Birds and Bees

Discussion in 'Homeschooling' started by buttrfli, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. buttrfli

    buttrfli New Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    It came up tonite. Luke is 5.5. How old were your kids when "God put it there" was not a satisfactory answer to "where do babies come from?" How did you handle it?
  3. JosieB

    JosieB Active Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    My 6 year old thinks you get married and 3 days later you have a baby. LOL (he said this just the other day-I quickly corrected the 3 day part! hahaha) But for now he's happy with 'you get married, you have babies' I don't know where he came up with his theory but he hasn't asked me or hubby anything. He just thinks he knows. He wants to get a wife for the horse so he can get some baby horses out of the deal :D

    We had 'the talk' with my oldest when he was almost 8.

    I don't lie to my kids, but I give age appropriate answers. Mine have both been more concerned with how a baby gets out than in LOL and 'through my vagina' was answer enough for them both to be satisfied without further explanation until it was time for 'the talk' with the oldest....
  4. Embassy

    Embassy New Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    I don't think I ever gave that answer. If I remember right I would say something about how a dad's seed and the mom's egg getting together makes a baby grow. Around age 5 or so they started to wonder how the seed got into the mom. I just told them that the Daddy put it there. That satisfied them for awhile. Around age 7-8 they learned how the dad put it there.
  5. Emma's#1fan

    Emma's#1fan Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    I do not think there was an exact age when I told my daughter. We have always discussed it when questions came up, age appropriate of course. I started using proper terminology from day one. I didn't want my daughter to think that something so healthy, within marriage, was embarrassing.
  6. fairfarmhand

    fairfarmhand Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    we have a farm. They figure it out around age 6-7.
  7. Meg2006

    Meg2006 New Member

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Ours have never asked. They know that we're trying to have another baby, and I think our oldest thinks that if you pray hard enough then God will give Momma a baby in her tummy and all will rejoice! LOL Until he specifically asks I'm not going to mention anything. Don't want to force him into it when he's not ready. :)
  8. buttrfli

    buttrfli New Member

    Feb 3, 2009
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    I agree with you all. It's interesting timing because our nanny is breeding her dog and my husband just got meat bunnies. So if he's interested he'll have the opportunity to learn.
    For some reason I'm afraid to tell him vagina LOL. I basically explain everything as matter of factly and honestly as possible but only answering what he asks. When he asks more I answer more. I haven't gotten to penis enters vagina but that's the next step. I think he figured it out because this morning he asked how do mommy and daddy's bodies come together and I said we'll mommies have a little hole and daddies have a penis. Then he started talking about daddy's penis! Lol!
    But the questions ranged from where does the baby come out. To which I explained both vaginal and cesarean because I had both. They wanted to know if there was blood and how they put my tummy back together. Luke wanted to know how the baby goes to the bathroom in there. How does the baby come out...not just where (vaginally). Does the sperm come out with the baby. What happens to the pee and the fluid. It was pretty in depth. I just kept my cool and "taught". The same way I do every other topic he asks about. It shouldn't have surprised me cuz he's a curious kid but it just caught me off guard.
  9. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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    Mine haven't really asked, which actually surprises me given how curious they are about everything else. Perhaps because I had c-sections with both, and they know how they were born?
  10. Jackie

    Jackie Active Member

    Jun 20, 2004
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    But my aunt had a baby c-section, so OF COURSE that was the way the baby got "out" of its mommy's tummy. I was about ten when my best friend informed me how babies came out. I KNEW that was SO WRONG, because of my aunt. I remember doing dished with Mom, and saying, "You'll never believe what Beth told me...." Needless to say, Mom told me that Beth was correct. When I explained the (obvious to me) discrepency of the size of the hole to the size of the baby, she told me, "But it stretches." Three babies later, I STILL have trouble with that "stretches" business, lol!
  11. 2littleboys

    2littleboys Moderator

    Aug 9, 2009
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  12. leissa

    leissa New Member

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Isn't it weird the way a kid's mind works and the theories they can come up with? When I was little, I thought you had to be a nurse or a doctor to have a baby. For my kids, I worked it into our science class a couple of years ago, when we got to anatomy and all the various systems. It was much easier to just lump it together with the digestive proceess and the respiratory system. They already knew about puberty, since I had an early bloomer and I had to do a crash course so dd wouldn't think she was dying! Strangely, the technical discussion of pregnancy and childbirth wasn't nearly as difficult for me as the discussion on puberty and the various changes. There is not a single book published to tell you how to deal with your 7 yr olds horrified "I'm going to do WHAT every month??!"
  13. MinnieMouse

    MinnieMouse New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I have done it pretty much the same way with my older two. I actually thoroughly enjoyed the conversations with them because the looks of horror they gave me were hysterical! lol They knew how it worked mostly anyhow since we raised chickens and well roosters are very active little men! :lol:
  14. vantage

    vantage Active Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I answered all questions truthfully and clinically as they were asked.

    But be careful and only anwer the questions they are actually asking, not the one you are afraid they are asking. LOL

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