A Bothersome Situation......

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by Lady Dove, May 21, 2011.

  1. Lady Dove

    Lady Dove New Member

    May 12, 2011
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    My kids are probably not even old enough for me to be worried about this, but when I go to bed at night it's all I think about. Currently my kids play sports. They're finishing up baseball/t-ball as we speak. After making the decision to home school, I have been looking into sports programs that my kids can do once they reach high school age. But I can't find anything really promising. There's a high school basketball/cheer team in town, but a hs support group runs it....and they haven't gotten back to me on membership (I think it's because we're Catholic and it's a protestant group). I talked to my priest, and he told me that a private school MAY allow our children to try out for their teams, but the ps I talked to was going to charge us double what they charge their own students...so now that's out. My kids are worried they won't be able to play sports in high school, and now I'm worried that this will turn them off from home schooling altogether. My kids expressed an interest in doing performing arts classes like hip-hop and ballet. I finally found an affordable studio, but I'm worried that they won't enjoy it as much as sports. I've considered other avenues including music instruction, choir, etc. There are excellent home school sports programs in other areas in my state, but commuting is so out of the question. My dh says I'm worrying way too much, and I know I should let go and let God handle it. I just can't help but wonder what I should do. If I wait until high school to enroll them in dance, they would be waaay behind in their age groups. I don't want them to be 14 in a class with 10 year olds. What do u guys think? Should I just go ahead and sign them up for dance (which is ages 3-18) which is an affordable option, or keep them in sports until high school and pray that a program becomes available in 3 years?
  3. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Give it a year. Keep your eyes and ears open. I bet there are some wonderful programs out there, but you just haven't found them yet. Even if there aren't, I bet there are others in your same situation. Start your own group. I've found tons of resources since I first got started.
  4. crazymama

    crazymama Active Member

    Jun 6, 2007
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    In our state the public schools are required by law to allow homeschool students participate in extra curricular activities, we don't take advantage of it, but the option is there.

    My kids are all into scouting (well minus the baby, but even the 5yo boy is all excited to join and is counting the days till he can), it's what they want to do, they love the variety of activities that are offered. We are also looking into 4H as well but I'm not sure how it would mesh with the scouting.
  5. Lady Dove

    Lady Dove New Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Thanks guys! After re-reading my post, I realize how silly I must sound. I talked to my kids this morning and they said they were really interested in dance so I may try that for a year since it's even more affordable than sports, lol. If it doesn't work out we'll go back to sports. The BIG catholic church in our town has scout troups, but my son doesn't want to do scouts as an alternative to sports. I'm also not sure about girl scouts. I was a girl scout for years, but after looking into it for my daughter it seems that their values have changed. Of course, it is being run my a church so they are probably very careful what they teach the girls. I'll definitely look into it more. I'll also check with the BOE and see if my kids could play in high school sports (that would be awesome). My kids are very athletic, and they just need some avenue to stretch their muscles. It would be disappointing for them to work so hard as younger children only to just stop once they reach high school age. Thanks for the suggestions!!!!
  6. Lindina

    Lindina Active Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    What about something besides team sports? Karate, tennis, archery, swimming, bowling, gymnastics (well, okay, swimming, bowling, and gymnastics are technically team sports for competitions, but you can learn it and do it individually). Most individual sports can be enjoyed for most of life, not just during high school/college like football and cheerleading.

    Think about starting your own teams - basketball, for instance. Where my daughter lives (a small city, as compared to our rural area), a homeschool family created their own football team for homeschoolers, and they play against the local private schools.
  7. Actressdancer

    Actressdancer New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I wanted to add that you don't sound silly at all! Sports are a big deal for kids and it's great that you, as their mom, understand they're important.
  8. Lady Dove

    Lady Dove New Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Thanks for the reassurance....it really is a big deal to us!
  9. Lady Dove

    Lady Dove New Member

    May 12, 2011
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    All of that sounds really good. My SIL said she was signing my nephew up for karate which is something I didn't even consider. They could do karate indefinitely! Tennis is too expensive here. That was actually my first idea. We already do swimming and bowling, just not on teams. Gymnastics is expensive as well, even though I would have to start tumbling classes soon if we kept our daughter in cheerleading. A homeschool group has already started a basketball/cheer team, but they are ignoring my emails and phone calls on membership, and I don't know any other homeschoolers in my area personally that I could start a group with much less a sports team. That's why I'm looking at other avenues. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm looking at the BIG picture. My son wants to carry on his talents, whatever they may be, into college. As his mother, I am so supportive of that and I feel it's my duty to make sure I guide him in the right direction. I know it may sound weird, but my son is already trying to figure out his future. He is researching colleges, what they offer academically (he wants to design cars, so they HAVE to offer mechanical engineering he said) and athletically (spelling?). I know he's young, and there's definitely NO pressure from us (we would be happy if he just did school work and read books). The reason he's excited about doing dance now is because he found out that most of his college choices have performing arts as majors, minors, and clubs. He's even excited to know that he can earn a scholarship from dance just like he could with sports. Trust me, it's not easy being a mom to such ambitious kids, lol!!!!!
  10. MomToMusketeers

    MomToMusketeers New Member

    May 2, 2011
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    Being a mom to ambitious kids is a blessing. Less work for you in the motivating department :)
    Wanted to say, have you checked out your city's resources? Where we live, the city offers all kinds of activities...and cheaper than the private clubs etc..
  11. Brooke

    Brooke New Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Jumping in here late, but homeschooled kids are not allowed to play sports in IL (must be full-time students of the school they play for). We love sports as well, but we find opportunities in inexpensive ways. Dd plays softball each summer. Ds plays disc golf every week with friends. We have also gotten together with other homeschoolers for open gyms or to play volleyball for 6 or 8 weeks at a time. If you truly love sports, then these are viable options. If you love sports for the big-stadium-tailgating atmosphere, then you may find it worth paying double to play at the school.

    I'm glad we have the summer ball option for my dd since we have no other option than to travel an hour away to the closest homeschool group big enough to have sport teams. Hope you find your balance. And remember, sports are fun and beneficial in so many ways, but they don't have to be expensive unless you want them to be....or if your child has potential to play on a college scholarship. ;)
  12. faith2go

    faith2go New Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    I wouldn't give up altogether on the basketball/cheer team as unfortunately communication can be slow at times. It would be something if your children could play and cheer at the same time:cool: and less driving for you.

    It does not sound weird at all to me that your son is contemplating his future at such a young age. I have one so much like this and I know that a few parents here have experienced this also so you are not alone. Never let yourself forget this as I know the challenges of trying to find the right niche for one's child can be discouraging at times.

    We too would have been content if our dk's just did schoolwork and read, but for ten years now they have been seriously involved, respectively, in competitive swimming and ballet....great sports, but if your kids are also interested in team sports, so much can still open up to them in the near future. Continue to trust in the Lord, he will make a way.
  13. Lady Dove

    Lady Dove New Member

    May 12, 2011
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    I appreciate everyone's input and advice! It's good to know that I'm not the only one. I was waiting for the tomatoes from parents who thought I may be pushing the issue, stressing over my children's college careers too early, etc. but instead I received such reassuring responses and it really made me feel better. We're taking it easy this summer, just some good 'ole fashioned summer fun before we start hs in sept. Thanks for reminding me what's really important: Our faith that God will never lead us astray. May God bless you ladies for being such good friends! We really appreciate it!

    On a lighter note, my hubby said he didn't care if the kids danced at karate while catching a fly ball, as long as they were happy and kept their grades up. The possibilities are endless....thanks ladies!
  14. martablack

    martablack New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    In Washington State HS can play sports at the local school too.

    But with budget cuts there aren't many sports left at the Middle School level. They are talking of not having football or volleyball, but basketball, wrestling and track. (they don't even have a football coach for next year.)

    We are active in our local Youth Sports league. (Football and wrestling and trying to add other sports options.)

    My kids were happy NOT to play sports for years. They were always active though.
  15. sixcloar

    sixcloar New Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Playing with public schools depends on where you live. In Texas, it's not allowed. I live in a large city that has homeschool baseball, basketball, cross country, football, track, softball, soccer, and tennis. The teams play local private schools.

    My dd12 and dd6 are on a year round club swim team. It goes through high school. DD9 takes ballet- not a "sport" but a physical activity.

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