AT what age did your kids read?

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by jnicholl, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. missinseattle

    missinseattle New Member

    Feb 18, 2007
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    reading short 3 letter words around 3 1/2. Reading short little phonics readers- 4. She was reading at a mid 1st grade level before she started K last year.

    Just go with the flow. I didn't push anything. But we read to her a LOT from the time she was born, always had a lot of books around. Never pushed it, if she didn't feel like doing it, we didn't do it but still read to her. I never used a structured reading program either. Leapfrog dvd's for letter sounds, and after that just worked on letter sounds and sounding out words by reading to her, writing words down and reading them. Only did sight words last year in K because she had been doing them in school and I figured we should continue them. By the end of the K year we dropped them because she had basically passed the 2nd grade list and I didn't feel a need to keep studying them this year.
  2. seekingmyLord

    seekingmyLord Active Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    My daughter started shows signs of wanting to read before she was three years old. I had been reading several children's books totalling about two hours a day, but not in one sitting.

    We started with a few months after she turned 3yo with Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, but we only worked on it in phases, really. We might have done 20 lessons at first and then she just stalled, so I would either back up about 5 to even 10 lessons and then see if she would stall at the same place again. If she went on, we would continue until the next stall. If she stalled at the same place, I would put it away for a few weeks, then back up again for review and begin to challenge her again.

    I would have put it down and waited several months, but she really pestered me about wanting to read and was spelling words on her own too! We stopped using 100EZLessons around lesson 80, because she was reading 2nd grade level books on her own.

    She is now 6 1/2 reading 4th grade level books easily and with expression.
  3. TeacherMom

    TeacherMom New Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    Ds#1 read at 5-6 reluctanly.. fought it all the way to 8-10 when he found Captain Underpants and the Talking Toilets by Dave Pilkey

    dd read at 3 with daddy in bits and peaces, then went on to read alone by 4-5. She was writing her name at 2+ though on her own so she is acception.

    Ds#2 read at 5 well enough to read along with the 2/5$ books from Wal mart.
  4. WIMom

    WIMom New Member

    Aug 9, 2007
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    My son started picking up sight words around 4 1/2 (words such as on, off, pizza, kids, toys, ice cream, cat, dog, God, phone, Walmart and Target). He just seemed to add to his list of words every few months. He started public school kindergarten knowing about 24 words by sight. He learned phonics and more sight words in K when he was around 6. Sometimes he stumbles on words when trying to sound them out. He is 7. Yesterday he read the word "letter" as "little". He reads alright for now. He's not reading chapter books yet though. I am encouraging him to read, but not pushing. Last spring in public school K he had take home books (reading homework) that he had to read. As the books went up in level and were stories he wasn't interested in he seemed more frustrated. It was like pulling teeth to get him to read. Now, I'm just trying to find books that interest him, so he sees it as enjoyable and not a chore.

    AngeC325-My son didn't walk alone (could walk with help since 10 mos.) until he was about 16 months, but at that point he didn't fall down. My son also refused to potty train until 4 1/2, but then one day he did it and was dry day and night. He never had an accident either.

    My daughter, who turned 4 a few months ago, is learning her letter sounds and knows most of the letters. She seems interested in learning, so we are working on it. She knows how to spell/write her name, her brother's name and two friends' names. She isn't reading yet though.
  5. Ava Rose

    Ava Rose New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    It was hard for me to accept that kids would just "get it" when it came to reading. However, after struggling with my dd, she did finally "get it". lol. My dd started knowing sight words at 3 and reading ok at 5. My ds taught himself how to read at 5. I have never had to instruct him in reading or phonics for more than a simple explanation. He just got it. lol.
  6. amylynn

    amylynn New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    This is so individual to the child that I wouldn't worry about as long as you're doing a little bit each day. My 4 year old is reading anything she can get her hands on but my 3 year old isn't even interested in learning the alphabet!

  7. staying6

    staying6 New Member

    Feb 1, 2008
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    My little girl was reading 3 letter words at 4. My son is 7 and still struggles with 3 letter short vowel words. I have hung up the phonics curriculum for now.

    Better late than harassed and hating reading. ;)
  8. DanielsMom

    DanielsMom New Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Ds started reading 3 letter words at 3. Now he's 5and reading well, but I have no idea on what level. Nor do I care, lol. If he hadn't picked it up on his own, I'm sure I wouldn't be pushing it still. We read a LOT, but he was my one and only for 5 years, so sitting down for a couple of hours with a stack of books was nothing unusual around here!
  9. Songbird

    Songbird New Member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    My eldest read at 6, my second at 4, my third is dyslexic and reading slowly, my fourth read at 5. My fifth child is 2 and is verbally delayed. He was tested deaf in one ear, but was miraculously healed. He is just now putting two-syllable words together.
    the best thing to do is let your child pick out age appropriate books and let them read out loud to their heart's content. This will excite their love of learning and reading. Dr. Suess is a great place to start. You'll soon get tired of hearing "Fox in Socks", but it will be worth every minute!!
  10. MelissainMi

    MelissainMi New Member

    Jun 1, 2006
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    Madison started reading this year, she is 7. while I think last year she could read, this is the first year she's been reading to me. I love it! she however, well says its easier for me to read it, but I dont lol

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