Virginia Tech shootings

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by ABall, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. Jennifer R

    Jennifer R Active Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Thanks here also as I too have been really questioning myself lately. G'ma maybe it's the age as Joyce will be 12 this summer!
  2. Ohio Mom

    Ohio Mom New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Has to be the age. He has been working on a 1 page math (things he already knows) since noon and it's already after 1, not sure what he's doing in his room???
  3. Deena

    Deena New Member

    Apr 29, 2004
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    Maybe he can work out near where you are so you can help him keep on task? Course, you don't want a power struggle.....

    Maybe you can find some "class" you're interested in, and find stuff to research and do while he's doing his work. Then you can check up on each other to see if you got stuff done. Maybe the "competition" would help him keep on task so he can "beat" you? ;)
  4. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

    Sep 28, 2004
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    I have to sit next to my 12 year old to make sure that he does the work. If I leave the room he goes to playing. I think its the age and the time of year. They know that school is fixing to be out and they just can't wait. I know I couldn't at that age.

    I also remember holding my 3 yr and 10 mo old when I heard about the OK City bombing. I sat and cried with the mothers that lost their children in the building's daycare.

    When we heard about the VT shootings my heart broke for the families that lost their loved ones. We have been praying everyday for those families.

    Here is the reason this country has gone to hell in a hand basket. We have taken God out of everything. He is not to be talked about in the schools nor in any public place. That is a violation of someones civil rights. Well it violates mine to be told that I can't talk about My Lord in a public place. Something isn't right about that.
  5. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I have not read this whole thing, but I want to point something out from what I saw on the TV the other day, this boy knew the Word.... some of it at least so my question is why did he still go wrong? He actually tried quoting things from the Bible in his little videos things.... did anyone else hear that and wonder if someone was witnessing to him but just did not get serious enough with him?
    It bothers me that we sometimes, me I know at least, get involved in our lives teaching working etc, and don't get as involved with people who make us uncomfortable for whatever reason.
    I am bad at this and that may be why its standing out.
    If I am not comfortable aroudn someone for whatever reason, it can be that they think they are too good to sin, or that they are in gross need of a bath, or other heigin lessons, or something but if I feel uncomfortable I find myself silent around them....
    any idea how we can make a difference?
    heres mine... pray of course but....
    Give a ride to the smelly gal from church who always needs a ride!
    Take the time to listen to the guy who wont stop talking about nothing really important but really wants to bend your ear.
    Share your lunch with the gal at work who never seems to remember to bring her own lunch, you never know if its my sister and she just didn't have anything to bring with...

    Just a few, what can you think of that we can do to make a difference in someones life so they dont turn into psycotic episodes of our daily news?
  6. Lee

    Lee New Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Theirs a school about 5 miles from me that was cancelled today because something about this boy didn't come home lastnight and some weapons had disappeared. I didn't really catch all the details. I don't know if they were his parents. The police are monitoring the school today even though it was cancelled. It sounds like he is very dangerous. This isn't the first incident since VT shootings. Remember I'm in LA county, theirs alot of bad but also alot of good. I'm very thankful we decided on homeschooling. I'm sure my dc behavior would be different if they were in the ps.
  7. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I know I ramble, but I swear I have a couple of good points, Please bear with me...

    There was a TV person, who made a perfect point.

    This person's "Manifesto" was a rambling page about how "Life's Not Fair!" He rambled on about how the rich just don't care.

    So, it came down to a spoiled little boy.

    How do I figure that?

    Because he has parents that are still alive, that are still married, he had his health, his physical capabilities, the opportunity to be educated at a great college and choices to be whomever he wished to be. He had enough money to pay for supplies, clothes, food and obviously WEAPONS.

    Not many of us have what he had, and we would be in tears, if someone handed it to us, wouldn't we?

    But that was not good enough!

    And hell fire to you who will not give me what I want!
    It's not fair!
    It's not fair!
    (Sounds like my FOUR YEAR OLD!)

    He HATED, with obviously a passion, anyone who had MORE than him. And to be quite honest NOT that many people had more than he had.

    So, he was a spoiled child, who never grew up and was never taught to value what he has, and it just so happened that he ALSO had an underlying mental issue that tipped the ballance, in this situation.

    But I will never forget that this "Richer, than me" kid, complained that the "RICHER" kids, somehow ruined HIS life, simply because HE didn't have the same stuff.

    What a looser.

    You just can't fix stupid.

    Edited to add:
    All the media screwed up when they showed his face, his name and anything they sent him.
    They gave him exactly what he wanted.

    In Rome if you wanted to discourage others from repeating whatever was done, you ERASED them from history. ("Let their name be stricken from every record, scroll and statue.") And what do you know? It was a very POWERFUL tool,because it worked!

    I will tell you that there is nothing cooler to a little crap-head gang-banger than having his scribbly-scratch of grafitti tagging to be seen on TV! They through PARTIES when this stuff is shown on tv. FREE ADVERTISING! And thus, they are encouraged to do it more.
    It should be ILLEGAL to show gang grafitti on tv.

    Don't preach about free speech. They were allowed their right when they sprayed the wall. But the media only serve to encourage further acts,when they give those acts attention.

    There should be a law, that although this man's name is in official records that it be illegal to print his name, or speak his name. In fact He should be forever relegated to an arbitrary number, like a prisoner, even on his head stone.

    In place of his face, the new reports should show a silloette in place of his face.

    Any station who does not should be seen as "Encouraging others to attain such fame"

    But this is just my opinion.
    (And yea, I forgo how to spell, today.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2007
  8. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    hey Jen I am thinking a lot of the same stuff, so ramble on gal!
    Kids today, adults today for that matter expect teh world to be given to them because they see it on TV.
    They expect everyone to hand them "happiness on a platter". Life is not that way, and I am trying to teach my kids that, that life does not give you anything that you dont put into it.
  9. momothem

    momothem New Member

    Feb 20, 2007
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    Amen Jen.
    Regardless of any was his choice..
    He bought those guns WEEKS ago. He pre-made the video. Planned. Well planned.
    There is no "driven" to it, that gives absolution, ie-not under his control.
    This was a very well planned and pre-meditated choice.
    End of my rant and 2 my cents.
  10. MonkeyMamma

    MonkeyMamma New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Go on Jen! Preach it girl!
  11. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Sorry ya'll....
    I'm so mental.
    (Stop giggling, Deena! hahahaha!)
  12. dtrmom

    dtrmom New Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    I think this was a tragic situation, it is hard to say what made a person do this. I really feel sorry for his family & this years graduates.
  13. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I think the best thing that we all can do from it is look around and make sure we help out anyone we see that may need a hug... sometimes that makes all the difference in the world, as cleche as that may sound.
  14. JenniferErix

    JenniferErix New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Cliches are only cliches because they are said so often.
    They are said so often, because they are true!

    So, you are right on the money, honey!

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