Lesson Plan templates

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by TXthreestep, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. TXthreestep

    TXthreestep New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
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    What do you guys use for lessons planning. A traditional spiral planner, computer templates? Any info would help. Thanks!
  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Hey I want to see answers here too!
    I want to revamp and revitalise my year! I need it!
    I am using SOS this year so follow the lead of the ! if they have them they do that one first, then go on.
    I have no set time or organisation for when they do what as of January.
    Hope you get lots of info!

    Btw, In the past I have used a Planner, Teacher Planner, and Lesson Plan booklets. I have created my own lesson plan s on my computer as well.
    I think this year I am just feeling out of it, so will be checking back here for some of the info they give you!
  4. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Hi there...

    I use my Word "Chore Chart" Template and just type it in . I'd be happy to send you a sample if you'd want to see it.

  5. She

    She New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    The planner I use is home made and can be found in the files section of the HSIZ site. If for any reason you haven't been approved after you registered....let me know. Several have not received the confirmation email due to their spam filters. I included a few pictures as well. I think it's called planner photos. ;)

    I print/copy all my pages and take it to Office Depot to be sprial bound. I love it that way because I can flip it back and forth when it's on my desk or table.

    Let me know if you have any questions or any trouble. We also came up with a planner for those with three where the third is younger and not requiring as much space as older kids but haven't loaded it to the site yet.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  6. AussieMum

    AussieMum New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    I have a planner book that has sections for recording a brief outline of what each child does each day, reading lists, writing logs, test resuls, outings & field trips....
    But for actual lesson plans, some I follow straight from books, so just note the page numbers in the planner, but for unit studies I make my own. Each unit study is different - let me know if you want more detail
  7. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    My daughter is a high school teacher and she gave me a teacher's planner book she had but never used. It is a 40 week, 8 subject planner from School Speciality.
  8. dozermom67

    dozermom67 New Member

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I made up my own Weekly Plan in Word (a 'table') on the computer. On the very top (before the table) I put Name, Grade, and Dates and spaces to fill in. At the top of the table I put the days of the week (horizontally). Down the left side are blank spaces where I write in the subjects/activities. DS7 is in 2nd grade - the subjects/activities are:

    * Bible
    * Phonics, Letters & Sounds, Language
    * Spelling, seatwork
    * Reading
    * Arithmetic, seatwork
    * Science, Geography/History, Social Studies, Health &
    Safety (we do different ones on different days)
    * Life Skills
    * Activities
    * Other

    This has worked well for me. I've tried other lesson plan layouts, but always came back to mine. I write in with a fine-point pencil as things get added and moved. I just print out (on both sides of the paper) however many I need, several at a time.

    If you'd like to see a copy, just pm me and I'll email the file to you. It's mostly blank, so you could fill it in as you like. By the way, I use a 3-hole punch and file them in a binder.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  9. dozermom67

    dozermom67 New Member

    Sep 2, 2006
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  10. TXthreestep

    TXthreestep New Member

    Feb 14, 2007
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    Thanks so much everyone! I'll be checking all of those out!
  11. KrisRV

    KrisRV New Member

    May 29, 2004
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    I make my owe weekly planner too.
  12. Frugalcountrymom

    Frugalcountrymom New Member

    Feb 13, 2007
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    If I do print stuff out I use stuff at Donnayoung
    Since I am new it wont let me do a url so you will have to yahoo or google it. She has tons of printables at her site on homeschooling.

  13. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    okay does anyone have one that has a place to put the time in that you do what class? I am looking thrugh my own files as dh wants me to have aschedule with time increments put up in class room so that ds9 has more structure. See what was I saying I need to improve, I am really glad he made me get moving! We had slack itis this after noon and fussy bus came into our class room ( me when I get frustrated at the goof off isms) so he said we need to be more organised.... ya ya i know
  14. She

    She New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Under Planner
    The Weekly Planner is a grid format that has everyday of the week from 7a - 9p

    I use this format for our whole day not just school time since so much of the other stuff we do is all intertwined. I then put this in my planner for each week since I keep our family calendar and our planner pages all in one book now. I love it sooo much better than having two separate ones.


  15. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    THanks for the help! I looked around for a few hours and then adapted one from my own tasklauncher, go figure it was under my nose!
    I am so please and thankful to hubby for asking me about making one up because I was really getting lax and hubbies are so good to help us out in areas we find we are weak in. I kinda think thats one of the wonderful reasons we were put together by God! He completes me and visa versa .. sigh, twidder pid! !*~*~~~* sigh
    Anyway, I wrote up a cute fonted list with how many minutes per class, and made it fun with graphics as well as the scheduel of lessons and times to start and stop. ON friday we tested it and I made one oops, and we did two classes out of order but because of the scheduel we just swaped the time for those two and we did not miss abeat!
    I also planned out some fun but learning cards I will work on this week as well, For when they have finished lesson work but time still remains... I will make up some times table practice cards, and mad libs will be one choice, and find it on the map... to teach following the 'tudes' ... I will have story starters too and my plan is to hole punch the cards and put them on one of those colorful links they use for key chains or mountain climbing?
    Then they can choose one to do during the extra minutes of a class so we do not loose focus of the subject matter and so we keep working in an orderly fashion!
    I know organisation is the key for me! Because even if I need to take a nap , as I am still taking pain med for my shoulder recoup, they wont let me lift for a few weeks yet and I understand why... I forget now and then and OUCH!, so anyway if I amnaping I can know that they are on schedule ! My naps are like 15min power naps so its not like they can get away with much, but even then I can keep there in the same room , and ifthey are interested in the cards then they will want to work thrugh the work and do it right so they can do them too!
    Anyone else have that sort of thing? JOb Cards?
  16. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    My dh just helped me last week too! He went through stuff and said we need to be more consistent and work through everything and get it graded and corrected BEFORE doing anything else! He didn't get angry or anything, he just worked with the kids and me, helped us organize our papers and things, and we all agreed to do better on that! I was languishing and not sure how to get out of the rut, so his push was just what we needed! I had been praying about it, so I think it was an answer to prayer! We're doing better, and I am thankful for my dh! :love:
  17. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    We have such blessings in our husbands dont we!
    I love it when he steps in and encourages me to not let the kids get away with stuff! I get behind trying to do it all myself and then he says, hey you need to do such and such and sometimes I am not so receptive, yet he still continues to make those suggestions and helpful hints,. sigh, I am so blessed!
    And he said to tell you that you have a wonderful husband to! hehe
  18. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Thanks! Tell him I agree! :love:
  19. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    I use donnayoung.org. I have one main binder.

    I've been messing around with orginzation and finally found something that is working really well.
    I have one main binder with lesson plans, curriculum outline, book lists, weekly planner, ect in it.

    Then I have seperate binders for each subject. Each binder has 3 sections- daily lesson, review, assessment. In daily lesson I write a daily outline for each day of what I am going to teach.

    I also made a binder for my daughter that I put her daily work in. She thought it was so cool that she had a binder just like mommy. I hold punch her workbook pages and writing pages and put them in there every night.

    This is working REALLY well for us. Crazy having so many binders although I do have science, social studies, and bible in one binder. Language arts and math both have their own.
  20. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    missinseattle thank you so much!
    I am having so much fun with that donna link!
    I have printed a dozen or more pages for this week alone! Talk about the wonderful work! practice for printing that is older geared not just little kid stuff , kids never seem to get perfected in this and I love having practice that is Biblical! There is a Proverbs printing page!
    I also got some cursive writting of course for age appropriate stuff!
    I have had binder, they call it the Teacher Book, mis spelled it and everythign to make it look like a kid made it, well they did haha!
    I have old attendance records etc, and used to keep my schedules in that, I am thinking of making thier schedules thier wallpaper on the computer so they can check it each day as they log on to thier user!
    Then there is no loosing it either, between the on the wal version for everyone then I have also worked wiht what they needed to do for weekly lesson plans, but with SOS I just go with the wonderful dates they have on it for each day, they follow the schedule I have for them daily, now I have the time slots for each day to go with that up on the board so they can check it and so can I!
    I will make a goal for each of them each week to stay on task, if they do this they will get a prize at the end of the week! AND I am already collecting the prizes!
    This way we all can work together with a good plan to get to what we need to!
    As my arm improves and I get the okay to do housework again I will ( lifting etc) be able to insert time for that in school seatwork time. The schedule being worked on now will help them be in the swing of things when I get back to the grind myself!
    IN the mean time....... they work and I can write or teach during the seatwork time, or read while I ice... funny they want me to keep icing I keep sweling still too!
    Thanks again for the links everyone and check those Donna sites out people they are really a blessing!
  21. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    should probably do better, but I depend on the curriculum to guide me through for the most part.

    I have purchased cur. for math, phonics, social studies, and bible. I do my own thing for science, and sup. the soc. science alot. I constantly look at what we have left in the curr.s and weigh that against how much time we have left this school year. I try to speed up as needed, or add a lesson or two in the evening as needed.

    I have spiral notbooks where I sort of journal what we are doing. I miss some days, but it is an overview of what we are doing, thinking and changing etc. I have another spiral notbook where I jot notes about what I want to cover the next week in addition to or relating to our curr. I often get these ideas by looking at the objective check lists for our grade level.

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