseline, and then pour on some corn starch. it worked. it had such a layer of protection, it healed. and i just used the prescription cream while she had the open rash, once it was not bleeding anymore, i just used vaseline and cornstarch. i agree with no baby wipes, only warm wet wash cloths, also, i placed her in a tiny baby pool in our frontroom floor with a blanky for about 30 min morning and night, and gave her a chance to really air out, bf i put the creams back on. i would try that bf i switched diapers.

    that much diarrhea, i dont think is good. you dont want him dehydrated, and if it is all liquid?? we had to do stool samples, even though we could see the blood, we had to have it tested for other stuff. i thought they used to have some sort of baggy you could tape around there bottom area, so that when they went, it caught it bf it went into diaper. i would def try to find some way to get a sample, whether it be that or just lay him on a water proff pad for awhile until he goes, then put it in the sample cup or bag. does he act like he feels bad? is he cranky? i would do like the others said, and eliminate milk for a few weeks and see if that helps as well. good luck!
  2. momofafew

    momofafew New Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    He has been crying for the last few hours now. I was trying to think back and it has been days since I had milk last. Should I worry about lactose in things other than milk? My diet has been very limited actually. He is cranky a lot of the time and will cry if we attempt to put him down.
  3. BLeigh

    BLeigh New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    Wheat is also one of the main allergens so if you're consuming that you may want to eliminate that as well. There really is some good information of doing elimination diets for breastfeeding moms with "colicky" babies. My youngest cried constantly for the first seven months except for nighttime when she was sleeping. It was miserable. I knew certain things made her worse, but did not know at the time about doing a low allergen diet. She is in fact lactose intolerant and her gastroenterologist and I believe gluten intolerant though she is not celiac. He said that we may have had a much more peaceful time in her first year with me doing a low allergen diet...too bad her pediatrician was not up to speed on the matter. I would absolutely suggest that you find some time to at least look it up and give it a try. You will still get plenty of great nutrition while leaving off the main culprits that cause reactions.

    Babies also can be very sensitive to their environment which causes severe fussiness. Some do not have a fully developed nervous system and all the stimulation is just too overwhelming (even down to the soft cotton they're dressed in). There are some recommendations on how to deal with this as well if you think this could be an issue. I would tend to think his digestive tract is more involved though with your description of his diapers.
  4. mamaof3peas

    mamaof3peas New Member

    Sep 30, 2008
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    well, im sure other dairy things have lactose, but not much else? my dd was colicky adn spit up all the time but by 5 months, she was still colicky so they put her on zantac, and that cured her. she wasnt colicky, but had acid reflux! i guess if i were in your place, i would try to limit stimulation, i know that is hard with a big family, make it quiet and peaceful and not too bright. i would try to eat fairly bland and calming meals for the next week, and i would be sure to really lather on something to protect his bottom. i mean just imagine have a raw butt, and then to have a paper diaper rubbing it, and then when someone holds you they push on it, it just has to be miserable, i would guess. does he spit up at all? always be sure to check his tongue and inside his cheeks, to make sure he is well hydrated. also, make sure he is having at least 5 or 6 wet diapers a day, and that is a minimum. can you wear a papoose thingy? where he would be attached to you and maybe be soothed? i had a thing i wore, and she slept in it while i made supper and helped the kids with school. there will be plenty of time for him to be weaned off of it, but for now, while he is so miserable, i would try it? does he like the swing? my oldest loved her swing. i would put her in the recline position, and tuck some rolled recieving blankets around her so she felt secure, and then let her swing while i did odds and ends. im sorry, i know it is so hard at this stage in the game, plus you are probably exhausted!! wish i could come over and hold him and love on him for ya, so you could catch a nap! also, forgot to ask, what does his pediatrician recommend?
  5. BLeigh

    BLeigh New Member

    Sep 23, 2009
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    "well, im sure other dairy things have lactose, but not much else?"

    Anything made with dairy has lactose in it. Lactose is a sugar that is found in dairy and without the enzyme lactase the digestive system can't break it down. Some products are more easily tolerated based on how they are made...like yogurt.

    Just in case you're interested...common food allergens are dairy, eggs, wheat, nuts, red meat, some fruits, certain vegetables (corn is common), shellfish and soy-based products. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recognized a study done on dietary intake of breastfeeding mothers and the resolution of colic of their babies. It was not a huge study but it was promising enough for the recommendation of a low allergen diet to mothers who are breastfeeding colicky babies.
  6. Sabrina

    Sabrina New Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    We still use the Lotrimin occasionally for rashes from antibiotics and such. It is safe and it works well. It is a cream so it soaks in. Vaseline will help seal it from any future irritation. Glad to know others have used the Lotrimin as well. My mother actually recommended it when my kids were babies. I thought how weird, because it was for feet(!), but it worked great.
  7. rhi

    rhi New Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    When my oldest dd was teething years ago she had really bad diaper rash so bad her butt was bleeding and I was a crying mess since she was my first kid, and I gave her baths in baking soda water and it dried the rash out so that her butt could heal and then I used zinc oxide to heal it and it worked wonders, I did use butt paste for my son for light rashes and that worked for him.
  8. Snipet

    Snipet New Member

    Sep 8, 2009
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    My daughter had liquid poo when she was a baby, not as young as yours, we discovered that it was the grape juice we were giving her. The diaer rash cream didn't help much, so the doctor told us to leave her diaper off during the night. We laid down some of the pads like they use for nursing homes and let her sleep in the buff. Letting the air get to her helped clear it up quickly.

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