Advice needed

Discussion in 'Other Conversation' started by katiemiller, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. katiemiller

    katiemiller New Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Since my daughter turned 5, June 2011, she has been extremely emotional. She will cry for little to no reason, and when I ask her what is wrong she tells me she doesn't know but shes just sad. Her emotional attitude reminds me of a 13 year old girl that is hitting puberty :eek:
    Nothing has changed in our daily lives and I'm now starting to get a little concerned about her. She has always been sensitive and shy, but now any new things can send her to tears.
    I can be overly sensitive when its "that time of the month" and cry for little to no reason, but I was hoping that I had another 8 years or so before I had to deal with an overly emotional daughter :lol:

    Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Marylyn_TX

    Marylyn_TX New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    Is she getting enough sleep and enough to drink? Lack of sleep and dehydration can both lead to depression. You might want to take her to a doctor and just make sure she doesn't have some low-grade infection going on.
  4. northernmomma

    northernmomma New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    You may also want to check her hormones with the doctor some girls do go through precocious puberty meaning really way too early puberty some as young as six. And then again some girls are just more sensitive. More hugs and talking through her tears has healing properties :)
  5. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    My dd was also very sensitive and emotional at that age. One day she had been particularly clingy and weepy and I asked her what was wrong. She said she didn't want to grow up! She was scared she wouldn't still be able to sit in my lap and live with Mommy and Daddy! She had heard me talking to my mom about her recent growth spurt and that, plus the physical toll of the growth spurt, made her very emotional.
    Your daughter may just be going through some normal changes and maybe her sleep and nutritional needs are changing. Keep loving on her, because the time is coming when she won't let you!
  6. Meghan

    Meghan New Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    I think it's part of the joy of raising little girls :)

    Although BOTH of my children are extremely sensitive creatures, my dd is the one who will cry if you aren't very careful not to watch your tone. She's just made that way- and interestingly enough, of my two kids, she is the one who is the most even-keeled LOL.

    btw- definitely consider age as well. My dd is 7 now, and apparently thinks she is the housemother. She will say things like, "you need to do some laundry, Mama". ARG.

    (I had heard that even ages are separation, and odd ages are extra clingy. I've found it to be very accurate with younger kids)
  7. katiemiller

    katiemiller New Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Thank you ladies for all of the advice. I have noticed that she has been having a harder time falling asleep at night, gets up in the middle of the night, and still gets up at her normal time in the morning. So I think the lack of sleep is a very good possibility.
    I hope I am worring for no reason, but if this keeps up or gets worse, I will give her docter a call and asks what she thinks.
    She is a well behaved child, and doesn't throw temper tantrums or get angry, but I do notice that she takes a lot of incidents to heart.
    For instance, she will be playing with her cousin that is 5 also, and they will get in a arguement over a toy or game (normal kid stuff) but her cousin will say something like "I'm not going to be your friend anymore". Well, this will send my daughter sobbing to me because her cousin doesn'tike her anymore!!! I know all of these interactions are normal, kids say things they don't really mean or understand, but then my daughter will be up set about it for days afterwards. :cry:

    My daughter does the same things, "mom you haven't done the dishes yet today" Like I could forget :lol:
    Or she will be very concerned about her youngest cousin who is a little over 1 years old, and say things like "if we go to the lake where will the baby sleep?, and she can't swim yet!" I always have to reminder her that her little cousin has a mommy that will worry about those things, and that she doesn't have to.
    I hope this is just the next phase for her.
    Again thanks for all of the advice, and helping me feel a little better about my daughters emotional state. :love:

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