Been one of those weeks….

Discussion in 'Christian Issues' started by kbabe1968, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Started with my husband having a gout attack….I woke up 5:00 a.m. Monday to run to the drugstore to get the emergency script our doc called in for him.

    Took my oldest to class.

    Came home, did laundry.

    Took MIL to grocery shopping. While we were checking out, she got REALLY sick. And I mean, REALLY sick. Ended up calling 911 and her going to ER. Got home from the hospital at midnight.

    She'd been admitted. I got up the next morning, left my kids with my husband who still couldn't even put any weight on his leg. And spent the day in the hospital with my MIL. Who was still REALLY sick. And they still didn't know what was wrong.

    Weds, hubby was better and was able to go see her. Then we all went back Weds night. AFter we left, they moved her to ICU. Sigh.

    Thursday he went back again, then I went in the evening.

    She's doing MUCH better. We don't know when she's coming home. I'm slightly praying she comes home AFTER Christmas b/c if she comes home before then my husband can't come to my parents' house on Christmas Eve which is our tradition. Obviously, I do want her home for Christmas. I feel like such a heel.

    I've been in a few more times. She's still very, very weak. Turned out to be an extremely inflamed bowel and they were trying to figure out what it was.

    Yesterday, while hubby and youngest daughter were at the hospital, I went down to my laundry room and saw water EVERYWHERE. Washer was broke broke broke. Had 9 loads of laundry to do!!! UGH!!!!

    Hubby got me a different Christmas present than expected, and thankfully they delivered it today. I can't believe how bad my old washer and dryer was! I've done 5 loads in less than 4 hours….wow. I might not hate laundry anymore!

    Anyway….it's been a week!!!!!

    Thankful that God was here every single step of the way….but hoping that this new week is not filled with stresses!!!!!
  3. AngeC325

    AngeC325 New Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Praying that you have a much calmer week.
  4. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    Hey how are things going?
  5. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Life has been hard lately. God is good, and TOTALLY here with me. But it's been hard.

    Counting my blessings and trying to live Eucharisteo.
  6. aggie01

    aggie01 New Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    I am sorry to hear that. At least you don't feel alone. God is good, even when times are tough. Is your MIL home and healthy yet?
  7. kbabe1968

    kbabe1968 New Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Home, yes. Healthy, no. I do believe they should have sent her to rehab before sending her home. They did not. She is very weak. She leans towards the dramatic as well, so it's a pain.

    Her negativity is REALLY starting to discourage me. I try to combat her with scripture, she is a believer, but she is very discouraged right now, and very hard to "lift up". It's driving my husband nuts, and I'm trying to be loving and nurturing, but it is very draining.

    She was complaining so much today, that her visiting nurse said she needs to go back to the hospital….and told us we should take her to the ER. She of course, said "No, it's not THAT bad". Um…..okay, which is it???? Are you dying or are you fine? It's trying to figure how much of it is valid and how much of it is drama.

    If I were not a believer, I could not do this. sometimes I hide in my bedroom and pray and read. Then dive right back in again.

    The song "I'm Worn" is really speaking to me right now.

  8. sloan127

    sloan127 Active Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    Krista, I really never had a good relationship with my mother in law. She was very opinionated to say the least and often got upset if everyone didn't do exactly what she wanted to do. That said, she was a loving Grandma to our older three children. By the time we adopted the others she was starting to suffer from dementia and was not easy to get along with. She was harsh with the kids, so we could never leave them alone in a room with her. I think about your situation and wonder if I could ever have been as kind and strong as you are being. I really don't know. I have been praying for your family. I know it is your MIL who is sick, but I just feel like you need lifting up even more. Take time to take care of yourself. Praying today is better for you.
  9. AngeC325

    AngeC325 New Member

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Lifting you up in my prayers that you have the strength and courage to continue on each day.

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