17-week course based on 'Answers in Genesis'

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by Cornish Steve, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Over the Christmas holidays, I built a 17-week online course around the Answers in Genesis book entitled 'Evolution Exposed: Biology'. A local Christian school had asked for such a course, which they will start teaching this week. Students will have to purchase the book from AiG because the lessons include reading assignments from the book.

    Basically, there are 15 lessons. Lessons are based on the 10 book chapters, although two chapters are quite large and have been split into two lessons each. I added two lessons at the beginning to explain the principal elements of both creationism and evolution - which set the stage for the following lessons. There's also a lesson based on almost 150 'Terms to know'. In addition, there are a mid-term exam and a final exam - and four 4-week writing projects (on topics such as "Christians in science" and "the effects of the flood").

    Each lesson includes reading assignments from the book and various articles at the AiG website (I've added them as active links in the instructions). Students must participate in weekly topical discussions, because each discussion represents 1% of their grade. There is also a weekly test.

    The school is a very traditional Christian school, run by a Baptist church. They are accredited and quite excited about running these courses.

    So, why am I writing all this? The pastor of the church and president of the school is a big supporter of homeschooling. Before starting the school, he and his wife homeschooled their children. They would very much like to include some homeschooled students in this 17-week class. If not in time for this one (which is just starting), they would run it again just for those children. The price is open right now, but I have no doubt it will be less than half the typical price of a state-run online course (which, in Georgia, is $500).

    I'm eager to help this school in any way I can - not just because they are using our online system but because I'd like to see them expand their school program. If anyone has a child who might like to join this online class, send me a PM and I'll pass along contact information to you.

    Thanks. :)
  3. alegnacb

    alegnacb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Book online

    Actually, the book is online (minus the charts that only users of a public school textbook should need), so it doesn't have to be purchased.
  4. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Wow - you're right. I'm very surprised that a publisher would make their book available online free of charge. It says a lot about their goals.

    I shall let the Christian school know this right away. It will save their students some money.

    What this means then is that anyone who would like to run the 17-week online course for a group of homeschooled students could do so for as little as $12 per student - with no book costs. Of course, they could charge for their teaching services; that's up to them.
  5. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Looking again, I see they haven't published all the chapters: Terms to Know isn't there. Still, the quiz we have for that includes the correct definitions.
  6. alegnacb

    alegnacb New Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Is this the same list from the book? I got the link from the right-hand column of the page I posted earlier.

    AIG has other books online, too. Here's the page with the links: Online Resources. Here's the page with the free online videos: Video On Demand. AIG also offers a free download of one kind or another (audio, video, chart, etc.) each week to their newsletter subscribers (see front page, above the Ken Ham block on the left-hand side, to sign up.

    Creation Ministries International, which used to be a part of Answers in Genesis and still publishes Creation magazine and Journal of Creation (formerly TJ/Technical Journal), also offers free stuff online, like Creation magazine LIVE! and books.
  7. Cornish Steve

    Cornish Steve Active Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    It's very similar, so thanks again. I spotted a couple of differences, but maybe that's because they've updated the list since the most recent edition of the book.

    When I went through the list a few weeks ago, I couldn't help but wonder whether one term was mis-spelled. Shouldn't coprolite (fossilized excrement) be crapolite? ;)

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