I'm PISSED!!!!!!!@!@

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by mommix3, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    UGH!! I don't know where to start. I am SO mad I'm spitting nails!!! Some of you may remember my husband's ordeal last year with his back. A recap for those who don't. He started having MAJOR back pain. FINALLY were able to find a doctor who would see him. He ended up having 5 fractured vertebra. They diagnosed him with osteoporosis.. This is a (now) 34 year old man!! Nothing they could do but give him pain meds. The pain finally became somewhat managable where he didn't need pain meds. THEN last month he started having the pain again. I'm talking MAJOR pain where he can't even walk it hurts so bad pain. Can sleep can't sit down, can't really work, but he's still trying so he can support us.. He had to get an appointment to get more pain pills so today he goes. THEY WONT LET HIM IN! The doctors office is in the hospital and since we didn't have the $65 dollars they wouldn't see him. We offered a post dated check and they wouldn't accept it. So they refer him to the financial counselor. They wouldn't do anything because he didn't have all the required papers and" he waited until the last minute to come in".. Hello.. This man is in pain and you are worried about the MONEY.. I didn't go with him so when I found out about this I called the hospital administration who transfered me to some lady who was a RUDE witch. I told her that this man is in excrutiating pain and that all they seemed to care about was the money..At this point I'm bawling my eyes out. she had a very rude tone and She basically told me that what my husband said was not true. But continued to tell me the same thing he said. But her point of view was that he waited until 5 minutes before the appt. and she couldn't do anything.. I'm sorry, but all cases should not be treated the same.And we TRIED to pay.. This man is trying his best to make ends meet and can't get a little help. We were on this program last year and it still cost us $30 to go. We don't even have that. What happened to compassion?? This is the same senario as last year but there was a differant lady in the financial office and she said that him getting the help he needed was more important and got him right in with the doctor. At this point I have NO idea what is going to happen. I'm extremely irritated. I've got other issues with this hospital too. We get bills from them for my daughters doctors visits that should be filed with medicaid. Finally got the itemized bill and they have things on there that we never even recieved. Like IV therapy and Pharmacy charges. The total bill was almost $2000 and after taking off all the stuff they didn't do it was only $700. I understand that they have to have their money but at the same time I think that a little compassion is in order. Sometimes I think we would be better off to live on welfare.. Shoot we'd have it made. Get free food, free medical, free housing even have someone pay the majority of our bills. This is so screwed up..
  3. Minthia

    Minthia Active Member

    Apr 27, 2009
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    I am so sorry you are going through this. ((((hugs)))) I am not a fan of medical offices or hospitals because I have seen the whole "money first and then we will see you" attitude. It really isn't fair, especially to those who are sitting on the border of not qualifying for welfare, yet can't afford anything. I have been there.

    I don't know how you feel about alternative medicine but have you looked into anything not medical? I would say chiropractic, but with fractured vertabrae, that probably wouldn't be good for him. How about herbs, or a naturopath?

    I will pray for your dh and that you will be able to find a way to reduce his pain.
  4. cindymae

    cindymae New Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. I do know exactly what you are going through, been there and done that and will probably go through it again. My thoughts and prayers are with you and especially for your husband's pain.
  5. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    As with the other posters, my family has been there too. DH makes too much with his 2 jobs to qualify for assistance (food stamps, medicaid, etc.) even though we may struggle to buy and pay for this and that which need to be paid. I know how hospitals can be, and sometimes you can run across a nice person who will help you out...other times not so lucky. Their financially strapped as well, though, with the economy. Also, you know unfortunatly, they have to deal with "drug addicts" who come in complaining of "pain" and needing medication as well. So, if thye give one person a break, then thye need to give the other a break as well, and that person may or may not need it. You know what I'm saying? Yes, they really can seem heartless, but there are small reasons behind it sometimes (that can get blown out of proportion). ((((((((HUGS)))))))) Don't worry, things will look up soon.
  6. Christi

    Christi New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    I am so sorry I know how frustrating this all can be. We are on Medicaid due to a job loss and my husband had a seizure. Our dr wouldn't take medicaid and we coudln't get him into another place to check the levels of his medication for a month. Seizures are something you dont' play around with and it was SO frustrating because our lack of money was the issue. We didn't have the money to go to our regular dr so we were just out of luck. What if he would have had one driving and killed someone?

    On another note my husband started having headaches about 2 years ago, to make a long story short there's nothing they can do for him. He sometimes has headaches and sometimes migraines and there's no explanation or real treatment that works. They put him on hydrocodone. After a while that quit working and then they put him on oxycodone. All in all he was on pain meds for 2 years. In the end he ended up having to go through a drug rehab program because he became addicted to the pain meds. This is a nasty fact that doctors will not address and they should. I have to be clear that he never abused them....he took them as prescribed and never bought them illegally. About 90% of the people in rehab with him got there the same way...through a drs care for chronic pain.

    I know they have to manage your husbands pain but just be his advocate so your family doesn't go through what ours did. Rehab was terrible, managing our home with no income and 3 children and paying for things was terrible.

    I know it's off topic but the dr's won't tell you the truth most of the time or they just don't care....
  7. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I am really sorry you all have to deal with that. And that your DH back is paining him. Has he tried over the counter meds? Rub A 535 offers a tad of relief as well.
    Not that you are in the mood but I understand Obama is working toward less costly health care in the US. I hope it works for you as well as it has for us here in Canada.
  8. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    well I can tell you some stories but first I will say my dh has the same back trouble as your dh. Get him a back brace they are over the counter have him wear it when he is working that is the only way dh can work... two use over the counter meds.

    Three if he is alot of pain take him to ER they don't turn to many people away .... so try that. I know on our wall of ER said no one is turn away. So, try that.

    Also, on the other bills sent them 1 to 5 dollars a month they can't do nothing to you, you are trying....

    Good luck.
  9. Christi

    Christi New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    That is a good idea about the ER. That's what we had to do to get his Depakote levels checked...they can't turn you away
  10. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    I laughed out loud! Good one!
  11. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Everything Kris said is true. An ER can't turn you away, and yes, as long as you pay at least $5 every two weeks or a month then they can't do anything to you. Your trying. Our hospital does a special program: if you pay what you can for a year or so, then you can fill out hardship paper and the rest of/most of your bills are erased form them. See if your hospital does something like that!
  12. MamaBear

    MamaBear New Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    (((( ))))

    We did not have insurance for 15 years due to the fact we needed to eat and still have a roof over our heads. Yes, they do discriminate against the uninsured and THOSE with insurance.

    I was at the drs. office yesterday-I have insurance now, my copay is $25.00, there was a sign that said:
    If you don't have your copay today, you will not be seen today! :eek::roll:

    Unfortunately hosp and drs offices are feeling the brunt of this bad economy also. They have patients that don't pay so they assume if you dont have the copay up front, then you will have no intention on paying. When I asked I was told that if seeing the dr. was THAT important then paitents would have their copay IN HAND. This drs. office makes the patients pay before seeing the dr. They used to take payments but they had too many people abuse that priviledge and they cut everyone off. I never made payments, I paid when I got there.

    Compassion? No! They are in the business to make money, you have money they will see you. Period!

    ER-Ummmm, nope they dont have to see you. I was in there for horrible gallbladder pain and I was told, "Pain is NOT an emergency" and sent me on my way.

    (((( ))))
  13. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    I think thats one of those things that may vary by hospital. I knows ours wont refuse you b/c they have a plaque in every bed that says that even if you don't have insurance they will still see you and treat you, and thats a patients right. It might just vary :/
  14. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Whew!!! We just got back from the ER.. The doctor that we were supposed to see today was the doctor. YAY!! He walked in and the first thing he said was" you were supposed to be in my office today". Hubby told him that they wouldn't let him go back because of $$. He was NOT happy. Anyhow, He gave hubby got a shot and pain meds and the doctor assured him that he would do EVERYTHING in his power to get him the help he needed. He kept telling hubby how admirable it was that he has continued to work through this all and that it speaks volumes for him.. Personally, I don't think hubby should be doing the job he does, but he loves it and he HAS to have something to do. Especially now that he has these back issues..Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know that we did get in to see him and pain meds are now available for him. Now the next step is to try and find a permanant plan for pain management. Or possibly a cure for what's going on.. Thanks for your support. It's so nice to know that I have someone that I can lean on in the good times and the bad!!
  15. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I'm not sure about being turned away from the ER or not...I can't imagine though...how horrible Katie! Anyway...I think the ER or Urgent Care are good options if that is what you need. What a terrible situation. I fear for the future of health care in America.
  16. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Glad to hear some good news. Yeah the doc doesn't always know those decisions. I was sent a letter saying I had to find another doctor....due to a bill insurance didn't cover that I had NO IDEA about. I wasn't even given the chance to pay and retain the doctor. Not sure if the doc ever knew or not.
  17. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Honey, I certainly feel for you and your husband! In Jan 2000, my dh had a horrible highway accident and was in the hospital 15 weeks. It was a teaching hospital (state hospital) and they were absolutely wonderful. I was working for the school board and had great insurance. Lots of bills arrived, but between the state insurance and the state hospital, they worked most of it out between them and we ended up having very small bills to pay in the end. That's my rave.

    At first, after he got back to real life, dh had a pain management doctor who was really great to work with. This doctor said he had learned who he could trust as a patient and who he couldn't, and after receiving dh's hospital records, never questioned his need/requests for pain meds or changes to them (different med/combination, different schedule...) But after so long a time, he decided to close his office and go back to school for some more specialty training of some sort, so we had to find another pain management doctor who would take him. He'd considered one, but shortly before an appointment with him, the dr was caught playing fast and loose with prescriptions, and I think he had like a trunkful of meds in his car he couldn't explain, and was sent to jail! We ended up with this other guy Dr#2 who started out reasonable and got less so all the time -- dh "never" actually saw the doctor, but saw the PA instead, had to do blood tests like every third visit, AND this doctor refused to fill out the insurance forms that would allow dh to get what he needed on the dosage/schedule he needed to have it on! "We don't do insurance forms," the office people said -- I bet they didn't have any problem filling out the ones for them to get paid!~ THEN he started scheduling dh's return appts every 20-something days instead of 30, then every three weeks instead of 20-something days, and every six months we had pure-d h-e-double-hockeysticks trying to get forms filled out and whatnot. Finally, our local dr's office PA recommended somebody else, a friend of his, with an actual heart! At first, it was a little difficult getting switched over, and the local PA had to call and vouch for dh, BUT this new doctor Dr.#3 is absolutely a reasonable human being!!! He only requires an actual exam appointment every three months, not every three weeks, the insurance forms were filled out like immediately and were sent in before we even knew they were filled out, AND he actually sees and talks to dh about the pain! With this guy, dh is encouraged that he will be able to minimize the meds over time, himself (by choice, not because he can't get what he needs). Dr#2 didn't care, and Dr#1 was too soon after the accident to be able to go in that direction. The whole thing is a crap-shoot!
  18. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Soooo glad to hear that it has turned out alright for today, anyway!!! It sounds like this doctor WILL do everything he can to help!
  19. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Yeah... my dh got word today that due to health care reform (Obamacare), his health insurance is increasing 8 percent next year.

    I was going to suggest the ER, so I'm glad you went! I hope your dh gets the help he needs!
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  20. mommix3

    mommix3 Active Member

    Jan 21, 2007
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    Well, He must have some relief because ,after a sleepless night last night, he's been asleep since we got home around 6:30. He only woke up to eat and take another pill. I check on him every so often just to make sure he's ok. He's planning on going back to work tomorrow morning. He's a stubborn one. Mom always said that stubborness isn't necessarily bad. God gives that trait to certain people to help them get through rough times. I ABSOLUTELY believe it. He's bound and determined to keep working no matter what.. Not an easy thing for a mechanic with a back injury to do.
  21. ochumgache

    ochumgache Active Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    I'm glad you got things worked out for your husband. You need to report this billing issue for your daughter when the hospital was for charging for things they didn't do. If they submitted that to medicaid, they'll want to know. That is fraud, and they can be in serious trouble for it.

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