8th grade studies

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by jessszilla, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. jessszilla

    jessszilla New Member

    Aug 28, 2007
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    okay so this is my first year homeschooling and im still waiting on my shipment of curriculum but in the proccess my little stepsister and her mother decided that she is going to be homeschooled, and it was my mission to find her curriculum because apperantly im good at it. so far here is what i have.

    english - Core Skills: Language Arts Gr. 8
    pre algebra - switched on schoolhouse
    science - exploring creation with general science
    history - lifepacs
    spanish - lets speak spanish books 1,2&3

    we are trying to keep her classes the same as the ones she has in school right now, so we're still tryng to find a typing and a personal faimly developement so i would love any feedback on any of these subjets.

    and some recommendations on a typing and personal family developement for an 8th grader would be divine !
  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I know about the SOS, that is a good choice! for pre algerbra that is really good. My dd did her 8th grade science with SOS, she found it much easier than the 9th grade to do, even though she got it, she still was not into doing it as much on paper as she was on SOS.
    We are working on the 9th grade Life Pak Math now, Algerbra 1. boring to her, but we bought it and have to use it so I am suplementing with Purple Math, ( a web site with help understanding math) and whatever else I can find.
    8th grade History for life paks is pretty good, she went through that a couple years back and did good. It was more interesting to her than 9th grade life paks in history , but mostly because it covered the same stuff in more detail the second year, more focused on the government stuff.
    I would suggest some projects dealing with the different areas of history and geography on the side for moving along in some of the rather dry areas too.
    We did like LIfe Paks for the most part, but my dd learns fast and so she wanted a change this year.
    the other ones I don't know enough about but the Science sounds like one of the ones I am using for my younger son. But on a different level.
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    This is what we're doing for 8th grade:

    History: All Amarican History
    Math: Teaching Textbooks Geometry
    Science: Apologia Physical Science
    Language: Simply Grammar
    Literature: Total Language Plus (A Wrinkle in Time)
    Bible: AWANAS JV Trek Book 2

    I think that covers most of it!
  5. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Jackie, where did you get the trek book?
    my DD wants an awana so much that I am tempted to just get the stuff and give it to the pastors to get it started, I would do it myself but I already have so many hats on at church and home its not funny!
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    The church my children go to doesn't have a Trek program, but we can order the book through them. I'm not sure you can get them on your own. Is there a church near you with an AWANAS program?
  7. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    yes there is sorta but not close enough. It is in the town over, ( city) but its not one I know anyone at that they would let me order through them... maybe I can talk to our youth pastor and get him to order it for her, it really seems like a good club thing so I would think he would want to do it with his JR highers,
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    It's a lot of independent stuff. Last year was her first year in Trek, so she was totally on her own. I was suppose to mark off on her verses each week. Well, every time I'd ask her, she had some excuse. Finally, I talked with a wife of one of our pastors, and Rachael was more willing to be accountable to her for the verses. She'll be listening to them again this year for us.

    Are any of the ladies her involved with AWANAS leadership to where they might buy it for you?
  9. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    actualy, I am thinking that we could get it through a friend who does have awana near her... then we coudl bring it to the pastors attention and already have it so she could do it then... its that or we may make the class she teaches on tuesday nights ( girls from 5-10 yrs) while thier parents go to recovery bible study, become an awana class.... I think that ministry would foot the bill and all that so ther parents would have just to get thier kids there..

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